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A member registered Feb 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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The visuals looked very good, but it was a little confusing. After the first level, i had to figure out what i should be doing, but the second level still confused me. The rock on top of the hill disappeared, and then rolled over the machine gunner(and the shooting sound effect didn't stop). Also it's very short(took like 2 minutes to finish). It looks like you didn't split the time well, but i can definitely see the potential!

I loved the visuals and the soundtrack was also good. Would appreciate some hotkeys for selecting different items, but other than that a very good game.

I enountered a few spelling errors, such as "Welll", but other than that it was fun. One thing that i loved was the soundtrack. I think you could've added a sound for walking on the grass to make the slow walking more interesting (as that is the only thing you do basically). I had a good time playing this one, so well done.

Great atmospheric experience. Really liked the visuals, and the story was also good. The audio was creeping me out. Overall had a good time.

The game feels very polished for a jam game. Interesting mechanic that makes for some great puzzles. There is not much to criticize here, well done!

Thanks, i'm glad to hear you like the game. For the next game jam, i'll know to keep the introductions shorter, as there are many games and people just can't spend too much time on one game.  Thanks for the encouraging words, and i'll check your game soon.

Thank you for the kind words, i'm glad you enjoyed my game. I will check your game out too.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into the WebGL version, because it ran smoothly the first time i published it. Thanks for playing.

Glad you liked it. I wanted to add more enemies, or weapons, but i unfortunately had no time left. I also underestimated playtesting and the game ended up way harder/longer than anticipated.

Will get to it tomorrow :)

Appreciate your feedback. I recorded the sounds with my friend, so it was even more funny. I found out that the game is much longer after the deadline. My biggest mistake was making the level as the last thing, so there was no time for playtesting. One thing that i wanted to add was an enemy shooting projectiles, but i had no time left for that. Thank you for playing and for the feedback.

Hi, thanks for the feedback. I'm aware the game is very difficult and long. Much longer than i wanted it to be tbh. I would definitely want to make the game shorter (end easier), but i think i can't change the level after the jam. I struggled with drawing the human characters, i'll have to work on that. Thank you for playing. Appreciate the feedback.

i felt like it was a bit too fast. I understand you wanted to make it faster than the player, but i often had nowhere to run. 2 solutions that come to mind are to add more objects to hide behind, or simply make the letter a bit slower.

Just played your game. I'm looking forward to your feedback. Also i'm working on adding a Mac build right now, and should it be availible in a few minutes. However, i can't test it's functionality, so hopefully it will work fine.

I'm not really a fan of horror games, but when i put my bias aside, this game has a really great atmosphere, and it was creeping me out (which isn't that hard tbh). I respect you for making a 3d game, even with voice acting in a week. That had to take a lot of time. Really solid entry. Honestly, i can't say i had a good time, because as i said i don't like horror games, but objectively it's a great game.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep in mind to keep the introductions short for my next jam entry. Thanks for playing. :)

Hey, i just left some feedback on your game. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on my game.

Great idea. The game was fun, but i felt like the letters were a little too strong. That's about the only issue i have. One more thing that comes into mind is that the trees stack on each other in a weird way.

Otherwise a fun game.

Ah i see. The background really caught my eye so that was what i was asking about specifically. Thank you for the answer. :)

Interesting mechanincs and story. The gameplay is good, but the controld felt a bit too sensitive. I think the music could be improved(It didn't feel as dark as the rest of the game) and sometimes the woman got stuck in walls. Otherwise a great game.

Just played you game. I'd be happy if you could take a look at mine.

I absolutely love the vibe of this game. The audio and graphics are on point, and it's a lot of fun to play. There were 2 things that bothered me. My main complaint is the flashing(already mentioned many times, i know). It was exhausting to play because of the constant flashing. I feel like it was too agressive. Also some sort of checkpoints would be nice, as dying at the end of the 2nd level was pretty frustraiting. I really liked this game, but those 2 problems were holding it back a little.

Hi, i'm sorry but i don't have anyone to play with. Also from what i've seen i need 2 controllers to play(with someone), which i don't have.

I know, i didn't take it as an insult no worries. You pixel-art is by far better than mine. I actually have a question regarding that, what resolution did you make your sprites in? I used 32x32 but i felt like it limited me too much sometimes.

Thank you for the kind words, i'm glad you liked it. :)

Thank you! I'll look into the checkpoint bug. I'm glad you liked my game, thanks for the feedback.

Yes i did play in the browser. I didn't think it would make much difference, but i'll try downloading it ;).

Some beautiful visuals and good music. It was pretty difficult, but one thing that i would change is the shooting mechanic. When you shoot the heart, it moves in the direction of the mouse, BUT it also moves forward. Don't know if that is intentional, but it made it almost impossible to hit anything for me. Otherwise had a really good time in this one.

Just played your game and left some feedback. I'm hoping you will enjoy my game as well.

This was a good idea, and had fun playing this one. The music is also good. Here are some things i think could be improved:

The graphics were a little rough. Especially the grass. When i tried to catch some fish, i approached the "pool" and i couldn't properly see the letters that i was supposed to write. The text on the floor isn't probably the best place, and the UI overall could be improved.

But i think that what you have achieved in one week is great and i enjoyed this one.

Just played your game. Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

This was one of the best games in this jam i have played so far. The visuals are simple, yet the are enough. The idea is great. I had no one to play with, but i can imagine it would be really fun. Probably a little hard, because i struggled even when i saw everything (I'm actually not sure how to finish the first level :D). I think the music could be improved. Overall a very good game.

(1 edit)

There's quite a few games in here, and it might take me a few days to get to your game, but don't worry, I will play them all!

Yes there should've been more checkpoints. I'll remember to do that next time. As for the bug, i actually know about that (It's written on the games page), but i'm not sure why it happens. I appreciate your feedback, thank you.

Yes they are self made. I recorded them with a friend and it was a lot of fun. :D

I agree that my skills regarding graphics aren't good, but on the other hand it was my first project where i did all the art myself. There's definitely room for improvement and i hope to become better at it with each project. Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it. :)

Thanks for the feedback! I didn't want the player to spam the attack, but rather use it strategically. I might have overdone the timer. Anyway thanks for playing.

(1 edit)

Put your games below and i will play and rate them tommorow (If there will be a lot of them it might take me a few days to get to your game, but i'll try to check them all). I'll also try to leave some feedback in the comments. In return, i'd be happy if you would play and rate my game here:

Alright i see... Thanks for the clarification!

Here is my game. Any kind of feedback is appreciated, and i hope you enjoy my game. (I'll definitely check your game later!)

Good soundtrack and unusual visuals. Looked great (the characters, the environment not so much) , but i don't think i understood what i'm supposed to do. I always managed to find some objects in the first room, and after a few seconds i got moved to a room with no way out. Am i just supposed to survive in that room for as long as i can, using the weapons i found in the first room, or is there some way out?