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A member registered Jul 01, 2023

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The slaver quest when going into a bandit fort doesn't trigger, so I am unable to locate Cali in 09.b version.

In 09.a the new location was triggered as soon as I entered a fort, but it doesn't work in the latest version. I went through several bandit fort dungeons in case of the location was actually hidden in the dungeon but still nothing. 

 I tried starting a new game and going modded or unmodded, but doesn't change anything

It need to be your  base wits. if you reach 80 thanks to some bonuses like equipping objecst or class it's not enough. 

.Agreed. I have already suggested it

Hello, same problem here. The game freeze on the victory screen but only in Very hard category dungeons. It's doesn't happend 100% after each fight but still a majority of time. I save and tried and was able to pass some dungoens levels but the bug appears to often to make them playable. 

Godot Engine v3.5.1.stable.official.6fed1ffa3 -

OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti/PCIe/SSE2

Async. shader compilation: OFF

Game Version: 0.8.0a

OS: Windows

Generating portrait attribute cache took 0 minutes and 9 seconds.

Mod Loader: 4.0

TW more_presets

TW dungeon_expansion

TW breed_anyone

TW alchemy_expansion

TW Threaded Image Load

TW Skill Descriptions

TW Service approximation

TW Persistent Skill Panel

TW Oldschool Stat Caps

TW More Family Relations

TW Kennels

TW Dynamic Gui Lib

TW Dungeon Purchase Tabs

TW Character Creation Image Select

TW Better Class Select

TW Add Family Relationships

SfCRevamp Skills

SfCRevamp Rooms

SfCRevamp Races

SfCRevamp Pregen

SfCRevamp Location Names

SfCRevamp Jobs

SfCRevamp Items

SfCRevamp Equipment

SfCRevamp Dates and Pregnacy

SfCRevamp Classes

SfC Arics Races

SfC Arics Positions

More Improved Random Portraits

Marriage and More


Classes Unlimited

Filtered on race HalfkinBird, resulted in 0 portraits.

Filtered on race TribalElf, resulted in 340 portraits.

Filtered on gender male, resulted in 23 portraits.

Filtered on age mature, resulted in 17 portraits.

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'float' in operator '*'.

   at: apply_atomic (res://src/classes/ - Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'float' in operator '*'.

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'float' in operator '*'.

   at: apply_atomic (res://src/classes/ - Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'float' in operator '*'.

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'float' in operator '*'.

   at: apply_atomic (res://src/classes/ - Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'float' in operator '*'.

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'float' in operator '+'.

   at: get_rolled_diff (<built-in>:1476) - Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'float' in operator '+'.

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid type in built-in function 'min'. Cannot convert argument 1 from Nil to float.

   at: generate_random_character_from_data (res://tmp/ - Invalid type in built-in function 'min'. Cannot convert argument 1 from Nil to float.

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_icon_small' in base 'Nil'.

   at: victory (res://gui_modules/Universal/Scripts/ - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_icon_small' in base 'Nil'.

warning bonus not found price_mul

warning bonus not found price_mul

warning bonus not found price_mul

warning bonus not found price_mul

warning bonus not found price_mul

warning bonus not found price_mul

warning bonus not found price_mul

warning bonus not found price_mul

warning bonus not found price_mul

warning bonus not found price_mul

warning bonus not found price_mul

warning bonus not found price_mul

ERROR: Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.

   at: ~List (./core/self_list.h:108) - Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.

ERROR: Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.

   at: ~List (./core/self_list.h:108) - Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.

ERROR: Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.

   at: ~List (./core/self_list.h:108) - Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.

WARNING: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).

   at: cleanup (core/object.cpp:2070) - ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).

ERROR: Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).

   at: clear (core/resource.cpp:417) - Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).

ERROR: There are still MemoryPool allocs in use at exit!

   at: cleanup (core/pool_vector.cpp:63) - Condition "allocs_used > 0" is true.

Hello, I have trouble with this mod. The image are generated, but when I want to select them as custom portrait/body, they don't appear in the selection.

if the mod Dtw_threaded_imageload_webp, is activated no custom image is availaible at all, including those from other mods. 

Do you have an idea what is causing this problem ?


Never happened to me. Does it happend on all your playthrough ?

Could it be possible to implement a system that allows sllaves to have two preset of clothes ?

One for work and another one when going fighting. Given that you can't sort the items in the inventory menu it's kind of bothersome to go back find wich armor to use when switching from work clothes.

And given how to level system works, it's better to go the Max/Mini road at creation screen than the average build.

Terrible = 1

Poor = 2

Average = 3

Good = 4

Great = 5

Excellent = 6

I have the same problem, did someone find a solution ? Did restarting a new game work or not ?

Hello everyone, I really enjoy this game and here a few suggestion that could be implementeds to improve the quality of life in the game

Possibility to sorts your slaves and peons on different menus, like sort by physics, charm, wits or more productive for a given job. 

The possibility to quick enslave at the end of a dungeon. the quick sell button is already here, why not a quick enslave ?

Duh me ! Thanks

Hello, I had several of my slaves ended up pregnant. 1 slaves, 1 peon and Daisy.

When the slaves and peon give birth I just have the option to give the baby away at an orphanage while I can keep it with Daisy.

Is this a planned feature that you can only keep children from story characters or is it a bug ?