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A member registered Feb 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your feedback! I always welcome new ideas and improvements, as it's a great opportunity to learn stuff ;)

This was fun! I really liked the prestige mechanic.

Nice concept. I would like to see more in-game tooltips what each unit can do and where it can move. Also some simple indicator of remaining actions in turn would be nice.

Nice game! I couldn't beat the "Shift" level though, too tough for me hehe.

I liked:

  • nice atmosphere, fire particle fx
  • that I had to calculate the jumps not to use up my "stamina"

Could be improved:

  • controls and abilities explanation
  • in the second screen I somehow got out of bounds on the left side of the leve

Thank you, sir!

Fourth comment about ...suboptimal controls :D. Thanks for playing and I'll definitely keep this in check next time with more playtesting by different kinds of players.

Thanks for playing and the feedback. I'll definitely focus more on the movement especially in this genre in the future.

Thanks for playing! I'll have to focus more on the movement the next time I'll be making a platformer (or updating this one, heh).

Thanks for the detailed feedback! I'll have to look into the movement a bit more. I must say I've got used to the unusual acceleration and it didn't feel weird later on at all. My fault of not playtesting sooner with other people :D

Thanks for the feedback! I'll be surely working on the aspects you mentioned.

Thanks for constructive feedback, I'll definitely consider clicking/tapping/doubletapping as a way to add ingredients.

Huh, ctrl+f5 and it's working, my bad.

I really liked the art style set in the industrial theme along with great playability. Nice!

I liked the art style, although I couldn't find a way to close the drawer interface with -40€ discount.

Nice puzzle! Not sure if intended or not, but if you place a tile right on the player, you'll get warped on top of it which makes the game so much easier.

I am not sure what I'm doing wrong, but the player does not react when I press WASD or space in the browser game. The game has focus, of course.

Nice puzzle indeed. I'd change the color scheme of the main page a bit, the high red-blue contrast is straining my eyes.

Thanks! What aspects of the game you feel could use more polish?

The game probably loaded in your browser for a bit longer than usual and the heartbeat autopilot couldn't keep up, so EKG started beeping madly ;) CND is meant to be a heart condition status.

I really liked this game, especially the gravity twist