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A member registered May 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Interesting game play! I liked the art style of the game and the music was enjoyable too.

I wish there was a little tutorial sequence at the start of the game or a little more detailed description on how to play the game. Despite being the game play so simple, it took me couple of tries to figure out what the game was about and what each of the keys does haha.

I like the concept! It fits to the game and the animations were super cool as well. Especially the jump animation I enjoyed the most.

One minor improvement would be that the whole animation felt a little too smooth in my opinion. Perhaps making some animations rough would give more power and emphasize certain actions in game.

It was still a great game and I loved playing it! Well done :)

Very interesting game! I'm particularly impressed by the level generation! The style of the game is simple yet good enough. 

This is a minor thing, but I kind of wished there was a small improvement on the gameplay. Throughout the game, I personally felt like there was only one way to complete a level. This led me to just guess (by trial and error) the answer after couple attempts.

Anyways, I still enjoyed playing the game and it was a great use of theme!

Thanks for the positive feedback :) I'm super glad you liked the intro, lighting and the boss fight!!

Thanks for the positive feedback! I'm glad you liked the art style of the game :)

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm glad you enjoyed playing my game! My approach was that player had to go around and consume his own parts to fix himself, but I guess the implementation turned out to be a little confusing haha

Thanks for playing my game! :)

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm glad you enjoyed the story and the usage of assets. About the boss fight, you must've been super lucky! Continuous boss strikes happens randomly :)

Thanks for the positive feedback!

You can only attack when the boss is not attacking (the boss stops attacking after couple of attacks). There will be a small info text on the bottom of the screen saying that it's your chance to attack.

Yeah, I should've locked the movement when the dialog happens. I expected the player to stop the movement and read the dialog haha

Thanks for your positive feedback!

I'm glad you enjoyed playing my platformer! Player cannot damage the boss while boss is attacking. There is an info text saying that it's your time to strike if the boss isn't attacking. I did realize I made the boss health a little too high that it's a little difficult to play ._.

Thanks for your positive feedback!

I'm glad you enjoyed the dialogue and the art style!

Interesting gameplay! Although it took me some time to get used to the controls, it was quite fun to play! 

Interesting concept! I liked the idea, it also sort of fits to the theme!

Haha it made me rage while playing.

Thanks for your positive feedback!

I'm glad you liked the changing art styles!! :)

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm glad you liked the dialogues I made. I might've made the boss a little too difficult. Maybe I should adjust his health next time to make it easier.

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm glad you enjoyed the art style of the game as well as the music! Yeah the realistic movement that I was originally aiming for didn't turn out to be as good as I expected. I tried designing the level in a way that only if player takes the harder path (also the faster) of the level, the player has to risk death. Regardless, I'll consider about the death consequences more carefully next time.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm glad you liked the simple graphics as well as the concept of my game!

I understand the lack of mid-air movement control. It's something that I definitely have to look at a little more carefully next time. I tried to design the map in a way that even if the player falls, he would still be able to find his way to go up again. I've also included some guidance arrows, but I guess it didn't work out as well as I planned!

EDIT: I played and reviewed your wonderful game! :)

Interesting game! I like the graphics of the game. I especially love how you graphically implemented the rewind mechanics.

The models were really well made, despite them being so simple. I was impressed by some shaders you made for the game. Particularly, I loved the player model T-posing, when the player save his position!

As for the game play, I think it would've been better if you made the character be able to freely move around in the actual game, like in tutorial. I actually found the game a little too challenging. Because the character move automatically itself, I was given almost a very little amount of time to think about what I can do.

Something minor that I kind of wish that you made better were the animations. In the tutorial sequence, when I tried to move diagonally, the character feet seemed as little odd. A shooting animation would also be a nice addition to the game.

But still overall, a great, fun and challenging game!

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm glad you enjoyed playing my game. Yeah other people also mentioned about movement in the air and mid-air controls. I will definitely look into this!

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm glad you liked the art style of the game as well as the in game tutorial! Yeah the tutorial sequence can be a little annoying when you are playing the second time. I'll definitely add a "skip tutorial" option.

I will look into adding mid-air control and coyote jump definitely sounds interesting!

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm glad you liked the in game tutorials! I played and rated your game :)

Fun little arcade game! I like the idea of the game . The graphics were cool. Music was contributed to the game nicely.

One very small minor thing that I noticed was that it was sometimes hard for me to precisely move to a location I wanted to go. The character was a little slippery in my opinion.

Regardless, the game was still very fun. Well done!

Thanks for the positive feedback!

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm glad you liked the triple jump feature.

I love the simple yet beautiful graphics of the game! I like the challenging puzzles of this game too.

Here is my game:

It's a puzzle platformer :)

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm glad you enjoyed the audio and the graphics. I rated your game too ;)

I enjoyed the cute graphics! The hand drawn animated characters were adorable!

I kind of wished there were instructions/tutorial level or at least controls shown in the beginning of the game. But I eventually figured out myself, so it wasn't too bad.

Well done!

I'm honestly impressive by the unique game play! At first, I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to do, but quickly after, I realized how interesting this game turned to.

Graphics and models were simple yet good and wonderful for this game.

Overall loved the unique game play and very interesting usage of the theme!

Very fun game!I enjoyed the art style and the music of the game.  The models and animations were impressive, given the fact that you only had a week developing this game. I kind of felt like the game felt a little repetitive, I just wish there could've been more action and mechanic involved. But again, considering you've made this high quality models and animations within a week, I also can't really expect variety of mechanics.

Overall impressive work! Well done!

Interesting game! Despite most of your code not being your own, you still did a fantastic job putting them together! I love the art style of the game. Well done!

Thanks for the positive feedback!

Other people also addressed the death issue, I'll consider a little more careful next time!

Thanks for the positive feedback :)

Thanks for the positive feedback!

My intentions were: if player falls from a platform, player gets teleported back to the spawn point, but if player dies to an enemy or a lava (red block), player is dead and the player has to start all over again. Regardless, some people already pointed out that starting all the way from the beginning was a little harsh so I'll probably re-think about the consequences of death next time.

Oops, I meant double jump in game and not triple jump. Haha. Players weren't supposed to do a triple jump.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I'm glad you enjoyed the look of the game as well as the mechanic!

Interesting idea! I love the concept of going backwards, it definitely made the game more challenging and fun to play! The music and sound effects were also pretty good.

One minor improvement (perhaps?) I want to mention is that when I first started playing the game, the alien moved little too fast towards the character, it was hard for me to react.

But it was still overall an awesome game!

Amazing! I honestly can't believe how you were able to make this game just under 4 days!

Great story telling, loved the voice lines, they really helped me get into the game! I also like the concept of your game!

The transition when using IF clock was super cool, but at times I kind of felt like it was a little too slow, but that's just a minor thing.

Overall a great game and given the fact that you made this game under 4 days, it's just super impressive.

Interesting game! I enjoyed the story and the game was presented well! I enjoyed the sprites of the game despite them being so simple. Sound effects and especially the music were also a great addition to your game!

I felt like the movement of the player was a little bit too fast or maybe the camera was way too zoomed in. It was a little hard for me to react quick enough to rewind time in certain places. Sometimes I found my character getting stuck at certain places, but those didn't really bother me that much.

Overall a fun game! Well done!

Interesting game! I like the mechanics and the game was presented well with pleasing simple yet beautiful graphics!

I'm not sure if it was only me but the main menu seemed a little out of place with Chrome browser.