We planned to do many more mini games and choices but you know how Jams are...
Thanks a lot for the feedback!
We are new to Godot and I didn't really know how to export the game correctly... What do you mean with the .pick file?
Also, we run out of time so the game isn't actually finished, but we wanted to left the proof that we made something 😅
When the game is finished we will upload it back to itch.io so if you could try it out and give feedback it would be great (oh, and don't expect it to be anywhere near Hitman quality jejeje.)
Are we on time to change the file and if so how do we do it?
Thanks a lot.
wow... AMAZING!! I absolutely loved it and I really enjoyed listening to it! The first minute I was thinking: "Where is the progressive rock or metal??" And then the drop kick in. The drums were PERFECT and the guitars where really nice too.
About the game you are trying to express I think it fits really well and that you made great job.
I think it's one of the most creative pieces I've heard so far and I think you deserve at least top 10!
Amazing job! :)
Hey! Beautiful, absolutely amazing!
I think you perfectly achieved that space train feel you were aiming for and I really enjoyed listening to it! Also, most of the songs were good when played in reverse but they lost a lot of their feeling, but this one, wow it felt perfectly fine to listen to it in reverse too!
Amazing job, hope you get top 10!
Hi! That was absolutely amazing! I think that's the last thing I expected to see in this jam... I did all 4 paths and my favorite is the Relaxing Cabin :)
I love how creative your idea is and, although you didn't really use it in the music itself, I really like how your path is a palindrome.
Also, the begging and end tracks are really cool with the symmetric lyrics. I would only change slightly the melody of the vocals to make it perfect!
Amazing job, you deserve at least top 3!
Hi! That was great! It completely had that Lena Raine vibe and it's pretty nice. Shopping time has a really nice bass riff and the vibe y great. I really liked Full Moon Thunderstorm but I think a title like Full Moon Waterfall would fit better with the song. Oh and I love the strings in Frozen Waterfall
Nice work!
Hey! Amazing work! The fact that you made this in less than 48 hours is insane! I really liked the idea of the game and I think this music will fit perfectly for it. I encourage you to make it because it could be really nice and fun to play. I really liked the guitars and how you used the reverse technique. Only one thing, if you plan to keep on working on this, I think a leitmotif would be the only thing missing to make it a perfect soundtrack. Great job!
Hi! What a nice game! Really cool idea, graphics and sound! Perhaps it needs something that tells you what you should do? Also, the anvil is not very well implemented. I think it'd be cool if you continued the game. Congratulations!We are the guys that made: Bloody Christmas - Rate