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A member registered Apr 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you, that's nice to hear! An easy mode would have been a good idea, but it's a game jam. The scope can't be too large, and if I only had an easy mode, then it would have been too easy for others.

Glad to hear you liked the gravity! I agree that we could have made it a bit more clear that there even is gravity. The gravity assists also add a lot of cool maneuvers you can do, and I think it's the gravity the feature that really sets our game apart.

The idle draining of the fuel is to give incentive to keep moving, rather than to stop and take a break. It's slow enough that it usually won't cause any trouble, but it pushes you to keep going.

I do think I should be honest about the UI. I have a sort of template UI in another project, with a few simple scripts for moving UI objects around, so I just ported that over. I did that in another game jam I did awhile back, and it really helps to not have to put too much time into a main menu.

I'm really happy with how the game turned out, and it's good to hear you are too!

I must say, this game looks like it uses a lot of premade assets, but to be fair, it's better than making terrible assets yourself, so good job! You made one of the best looking games of the whole jam!

I like the game, except it gets very repetitive after a few floors. I must say though, i like the head bonking mechanic, and after having read the comments I think I'm one of the only people to have discovered it by myself, so it might not be obvious enough.

The turning is a bit unresponsive, but that's part of the challenge. If i made it more responsive, the game would be less fun, because it would be less challenging.

The goal of the controls is to be easy to understand, but hard to apply perfectly. I could have made it more casual, but that would have defeated the purpose.

That's exactly how I wanted to balance it: simple to learn, but difficult to master!

Ok, good to know! I'll reserve some more time for building and uploading then.

(1 edit)

Are we allowed to port the game to other platforms after the submission deadline? I've participated in a jam once before and had some trouble uploading a webGL build, so I just posted a windows build, which resulted in my game not being played very much.

Have you tried Leap of Faith again with the new knowledge of hoe to sprint yet? I think i'd be a shame if you didn't rereview it.

I agree with you, but since we used ProBuilder the level meshes are quite large and so we need really high res textures to make it look good. I'm glad you liked our game though!

Only your jumps, air jumps, super jumps and leaps are limited, sprint you can just hold down.

I just watched back the vod of your rating stream, and i saw you didn't realize you could sprint by holding shift. I want to encourage you to try again with this knowledge, as i'm sure it'll substantially improve your opinion of our game.

I'm glad to hear that! The speed of the game should significantly increase once you understand the mechanics, which is also why I implemented a speedrun timer.

Thank you! I'm happy to hear you liked our game.

In the discord i challenged everyone who plays my game to beat my time, so i hereby also challenge you to speedrun Leap of Faith.

Thats sad to hear, but the game is indeed still relatively buggy.

I'm using IL2CPP for this project and since i don't have a mac, I can't build for it, Sorry. Also, the game is too large to build for WebGL.