Could've used some more challenging puzzles, but very impressive for being made in Monogame in 2 days.
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You all did it once again, making a game with incredible polish in such a short time frame. I did feel like this game was slightly weak on the gameplay side. It can get quite difficult quickly, and it doesn't exactly feel likely I'm moving toward a specific goal. I felt especially iffy on the fact that you earn money, but can't use that money to buy anything. The game is certainly charming and charismatic. However I know that you two can design a game loop that its engaging for a longer period of time. I'd hope that an update to this game (wink wink) might include a bit more gameplay depth or at least a smoother difficulty curve than the original.
Game could definitely use a proper obstacle and win state. I notice that the description says to "Crush 10,000 verts," but after getting to 10,000, I noticed nothing changed. I can definitely understand where time might've gotten lost using Monogame. I definitely wouldn't suggest using a game programming framework for a jam this short unless you already had some building blocks set (aka you made your own engine). In any case, it's an achievement to get something out in Monogame in such a short time.
Game is well put together for being made in such a short time frame, however game loop feels incomplete since there is no win state. Because there is no win state the dominant strategy of collecting all the food in one place and easily squashing bugs emerges, and the game becomes mindlessly easy. I think if you guys leaned a bit more into a standard tower defense game structure and made it so that you can move your weak points, the game could have been more continually engaging without you needing to put in that much extra work. Still, great job for the time allotted.
Visually cohesive, adrenaline-activating, and very replayable. This game is super impressive considering it was made in just two days. My only gripe with it is that it's hard to tell if you've turned around, and by the time you notice, you've probably already screwed up your run. Otherwise great game y'all!
I like the concept of this game. The proximity-based launch was a neat mechanic! I think with a bit more tuning and some polish this could make a really nice little speed running game. This would be a bit more complex, but I think it'd be cool if your launch was determined by a directional swipe through enemies (kinda like fruit ninja but a platformer). Great job y'all!
This is a really interesting idea; having to discern whether the person at the door is friend or foe depending on their silhouette. I wish the text mattered a bit more though, because once I figured out the differences between each silhouette I could always win. Great job nonetheless, this is a nice puzzle game!
Incredible animations, well-done ai and hitboxes, but unclear theme and obscured difficulty curve. I legitimately had fun mashing the "u" button and beating up children to steal their candy for a while; the core gameplay is so fluid. However without a distinct difficulty curve or goal, I started to get tired eventually. I love the idea of a Halloween-themed beat-em up game, and your team clearly has the skills to make a great one. Amazing job guys!
I like it. Clearly it was somewhat engrossing considering I probably played for 12-15mins. I sought my way out to no avail. I think you all made a nice underwater maze. If you had gotten some sounds in there I probably would have played even longer. This game reminds me of "Feed the Deep" by the guy who made Fruit Ninja.
You all did a great job with the flash light mechanic and the glowsticks were a great idea. The character controller also feels really nice; it's floaty but controllable. Great work guys!
This game was really charming. The character designs were cute, the voice acting and sounds were immersive, and the gameplay was simple but fun. I got some solo Among Us vibes.
I really like the idea that you lied on your resume! I think there's a lot of really cool things you could do with that idea, like making your solutions to problems ephemeral. If this game had dialogue trees and better readability I think it could be a small hit. Great work for only two days, you should be proud of yourselves!
This game seems like it might've been a bit hard to get off of the ground. 3D for a 48 hour game jam at all is tough, and using Unreal is no joke. That being said, (provided there aren't bugs) I think y'all could've made something greater by just focusing on creating one solid level. I got through the first level, then I died, then I spawned off the map and feel in too deep to a black hole. I like the boomer shooter vibe y'all seemed to be going for, but the theme of the game wasn't really apparent to me. Seems like you guys have some skilled artists on the team who didn't have the time to show off their full capabilities. If you continue to work on this project I'm excited to see where it goes.
This game has a nice bit of polish. It looks pretty good, however I would've liked to see some expansion on the game of black jack. Maybe the devil can cheat and see your hand, maybe you can call in a divine favor and see his. Maybe you have to figure out what the devil is doing to cheat each round otherwise you'll lose. I think it'd be great to have seen any of these new, spicy features, but if polish is what you were practicing, you did a great job!
This game certainly got a long playtime out of me. I was probably playing for about 10 mins which is rare for a 48 hour game jam game. Despite the simple graphics and arcadey gameplay, this game feels alive. Things are random enough that I don't notice seeing the same assets, and the sounds are very well done. The difficulty of the game is also tuned well. I feel like I have control over my character but not so much that the game becomes easy. I also got into a few riveting situations where I started getting close to the black hole and ran out of full, but just saved myself in time to escape. Super awesome feeling! Great job guys you made an amazing game!
You definitely nailed making this game easy to replay. Had the levels been much longer or the controls more complex I probably would've quit before I finished the final level (that precision jump was tough!)
The visual art is well put together. However I don't really think the music fits the game. It sounds to modern and "in the city" than I feel belongs in a game like this.
All in all good job. This is a neat puzzle game.
A neat set of games. Would've gotten repetitive less quickly if there was a weighted random to the game choice. I got the same games several times and kind of got bored.
That said, the great sound design of this game(s) really ties the experience together. Had there been more variety and an increase in difficulty in the games themselves, I would've had a hard time putting this game down.
Pretty neat concept! It would be really helpful though if there was some UI that told you your current controls. Having to memorize them is pretty tough.
Maybe one other thing would be having a brief slow-mo or pause in the game whenever the controls change. This way players have time to adjust.
You could make something pretty neat if you fleshed out this concept more. Great work!