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A member registered Dec 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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I released my first horror game recently and am looking for some genuine feedback. I've had a few people play, but no one really leaves any comments. I appreciate any comments, such as:

  • How do the controls feel?
  • Was it fun to play?
  • What did you like the most?
  • What would you change / add?
Most importantly: was it scary?

If you could also include how many tries it took you to complete that'd be appreciated for balancing purposes.

I appreciate anyone who takes their time to play or give feedback, thanks a lot! :)


I thought so. It would be really helpful if there was an option to hide them. I may make a new post in the ideas / feedback thread then.

When you submit a game to a game jam, you get a tag / link on the game page in the top right saying something like 'Submission to XYZ Jam'. However, I was wondering if there is a way to remove this.

I recently submitted a game to a small local game jam, and the tag can be seen on my game page. I would like to hide this tag as it was a very small jam, and contains personal information. However, I would like my game to remain public and in the jam as it was a winning submission. After lots of research, it seems my only two options are to remove the submission (how does this work as the jam has ended? Will a new winner be picked?) or duplicate the project so it no longer has the tag (although I would then have two identical projects, unless I made the jam submission private, which again I don't want to do).

This was the only post I found mentioning something like this: about a year ago, but it doesn't seem to have been followed up on. I really think there should be an option to hide jam links on game pages.

Thank you :)

haha thanks for playing, glad you had fun :)

Oh okay that makes sense, thanks. You don't actually get money from killing enemies, you have to kill the enemies that are defending a planet, and then destroy the mining sites at that planet to gain money. But due to the UI saying 9999 I can understand the confusion, I'll look into that bug. Thanks for this feedback, it helps a lot!

Thank you for playing! Others have mentioned this, so we do plan to rework the movement entirely to make the game easier to play.

Thanks for the feedback, we hope to improve our game after the jam.

I haven't heard anyone else say the shop wasn't working, did you have enough money to purchase upgrades/refuel, and were you able to open the shop in the first place? If so then this could be a bug we didn't find during testing.

Here's mine :)

Thank you for the feedback! We will take your notes into consideration, as we intend to revamp the movement and hopefully add a tutorial.

Thanks for playing!

We intend to revamp the movement in the next update based on feedback like yours. To get money you had to kill the enemies that defended a planet. Mining sites would then appear that you can destroy for money. Thanks for the feedback though, really appreciate it!

Once you defeat the enemies surrounding a planet, mining sites would appear, then you can break them for money. I'll be sure to include a tutorial in the next update. Thanks for playing!

Here's mine

Here's mine :)

Explore the galaxy and reach the center of the universe!

Hope you like it!

Yeah, we hope to release a big post-jam update very soon. Thanks so much for the feedback!

Thanks for trying it!

Here's my game:

Cool game, the art, lighting, and music are all great! I also did swim straight into the red potion like others xD but after that I learnt to dodge them.

Thanks :)

(2 edits)

Sure, here's mine

Cool idea, now you just need a few more levels!

Fun simple game, played it quite a few times. Good graphics and audio, all round pretty good. Would be really cool if there's more upgrades, more ores, different pickaxes etc. but I'm sure you'll add these things if you decide to do an update. Very cool game.

Thanks for playing! The hyperspeed is initially quite slow because there are many engine upgrades to buy from the shops to make it faster! Hmm... I haven't heard of that happening, will have to do some bug fixing, thanks.

Art and music is very good, overall a solid game. Drawing the power cable was very cool too. I think the levels were a bit big and simple but for a game jam that's to be expected. Nice job!

Fun game! Played it for a while and got to mining silver, but it was too repetitive by then. Graphics were quite simple and the map had a few graphical glitches but overall a nice game!

I had some good fun playing this, I tried each element - they each had unique attacks which was cool. In the end the stone was the best, as you could just go through the cave as fast as you can and spam the ultimate, so I ended up getting 82. Art and audio could do with some work, but the gameplay itself was solid. Fun game.

We know the controls are a bit complicated, but thought they were pretty cool once you got used to them. However, based on feedback we are going to refine them a little. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! :)

This was cool! The art and atmosphere was good. I think the movement could be finetuned, but it was still alright. I got pushed out the map first try, but then I managed to complete it the next try with 116 seconds left!

Thanks for playing!


Hey, thanks for playing! Yeah I know the main menu volume slider doesn't work. The one in the pause menu does though haha. And yeah, I'll be refining the movement in a future update, thanks!

Thank you for trying it, we will take your feedback into consideration.



Planning to add lots more in the next update. Thanks for playing!

Very cool game, the UI is amazing, as well as the graphics. I think its a bit hard at the start, and like people said, maybe show the keybinds because I had to open another tab to see the controls on the game page. Very cool concept, I like the camera flash being used as a weapon.