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A member registered Oct 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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Lez goooo 138 points i love this game, great Idea!

infact, at the end of the page for this game jam you can find the answer to the question of game engines:

(you should see a screenshot right after this sentence)

There should be no rules against the use of the scratch "engine" (you can use any game engine tbh), but i would consider using something different, something easy like Pygame for example, since scratch is not really made for game jams, and i have no idea how you expect to submit your game using scratch. But hey, it's your game your choice, this is only my opinion.

Note: if you have any framework that you'd like to learn with this jam, let me know. If you don't know wich framework to learn, if you want i can help you choose one.

Also, we have a 14 hour difference in time, so i'm writing to you now, but it's only 10 a.m. where i live, so yea... communication Is gonna be hard using only

Sure, i'd love to learn a new framework. But we still need a way to comunicate that Is not, even if It Isn't discord, if you have another way to comunicate please tell me.

Hi, i'm a solo student dev too, i've done some jams before and i usually use them to learn something new (new programming language, new framework, ecc...). I'm using this game jam specifically to learn Godot.

I have experience with C++, Lua, C, Python and some C#. Also i used engines in the past like Unity and Unreal Engine, but i've took a long break from engines to learn more how to make games with frameworks (such as SDL2, pygame and Love2D).

I'd love to work with you on this jam, my timezone is GMT+2 and here is my discord: evocorps

.rar files are almost the same things as .zip files, you have to extract it to run it, if you don't know how to extract a .rar file here is a video for it.

NOTE: make sure you don't already have things such as 7zip installed, you can do that by searching in the search bar for windows, if you already have them installed just double click the .rar files (if you have WIN11 click on "more options") and then hover with the mouse over an option called 7zip and then click "extract here"

Hope this helps - Franko

Very cozy game, really love the gameplay but a bit confusing controls at first, would have loved to see the cards follow my mouse so i knew what to do with them at first sight.

Very good use of the assets, love the idea behind it.

Very unique idea, loved the gameplay!

thank you, glad you enjoyed the game! I tried adding wrapping to the sides too but i couldn't make enough levles for it. Thank you for your feedback! - Franko

cool game! i like gameplay, even if sometimes it feels a bit unfaris when enmy can move more than i can

Hi, glad you enjoyed the game, i included that option to give the player some more challeng, but many ppl foudn that easy haha

Very nice game! This is giving me strong PikuNiku vibes

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nice little game, love the fact that you can bagn your head at the bombs as you place them

Very nice gameplay!, hard to get in at first but then i was hooked! Love the fact that you can "decide your own fate" by making the dungeon

fun little game, misses a lot about the gameplay tho

very cool battle system, gives pokemon vibes but if it had merged with super auto pets. love the game

Great game, there is a lack of animations tho, and i think it would ahve been nicer to have some indicators when you're nesar a vilalge, cuz right now theyr'e pretty hard to find!

Hi, nice game, wuold have been better if you used different music because what there is now as music is really bad imo

Thank you, glad you enjoyed this game!

check if you have selected the right tree, i had that problem too, also they have to be in the right perspective! Hope this helped!

Very interesting concept, fun to play for a bit, but gets stressing and repetitve after some time. I think changing music would help make this feel less repetitive tho

Thank you!

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yes it is! so yea, you're right, it is required to shoot

thank you for your feedback, game has different endings if you don't kil anyone so it's not required oto shoot! Gald you enjoyed the game ! - Franko

Really a well made game!

I really love the music design, the main menu theme seems like a swing with this call-response the bass gives ( i suppose it's something like C - Eb - G - Eb 3 times and then C - G - A - B and repeat), also i really love the gameplay too, the fact that you can choose wich character to play and they give differnt looks on the game is really enjoyable!

Very original concept! i really love the sound desing and the satisfaction you get with each playthrough! Well made

I always love a nice little cozy game, car seems to bump up and down in time with the music, love that haha

really fun to play, well made for the 48 hours mark. i love the music!

Very fun game, but music gets repetitive at times

Thank you, glad you enjoyed my game - Franko

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Wow this feedback was really good, i never tought about auto-flying! Thank you for playing, im very glad you liked my game! I already addressed how that bug works but here is an explaination :

  1. When you change levels, the game stores the bullets position (idk why, it isn't a feature, it just does that)
  2. when changing levels, the game clears all enemy, but cannot clear all bullets (otherwise an error comes up)
  3. When changing levels the game spawns you at the bottom of the screen
  4. so that means, that if you switch levels and you spawn with three bullets above you, you're dead

I am so sorry that this bug ruined your game experience, I tried to solve it, but nothing worked.

Thank you again for playing my game, and thank you for your time. - Franko

EDIT: i hope this explaination made you understeand how this bug works, and i hope next time i won't leave a bug like this one in the game haha

Thank you for playing, i'm glad you liked the gameplay. - Franko

Thank you for playing the game, this game was inspired by 1942 for the nes, but then i tought that adding the freedom for the player to move around (without being forced to go upwards all the time) was a better solution to the problem of the theme not fitting a lot.

Thank you for your feedback. - Franko

Hi, thank you for playing. Im glad you enjoyed the game. Your feedback about the indicato is somethiing i tought about, i tought about adding an arrow that points upwards when taking all bulbs and an indicator that makes you see how many bubls out of 5 you have collected, but i tried and failed miserably haha, at the end i didn't have enough time to submit the bugfixes and the updates so i think i might update a better version with all the feedbacks when jam finishes.

Thank you for your time - Franko

Thank you for playing the game, glad you enjoyed it. I would have loved to be able to implement a tutorial, but there wasn't much time left. Nice for you to be still able to finish the game! Thank you again for your feedback. - Franko

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Thank you for playing the game, glad you liked it! I'm glad someon finished the pacifist run haha, thank you again for your feedback and thank you for your time - Franko

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thank you for playing, that is a bug unfortunately that i couldn't fix in time. Here is an explaination of how that bug works:

  1. When you change levels, the game stores the bullets position (idk why, it isn't a feature, it just does that)
  2. when changing levels, the game clears all enemy, but cannot clear all bullets (otherwise an error comes up)
  3. so that means, that if you switch levels and you spawn with three bullets above you, you're dead

I am so sorry that this bug ruined your game experience, I tried to solve it, but nothing worked.

Thank you again for playing my game, and thank you for your time. - Franko

EDIT: if you want, pleas try reaching part 2 again, i'll assure you that if there are no bullets at the bottom of the screen when changin levels, you will not die