Nice game, this has huge potential. I am sure with more time the game will be even better. Given the tight time frame you both achieved a lot. As others have stated more hand holding initially will be necessary, that can be reduced to things such as feedback via sound or visual prompts. Additionally some signs could also help for the more intricate parts of the game.
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I am going to go play and rate your game now. Please rate and play our game. Thank you.
I am going to go play and rate your game now. Please rate and play our game. Thank you.
I am going to go play and rate your game now. Please rate and play our game. Thank you.
I am going to go play and rate your game now. Please rate and play our game. Thank you.
I am going to go play and rate your game now. Please rate and play our game. Thank you.
I am going to go play and rate your game now. Please rate and play our game. Thank you.
I am going to go play and rate your game now. Please rate and play our game. Thank you.
I am going to go play and rate your game now. Please rate and play our game. Thank you.
Thank you for playing our game and thank you for the feedback. We will try to improve the clarity of the instructions in the future. I am sorry you encountered some bugs.
Though some is unavoidable, given the decisions that we made. I opted for a Single threaded build of the engine, and as such some pausing of the main thread is required in order to load and unload assets. In the future we may take a different approach and load everything upfront to reduce this during game play.
Impressive game man. I love that the runs can be edited. I definitely think you are on to something here. The ability to edit and create your own levels is a powerful concept. Thank you for sharing! Very inspiring. Also one more note, I do not consider this game a failure by any means. But I get it we all get to set the goals of our own projects.
Hey I just wanted to let you know, that you are not alone. We also failed to find our target audience. But just the same you can still find a lot to take away for the one on one time with fellow developers. Some of them will have some great feedback and insight. I am going to go try your game now. See my similar post here: