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A member registered Jan 19, 2024 · View creator page →

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Great work! The movement feels good and well thought out but sometimes frustrating when I wasn't launched the way I expected because of pressing space or shift too early but I got better as I played. I would suggest adding some form of checkpoints in the sub levels or if you want to keep it this way maybe an easy mode with added checkpoints?

Also for some reason on my first playthrough I decided to run past the first level and into the cave at the end of the path, which did not let me return after I realized I could not make the jump, so I had to reload.

Once I had finished the first sub level I was happy to find my first shortcut. Still it felt really difficult to do all the needed jumps each run, but I can appreciate a challenging game. I felt like the levels could be a bit more forgiving, especially if you plan on making more these feel tough for level 1 (but I don't play a lot of platformer games so I may be wrong). 

I wish I was able to play enough to finish the game but I died waaay too many times (major skill issue) and ended with a sore pinky lol.

Random note; The skateboard and halfpipe in the first level would be a great minigame or easter egg opportunity if you could ride the board or something!

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At first I thought I was matching the ingredients in the cauldron with the items shown above in order. But the mechanic seems to be just drag one or more items to another that matches (I can also link non matching items sometimes)? This seemed to not work very well (I may have been doing something wrong) and I felt like I didn't have much control over which items I selected/linked.

This wizard has more personality then some AAA game main characters

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This was super fun, needed to do a bit of wandering to complete the incantation but the levels are clean and simple with smooth movement. Would love to see the game expanded & see more/ larger levels to sprint past guards and solve new puzzles. Well done!

Would love to see this expanded! Feels like it could even have potential for a pvp game.

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I really liked the monster design & the combat was also pretty good. I had an issue when respawning sometimes I would be stuck outside the start house.

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Pretty fun game! Loved the lighting.

Game looks great, I felt a bit lost wandering around picking up mirrors & kind of confused on what my goal was. I liked being able to fly around as the bat but it can be difficult to tell where you currently are since there is no height limit or ground indicator. Overall pretty fun game.

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Super chill game. Well done! Not sure is it was due to a scaling issue but the player Ui felt very oversized. The rooms felt a bit empty and the enemies a bit too easy. I also wasn't sure where to go or what to do after a certain point.

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The game looks and feels really nice (the tripping mechanic was hilarious), but I had a few issues. When dying I occasionally wouldn't see a death screen which would lock the game. There also seems to be an issue with save/loading (not sure if intended), when refreshing the page I am always spawned into the first room,  then when respawning I am moved to my last checkpoint from before refreshing.

I'm glad you liked it! Thank you!

(2 edits)

Well done! The volcano cipher is a bit hard to read & led to making a few mistakes but was still fun.

Well done, felt a bit too easy after a minute or two. Would love to see more! 

Gameplay feels smooth & the levels play pretty well. Great job!

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I really liked the idea and at times is really fluent. But the jumping feels inconsistent. I hope you keep working on this!

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Was attacked by a man with aggressive dance moves. The game has a few issues but I enjoyed exploring the levels.

I enjoyed my day of hard work, the page flip buttons felt a bit awkward on the edges of the book but the overall gameplay feels great.

Loved the art, had no issues with audio. Simple but really enjoyable gameplay.

Fun crafting game! Great aesthetic as well.

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New game button isn't working

Well, regardless I hope you get some good feedback.  I'm not really sure if all the judges ratings/comments will be shared but It would mean a lot to many if they were, even if it's only 1 or 2 comments.

Although I would love to create a browser version for people to try, I don't think I can justify redesigning such a core part of the game. Especially if the end result will be a downgrade. Visuals are important to me but they are not the only driving factor here. 

The mesh deformation alone (which controls/effects a lot of behavior) is just too complicated for browser, not to mention the shading & volumetrics draw calls. This of course can be reduced/remade but I'm already happy with the current implementation and I'm excited to build upon it. I use Burst compilation pretty extensively for calculations, which also does not work in browser. I want to take advantage of the current system and add new ideas/features as much as I can.  So I feel like diverting my limited time and focus I can spend on this prototype to rebuilding for browser would be a waste. 

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Yea, a lot of the games would have gotten more feedback if they had known to submit a browser version.

You make a good point. Browser only would be mostly beneficial. I'm not really sure on the exact constraints of browser games, but I think it would be an acceptable rule.

I agree, the best verification is of the source of the exe. In other words credibility of developers.

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Hey guys, I made my game with unity HDRP. Which does not support building for WebGL.

The main reason I decided to use this pipeline was for the new water system, which relies on the HDRP API. I feel like I learned a lot about working with new technology and the challenges that can come with it. I have an update ready and a quick gameplay video for those who do not wish to download,  I really want to know what more people think about/ want from the game so I can improve.

Already around 20 downloadable games have apparently contained malware. Which is honestly disheartening, to know that while we all worked hard prototyping and refining our games, others were busy planning malware attacks.

If your in the same boat as me, why was building your game for browser not an option?

Do you think exe's should be allowed in future jams? If not do you think it could take away from the creative/artistic possibilities? 

I would love to hear other developers thoughts on this!


SPOILERS! gameplay video update(v1.1); 

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I fixed some bugs that snuck through my checks, which is nice. But I'm more exited about the small things I wanted to add but left out, like this flip animation or rope physics on the helicopter.                                                                                                                                                                   

Haha, yes I may have made the storm take over a bit too quick, but I wanted people to feel rushed into the ocean.  I think with more items and bigger islands I'd increase the wait time. I'm glad you enjoyed it!