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I was wondering what I had done to "die" and trigger death's dialogue when I hadn't been hit by anything (I was playing so good) and I realize that an enemy got like... stuck or something inside the bubble I was throwing around and was hitting me as it came out. I ended up getting soft locked in a room because the enemy wouldn't die in the bubble, so it just kept coming out of me and doing damage to me, but never dying itself. I swear to god if this is a bait and switch and that's how the game is supposed to end I'm gonna lose it!!!
All of that aside:
- the music was great
- the controls were great
- the items felt impactful
- so much polish
I watched you make this and was looking forward to playing it, I'm so glad I did!
I have never been good at these kinds of ship in space games with their rotational movement but this game was so pretty to look at. I also couldn't tell what the grabber did when you activate it, it just slowly moves to the other side of the screen and underneath the enemy. I must have just not used it at the appropriate time to get a feel for the use. Super polished, fun to listen to, and great to watch. Very nice!
I'm not quite sure if I just "didn't get it" but he never chased me or cared if he was on fire, so I just spent 10 minutes playing with his physics by making him stand on top of buildings. The game never ended or gave me the impression it was going to.
Having said that, the sound design was phenomenal, I loved the slightly foggy aesthetic, and I feel like something like that has a lot of potential with more than 2 weeks of dev time
Art style was very cute and drew me in immediately!
Ended up getting soft locked in a situation where I had no energy and no coins and every card required energy. I'd have some kind of check to see if the player has the chance to make a choice and end the game if they can't, or make it so that there's always 1 card in the hand that costs 0 energy so they always have an option even if it's not great.
This definitely has potential to expand and grow!