I'm sad it's not getting enough attention (best aestetics in the whole jam I think): https://itch.io/jam/scream-jam-2023/rate/2323034
One of the best in terms of originality and horror-ness. Just don't miss the item near the door when you hear it: https://itch.io/jam/scream-jam-2023/rate/2328956
Deserves more then 4 reviews for decent writing and style: https://itch.io/jam/scream-jam-2023/rate/2327317
Deserves more attention, a little bit hard to go through, but have really cool aestetics (the vid you should check even if from the files) : https://itch.io/jam/scream-jam-2023/rate/2326001
All other gems I encountered are not hidden by now :)
Send games with less then 10 reviews that you found particularly interesting! NOT your games!