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A member registered Dec 14, 2015 · View creator page →

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Dom, great to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback <3!

Each world (there will be 6 in total) has its own parallax background. I haven't thought to approach an animated parallax yet, but that will have to go into the idea bucket for improvements. Right now, I am trying to keep scope low so I can see this thing to the finish line.

Not much depth to the poop mini game other than tilting the Playdate right or left and then hitting poop button while above the target. The target can spawn on either side though. That is a good idea with change of speed.

I haven't seen the mechanics of the classic Mario fireball, but I will look into that :).

I really want to give this game enough meat to feel catalog worthy!

Thank you for the update!

Hey Dom! Thank you for the feedback 🙂! There are just the 3 enemies in this version. The variation comes in with more enemies per wave and speed increases at waves 10 and 20. Though more enemies and firing variants are a great idea for a future version! 

The art is mostly from itch assets, though one of the enemies was done by me, and the cover art was some by my wife. 

Glad you liked the cat, it was my final stretch goal for the jam 😺!

I'll see what I can do to improve that in the next update :)

Thank you, let me know what you think and how many waves you can clear! Hoping to improve with future versions.

Congrats on your 1.0 release and future entry into the catalog! 

Congrats on your catalog release!

Thank you for the kind words and input! Working towards polishing and filling this out to be a more complete game.

Those darn burglars! Caught about 20 of them before they took all my things :(. Fun game!

This game has illuminated my life in an otherwise dark world. Great job!

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Enjoyed this little story! Thank you for bringing it to a new audience.

Enjoyed immersing myself into this like world. Crazy that you did this in just a weeks time. For future players, I'd consider adding a save feature. 

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Wish I had the time to add more mini-games and levels, but just ran out of time.

I found myself sitting at the title screen a few times because it gave me that "zen" like feeling :). 

Project wouldn't have been possible without libraries made by the community, so thank you as well! I'm glad others could enjoy the silly idea I had.

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Thank you and appreciate the input! At first, I planned to just finish the jam with the single worm mini game. After some play testers input though, I knew I needed a few more mini games (at the very least) to land the idea. Believe it or not, those are teenagers with slingshots, and they are shooting rocks at you :).

Appreciate it :)! It was just one of those silly moments... "I bet it'd be funny if a platformer randomly turned into a bird".

Hilarious concept, lol! We've all hit that flag a 1000+ times and never one thought to thank the guy who raises it (not to mention the fireworks). I wonder if there is a guy who places the rings on the tracks for Sonic too..

Hilarious concept, lol! We've all hit that flag a 1000+ times and never one thought to thank the guy who raises it (not to mention the fireworks). I wonder if there is a guy who places the rings on the tracks for Sonic too..

Almost should have named this "Uzumaki" for how much I spiraled out of control :). Towards the end of my initial playthrough, I was starting to get the hang of it without hitting the walls (too often lol).  

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Almost should have named this "Uzumaki" for how much I spiraled out of control :). Towards the end of my initial playthrough, I was starting to get the hang of it without hitting the walls (too often lol).  

Very impressed you came in last minute with a solid game! I agree with the input/discussion you and Dominik were having about tighter turn control.

Fun being a sushi chef apprentice, serving the finest maki to customers :). Enjoyed the playthrough loop, music, and most importantly, the chopping sound effect! 

Fun being a sushi chef apprentice, serving the finest maki to customers :). Enjoyed the playthrough loop, music, and most importantly, the chopping sound effect! 

Downloaded the latest version and no longer encountering the crash gingerbreadman mentioned.

Was coming to report the same, but you beat me to it!

Really like all the dithered graphics you choose for the puzzles (and of course awesome to see the Playdate itself in there)! I must not have a great mind for puzzles because even the 1-star puzzles were hard for me! 

Really like all the dithered graphics you choose for the puzzles (and of course awesome to see the Playdate itself in there)! I must not have a great mind for puzzles because even the 1-star puzzles were hard for me! 

Fantastic job immersing us into the story. It felt nice to have a soul on the other side of that radio. Started the adventure with dread, but eventually accepted my fate and enjoyed how beautiful and silent space can be.

Fantastic job immersing us into the story. It felt nice to have a soul on the other side of that radio. Started the adventure with dread, but eventually accepted my fate and enjoyed how beautiful and silent space can be.

Every time I see your 1-bit art I'm amazed how polished and detailed it looks for the medium. I had a blast flying around exacting revenge on the human! Cool use of Panels in the tutorial as well :).

Every time I see your 1-bit art I'm amazed how polished and detailed it looks for the medium. I had a blast flying around exacting revenge on the human! Cool use of Panels in the tutorial as well :).

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Glad someone has brought a Worms-like to the Playdate! The weapon selection is diverse, and the voices fit perfectly. Also, neat to see another hot-seat game for the Playdate.

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Glad someone has brought a Worms-like to the Playdate! The weapon selection is diverse, and the voice animations fit perfectly. Also, neat to see another hot-seat game for the Playdate.

What a cool way not only to keep the memory of Kebab alive but also share him with other people. I am continually impressed by games like this that push the Playdate to the edge graphically. 

What a cool way not only to keep the memory of Kebab alive but also share him with other people. I am continually impressed by games like this that push the Playdate to the edge graphically. 

I enjoyed reaching my hand out to the fortune teller with the crank :). While it was time to leave, I didn't want to make that poor tired horse pull the carriage. 

I enjoyed reaching my hand out to the fortune teller with the crank :). While it was time to leave, I didn't want to make that poor tired horse pull the carriage. 

Also, have to say I'm extra impressed with the "1 second before the deadline" submission!

Feels like I have more power than the master hand from Smash Bros! Holy cow there are so many elements, it's crazy! Started off only expecting serious elements, but then some silly and interesting ones come into play. As others have mentioned, the crushing of an element with the crank feels very satisfying. 

"Nice trees." 

Feels like I have more power than the master hand from Smash Bros! Holy cow there are so many elements, it's crazy! Started off only expecting serious elements, but then some silly and interesting ones come into play. As others have mentioned, the crushing of an element with the crank feels very satisfying. 

"Nice trees." 

I thought I was doing pretty good until I got crushed by a new crystal! The continue game animation caught me off guard and made me laugh :). 

I thought I was doing pretty good until I got crushed by a new crystal! The continue game animation caught me off guard and made me laugh :).