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A member registered Apr 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Maybe one day! I'd love to make a crappy game with you!

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

(1 edit)

Spooky! If not for a little bit difficult but still very fun! Good looking graphics and a decent premise but like the other comments I'd say ai is a little rough but everything else is great!

May he rest in peace 🕊️

Wow, This is amazing It's very poetic and the visuals and sound are incredible.

This one looks so good but has like 6 ratings

This game is nice I like the idea and the way it looks!

Alright the game is nice but 3GBs?? I suggest for future game jams to optimize or make something small , Also to improve engagement you should have screenshots. Overall nice game.

Good game! It's pretty difficult to play and the controls take pretty long to respond for me.

For the tutorial I think you should find a way to put it in the game cause most people might not read the

The game is nice but i'd say the music is a bit distracting and there's not much to guide you.

Pretty decent game! could be more polished but overall it's okay.

Controversial title but good game!

Man this game is great I like the music, The game gave me the creeps even some of the sound effects got me. Still piecing the story bit by bit other than that the game is amazing! 

Especially the Artwork!

Thank you very much it's funny you call it that! I think you are the only person to get the "aerial assault" ending.

I've gotten 6 ratings so far and I justed wanted to ask if having a low number of ratings affects the overall score of the game.

My game really ain't much and it doesn't matter what score I get but It would mean a lot if anyone wants to check it out and give a rating!

Very nice art style it's simple but creepy.

Love the style of the game. I took all the eyes and couldn't do much from there but good game,

Nice little game!

Cool game! I like the visuals but there was a bug (For me at least) I collected all the tapes but the counter didn't go up and my phone battery went up by itself while I was being chased other than that great game!

Not much thinking went into my game I just wanted to make something funny and somewhat scary.

I'm not very talented so I went with simple stuff, Also when making my game I tend to focus on the Atmosphere.

Anyway just building on a "Simple Concept" is what worked for me.

This game is AMAZING. I mean the art, the mechanics, everything. 

Such a wonderful game! 

Neat Game! (hehe) It made me feel uneasy and the music was great! 

I could go for some rn

Thank you! I was going for something dreamlike.

Thanks for playing and feedback! I wasn't really thinking about the sounds much while making the game. I'll try to improve and use more appropriate sounds for future games.

This game is beautiful, it was scary and the graphics were good! I enjoyed the horror in this game.

Fun game! You weren't lying when you said it was a labyrinth I got lost few times, I liked the chasing music and the game does have that Atari feel, Nice game.

Scary, wasn't it?

Loved the game! I got all the endings the last is ending is definitely my favorite. I like the concept,

Overall an enjoyable game.

Wow! what a twist I guess I should have seen that coming with the game being called "Photoshooter"

Overall amazing game and Voice acting too. Can't wait to see what It will be like in the future.

Great game! The puzzle is a little difficult (at least for me), But the game is fun! I liked how you used arrow keys instead of the mouse I feel like it adds to the game.

Dude it's still a zip even tho the name is "exe". but I'll change it.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can.