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Play, fast forward and rewind through a series of tapes to decipher hidden messages for a secret spy organisation!
Submitted by Maroon Seal (@MaroonSeal), k-a-i — 6 hours, 28 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#474.0674.067

Ranked from 45 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
You have to rewind old cassette tapes to find hidden, encoded messages

Did you write most of the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
We wrote all of the code and made the audio, models and textures during the jam

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Really great! Loved the unique approach, always love to see an innovative idea utilising the theme perfectly.

Things I particularly liked:

>Unique idea

>Audio (obviously): was great! well written, well voiced, very funny in parts! :) 

>Perfect use of the theme

>I wonder how much depth it would have in terms of the 'puzzles', but that's not an issue for this jam, was a fairly perfect length for a jam game :)

Things to tweak/improve:

>I guess the clarity of the answer is something that will be hard to get right, i found the dog tape one to be quite hard to figure out (i typed 'katie' in a range of different ways before looking here for clues).

Well done!


Thank you for playing!!! We are glad you enjoyed it


This is so good! I would love to know how you made the tape audio controllable - was it multiple audio clips for each tape? The graphics and voice acting were both amazing, the dog tape had us laughing out loud and the tapes sliding into the player felt perfect :D


Thank you! We are glad you enjoyed it! It's just one audio clip per tape and make the audio sources pitch negative to reverse it and increase it to make it speed up. The only complication was when the audio source reaches the end it automatically starts from the beginning again so I had to put a check for when the tape finishes and reset it to the end if it had. I hope this is interesting!


That's really cool, I didn't even know you could edit an audio source's pitch on the fly - I'm going to have to play with that!


Great contribution! It has been very different to the other games I've played in the jam.

+ Love the audio voices!



Thank you for playing it! We're glad you like the audio, we spent a lot of time on it


Good job! I really like the voice acting. The tape player was awesome. The game looks cool and I had some fun playing it. I'm glad that someone finally made something different than the others. Well done :)


Thank you! We're glad you liked it

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Awesome idea! Too bad that, as unityplayer01 said, I couldn't pass the "Dog" tape for the same issue. I know were the phrase is, but I simple can't understand it, not in normal play, not in fast forward.
But the idea is great! Would love to pass that one and try other tapes.
Great voice acting too! (not your fault I didn't understand the hidden phrase)

Please check mine if you can. Thank you!


We're tinkering around with the game design a bit so hopefully in the next update it will be easier for more players to progress through all of the tapes. It's really hard to balance these audio puzzles because people hear things differently! Hopefully the solution we're implementing should help with this a bit. Thank you for your feedback!


pssst... if you want to continue anyway the answer for that tape is...





Thank you! I manage to finished it now! Amazing I got stucked in that one! Great game!


Ah! Yep, I needed this haha; I was like "was it "Katie"?! maybe 'hello katie'?!" :P haha


LOL me too!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Cool concept and really interesting audio!

(Also, I'm sorry I have to mention this on every jam comment I make but Rick's Flix is not my game, it's a collab I made the music for and I'm embarassed that it shows as "my" submission everytime haha - my submission to this jam is "Forward"!)


Oh no that must be really annoying! I'll add your game to my list. We're glad you liked ours!


Fun game but I never finished listening to any of the tapes after I got the word ^^' 


Fair enough :'D We're adding some stuff to encourage people to listen to the whole tapes in a post-jam update. Difficulty is really hard to balance on this one because people hear things differently so it was easy for some and hard for others. Thanks for the feedback!


Really enjoyed the concept of this game, and thought it was really well executed! Top marks to whoever did the audio too!


We are very glad you enjoyed the game! Thank you! I spent a lot of time on the audio so I'm glad you liked it :)


Cool game.

Was a bit apprehensive that it would need to know/understand ciphers, but thanksfully it was way easier than that.
The audio was really good, with some great work on the ambiant sound , even with the different styles.

The only thing that I didn't like was that there is no real point to listening to the tapes. I mean, the dialogues are funny, but once you understand that it's onyl about the hidden messages, you can fast forward through everything as a way to speed up and get any slowed down word, and rewinding when you hear something that seems reversed. So, it was a bit of a letdown, that what seems to be most of the work can be safely ignored.

But overall, really nice game, I liked playing it.


Thank you for the feedback! This was actually one of the main issues I personally have with the game and I'm surprised not many people have really noticed it :'D We initially had a mechanic where the tape player would malfunction and occasionally press buttons by itself if someone rewound or fast forwarded for too long but this just confused most people. We could try and refine this idea in a later update but the current solution we're currently implementing is just adding more code words dotted throughout the tape so you really have to listen through and filter through each section. We would then give a score based on how many they uncovered and provide more hints if the score is low. Thanks again for the feedback!


Just played through this with a huge grin on my face the entire time. Just great, hope you will continue work and add more in the future. I'd pay for this.


We're happy you enjoyed it! We are planning to flesh it out a bit so keep an eye out if you're interested!


I had a lot of fun playing your game. I like the graphics and your idea. Unfortunately I got stuck on the third cassette tape since my first language is not English and I wan´t able to understand

what the man said about the dog
!Spoiler End!

Overall a really good game.


Thank you for playing! We're glad you enjoyed playing it! In a later update we're hopefully going to add subtitles which should hopefully help you out a bit. That particular clue is supposed to try and hint as to where you should be looking for the clue in the tape, but a lot of people have been getting stuck on it so we're probably going to change it. Thank you for your feedback!


Really amazing game! Everything from voiceover to graphics to gameplay fits the theme and feel great, great work! :D

Would appreciate if you could play & rate our game as well:


Thank you! We are glad you enjoyed playing!


An amazing game!! Really enjoyed everything about it.

Sadly i couldn't finish it, it crashed D: I'll give you the details of what I did so you can look into it:

When I got the white cassette with the strange audio, I sent the two words: ||and between||, and green light turned on. Then, got the same cassette again but had to rewind it this time... when I realized it was the same audio as before, I immediately typed the same words, pressed enter, and the game froze there. Hope this helps.

I would really love to play a full game like this, it's super fun!!


Thank you for playing! We're glad you enjoyed it! Funnily enough you actually did complete it, we just ran out of time to make a ending :'D We're planning on adding a proper ending in a post jam version. Thank you for reporting it anyway though! I hadn't heard that it was crashing on some systems, usually it just looped the last tape


Yep, did crash for me also when i tried to submit the same words.


Just fixed that bug so hopefully it shouldn't happen in the next update


Where do the new tapes come from? O.o

God that tape intro music is addicting.

This game is awesome! Everything looks super good, the ambience is there. I just wish there was some subtle background noise. You could just set your microphone down by your window and get some subtle wind/cars driving by, and it would totally complete the feel.

I keep getting Twin Peaks flashbacks every time I rewind the tape.

Overall, awesome game! Super innovative and unique, with a polished visual style and great sound design. Great work!


Thank you for your feedback! We're making a post-jam version where we're adding some more polish so this suggestion is very helpful. One of the tapes was heavily inspired by agent Cooper's first speech so we're very flattered by that comparison :'D We're glad you enjoyed it!

 (PS I look forward to playing your game! Just waiting for one of the other team members to be available to play with. It looks very interesting!)


I love the way your game sounds! When most of the game is based on audio, I think it's essential to have good sound effects and voice recordings, and the clips used here sound exactly like they're supposed to, which I think is really difficult to achieve in a non-professional setting. These voice lines are the cleanest I've heard in all the games I've played with voices so far, which nets you a solid 5/5 on audio. 

That being said, you didn't skimp out on the visual elements either; it's simple, but not barren or unfinished. Great job on the models - when you're stuck looking at just one thing for the entirety of the game, you tend to notice even the smallest visual issues. And I'll be honest - I couldn't really find any, despite staring at that desk for so long. 

Your gameplay is solid as well. An easy 5/5 on innovation, which really helps you stand out among all the others. 

Honestly, I'd like to give constructive criticism, but I really can't find  any negative things to say here. Things other comments have said, such as fine-tuning the decoded section placement and adding accessibility features, just require more time, so I think it's completely fine that they're not present in a game made within 1 week. Fantastic job! 


It's the most original game I've played from the game jam submissions! Sounds are very polished and immersive. The actors are good (I especially like acting in the bacon story). I'm not particularly good at English, but I understood the gist of each tape and I finished the game. I hope you can expand the game in a big story. I would like to give you useful feedback, but this concept is too singular that I don't know what to say haha.

Great job !


This was our first time doing any proper script writing and voice acting  for a game so these compliments mean a lot! We're hopefully going to bring subtitles in a later update to make the game more accessible which might help you out. Thank you for the kind words, we're glad you enjoyed playing it!

(P.S I am very flattered that the bacon story is your favourite because it's one of the ones I wrote. I play as the guy on the other end of the phone in the recording :'D)


Haha you threw yourself into the unknown and you get a good game ! it's really cool to try new things like voice acting haha. I hope you learnt a lot for future projects. 


Interesting concept, simple and challenging. The sounds are really immersive. The grey cassete was tricky, it required two words, I just couldn't get past it. Well done though!


We are glad you enjoyed it! The grey cassette is the last level so congrats for getting that far. We are tinkering with the difficulty curve for a post-jam version which should mean a few more people can get to the end. Thank you for your feedback :) 


The idea is really interesting and original, this could easily turn into a full game, it has a lot of potential! I loved everything in it!

Congrats and great job! :D


Thank you so much! We are going to release a post-jam version that rounds out the story and adds some more polish, so keep an eye out if you're interested :) 


Really cool concept, I would love to see this expanded.  I think with the fun writing that is already evident in this jam game you could make a cool game.  Maybe a narrative that only bits and pieces will be filled in once you uncover each bit of the tape.  Each tape depicting a slow decent into madness.  Great job.


Thank you so much! We originally wanted there to be an overarching story but we were limited due to time. We are hoping to expand on the story in a future update :) Right now, we're focusing on adding an ending instead of it just looping the last tape. We will add your game to our list of games to rate! 


Yeah time is always the reaper of good ideas.  I will have to follow you to check in on the progress.


I'm honestly impressive by the unique game play! At first, I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to do, but quickly after, I realized how interesting this game turned to.

Graphics and models were simple yet good and wonderful for this game.

Overall loved the unique game play and very interesting usage of the theme!


We're glad you liked it! Could you elaborate (if you have time of course!) on how you weren't sure what to do at the beginning? We are making a new version of the game and want to make sure everything is as clear as possible! Thank you for your feedback :) 

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