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A member registered Apr 09, 2021

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Acabei conseguindo completar o jogo na segunda tentativa. Mas a forma que consegui completar achei um pouco incomum, apesar de tentar seguir o ritmo com os chutes e socos, me pareceu que apenas apertando de forma frenética e não tentando seguir o ritmo, foi o jeito mais fácil de completar o jogo. Gostei muito do jogo e me diverti, só vi esse ponto que me chamou a atenção. Parabéns para a equipe e bom trabalho.

That's a quick game for my reaction skills. but a really good game and thematic

Short game sure, but did game solid for the timespan and made him enjoyful

Good work

Unique concept for the theme. A puzzle game that requires the use of planets, moons and the sun to change the scenario for the puzzle solve. Congratulations for your first game jam.

High props for overall. The soundtrack the visuals, the gameplay and the enjoyment. One thing I like to point out is the jump+a/d trigger code on the beginning of level 3 "all abard". I've some issues with the jump there.

While  I enjoyed the game and the interpretation of it. One of the issues I might get was the resolution settings allign with the graphical ones. Like the 720p came with the lowest settings and the 1080p came with higher settings.

It was in this VOD

interesting art style and relaxing gameplay. The music is realy vibe while obtain resources and fight the  the other lifes.

Also, i made a livestream playing your game.

Cool concept. A harvest moon/Story of Seasons and a bit of overcooked on the formula. a had a lot joy playing the game.
Also the huge size plants is a fun feature to understand the theme. good job.

Really good concept wise and gameplay. However, like Cozy frog said a tutorial might helped a lot in the game. Still good work and keep going

Really solid work. Way creative for the solutions. some of them might be obtuse and others are way unexpected to find out. But when you realized the pattern gives enjoyment that a puzzle game should have. Well done!

Yeah sure

Foi  um jogo divertido. só acho que tinha alguns  erros de colisão e da mesh que foi feita para o chão algumas vezes. Fora isso, jogo muito legal.

Really cool game that I finished in my livestream at the moment, a mix of tetris and cuteness that was fun to play.

Ideia interessante, mas bastante desafiadora pelo fato de se mover em duas teclas adjacentes. A escolha dos assets e das animações foi muito boa e bastante apresentavel.

The game is polish and is a really good game. All the setup from the card system and the dynamic music makes the game great in his presentation

One problem that I come up was the fade to black of the cards one or two times. I had to restart the game so I can continue to play.

An suggestion I like to make is to add a card effect that heals the player. 

Fun, quite challenging game, kind reminds me the idea from the early stage of evolution on Spore. but with the mix of vampire survivors.

Really fun mechanics. the gravity system to the rocket. Sure does a need of math to make the maneuvers to planet to planet

Hi everyone! I'm a programmer newcomer to Love2d and game jams looking for a team to join. I've been coding for quite some time in other languages and I want to make a game project on Lua this time.