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Firepixel Studios

A member registered Jul 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Loved the art, and the game was pretty well polished! Nice job and good luck.

I loved the art style, especially with the animations of the cloth, rain and main character. As a fellow cat enjoyer, I loved the game. Nice job!

Thank you so much thats really kind of you!

Thanks for the feedback! The ending was a last minute idea XD

Incredible game for first ever game jam to start off, it was really fun once I understood it at the beginning I didnt really understand the building mechanic but the fighting was really fun nice work!

Thats the end of the game! Glad you enjoyed thanks for playing!

Very fun game! It really fits the theme because I started stressing out when the rain came! Awesome work!

LOL glad you enjoyed it, thanks!

Super fun and intense game! Menu buttons and voice were very funny and it was a fun game overall awesome work!!

Thanks for the feedback!, Those small bugs are quite annoying but I guess thats what happens I only had 3 days I could work on it

Must have missed the zones section but I saw the different cursor options thats my mistake haha

Yeah, that was ment to jump back to the main menu or close, but ran out of time to fix it along with the ui :/ Glad you enjoyed it! thanks for the feedback!

The stock images are hilarious! I loved it, was a bit hard to understand controls at first but I thought it was really fun trying to hide everything before the guests arrived awesome game!

Thanks! cutscenes were a pain.... also the immersion your game had was outstanding

The graphics and particals are INSANE, as soon as I opened the game I loved the main menu. Awesome game great job!


This was awesome how you made an entire crafting system awesome work!, only thing that could be improved is UI, and how the attacking system works otherwise i loved it!

Thank you! We wanted it to seem colourful an happy to begin with to throw you off track

Very fun game! Really like the whole idea great job!

Thanks, also you had a great game too!

Very addicting! You should release a mobile game like this! Fantastic job!

Nice work! I liked how high you could get because it was satisfying when you then hit the water and went really deep

Took a while to handle the controls but once I did it was really fun! This is a awesome game great job!

It has an awesome concept are its well made, good job!

Thanks! we would have liked more time and to make it clearer on what the objective was and how the story went but with little time we had rushed most of it

Thanks!, we had a bit less time then a week as you can tell most of it was rushed for a long story


Sorry about that, we didnt have time for a menu and it seemed to run fine on other computers with intergrated graphics so we thought it should run on most computers

This was very polished! I really liked the animations its a very well made game good job!

We have been very busy recently so we didn’t have as much time as everyone else would have

You have to read the pages at the end to piece together the story by we did not have as much time to work on this as we had hoped

This was very addicting, I really enjoyed this game really well made and very polished well done!

Yeah Co-op would be sick!

We will not rate anymore posts as we have run out of free time but all these games that we have rated are some great games!

This was a great game! Glad to see a game inspired by slender!

This had some really good jumpscares! it was a bit tricky to escape the monster but stil amazing job! Also I am sorry about skye 

I did enjoy it!

This was pretty fun, I played it for ages! Great job!

Glad you liked ours, we really liked yours it was pretty fun!

I really liked this game!