Wow what a great jam game y'all!!
I thought it was very funny and I loved the bug oh my gosh.
I can't believe the "You're the villain" modifier. I want it known that I always kept my bug fed! (So what if the town panic was absolutely through the roof)
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Super rad game! I was really impressed that the whole tour was in the game not just a battle or two! The camera movements were particularly cool and I just loved the art style and vibe. I loved some of the characters so much that I was picking some even if they might not have the best synergies? Look, it worked out for my tour, no regrets!
Wow there's a lot to do in this game! I just got the Cliffgrippers and found the Sound of Cat's Feet that I'd been curious about! I was actually clicking a lot at first and then realized I could hold the button down, which ended up being important, haha.
The feeling of progression is really really good. Upgrades definitely make a huge difference! I'll definitely be back to pack up and head out into the strange cave. :)
Wow!! I am so impressed with this game. Especially with the amount of content! There's so much there is to see and do. And you do it on a giant squirrel?! Yeah what a super fun premise. :D
The layout of information is really nice and I know it's a small thing but the little sound effects when you succeed or fail on a dice roll are really good. I was happy to see that the tutorial was a 'free action' 😂
This is a good game to sit down and enjoy with a cup of tea. :)
What a great idea! The first time I hit the pause button I was really surprised! XD Haha, of course I hit the back to menu button, of course! This actually isn't only innovative, but adds a lot to a shooter because you have to pay attention to what you are shooting! It was a bunch of fun and the aesthetics were super clean and nice as well. Awesome job!! :D
Wow! What a great entry. The art style and music were really great, even the font, everything went together really well. The atmosphere was totally engaging! It was a simple little story but I cared about it. The game was interesting all the way through always with something new and absolutely no fluff. Such a little gem! Great job.
I really liked the idea of the block at the touch of a button! It was really fun. I really wish the jumping was faster and not so floaty. It took so long to get through the end of level 1 when I was dying at the last part, maybe have a checkpoint? Or if the jumping controls were faster, maybe it wouldn't be a problem anymore. Either way, I liked the designs of the levels! Nice job. :)