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A member registered Aug 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for bringing the issues with the controls to my attention, just to let you know I've now fixed them and added WASD support

Sorry that the controls ruined the playthrough, I'm very used to using arrow keys as I play on a laptop using a trackpad, so I typically naturally have my movement controls bound to wherever my right hand would be, as  i'll normally use my left for the trackpad, and during the rush of the jam I simply forgot to add alternative controls. Thank you for giving the game a chance though and I will for sure fix this in the future

The negative hp bug is a bug I haven't ran into, and I agree visual feedback or some sfx about whether your dealing damage would've helped the game,thanks for the critique. 

Yeah alot of the comments have told me about the control scheme, the game was meant to be 2-player, but in retrospect there probably could've been a single player mode where the gunner shoots automatically, thanks for the feedback

Hi, thank you for the feedback,I've been told there's been some bugs with the music,but I have added it, maybe there's a problem with the game I've overlooked

I appreciate the feedback, I agree refined controls and a more active boss would've helped the game

Thanks for the feedback, just to clarify, the orange sled is to aim and shoot, and the blue sled is for movement up and down and to block the bullets, the boss doesn't have a finalised death animation, but draining the boss' health does have a response. The audio cutting may be my attempt to make the music loop, or it might be a bug I haven't encountered. 

Thank you,DrDevin!Glad to hear it!

I agree with Ling It's a nice little time waster if you're bored I might play it every now and then good job👍

Thanks for the feedback Algosaurus,I'll see what changing the Player's force would do.👍👍

can i ask something abe?If there's a jam that my game would also fit the theme for could I submit it to both jams?

If you have an idea for a game and you're also working on another jam but it fits both can you add the game into both the jams