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A member registered Aug 06, 2019

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Good attempt! It's interesting being limited to only one tower. It reminds me of the tower defense games where the player is fighting along side their towers in some fashion, except this time it's just the player. I think you could tone down the number of enemies spawned at the start though. Right now it feels like you're overwhelmed before you have the chance to get off the ground.

Great submission! I thought the game had a super high level of polish and zipping around with your shard was a lot of fun. Some comments: The shard doesn't work that well as a "hit point" because getting it knocked away often means your stuck anyways. Throwing your shard midair so that your character never touches the ground from start to end of level is awesome. That said, it's not ideal that often you're throwing off screen where you have no knowledge of what you're teleporting into. I might suggest adding an option to recall your shard without teleporting to it.

This game felt super unique! It was fun to try out different combinations and acts to see how everything plays out.  As a history lover, I also loved the advancing timeline and the schisms in the faith that would occur.

Excellent game! The controls and collision detection are a bit wonky in places but I loved having to maneuver between the 3 powers to get to the end of each level. I also really liked the graphic design and the color pallet just clicked for me. I could totally see you expanding this to a larger affair.

The movement with dashing feels a bit janky at first but has a surprising amount of depth to it. I like all the cool maneuvers you can pull off with your three dashes. That said, I think you could've spread out your difficulty curve more and the implementation to "only one" felt a bit tangential.