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A member registered Feb 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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That was fun and challenging! I really liked it! But you can complete it by moving below the level (though it's still not so easy)

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Thanks! Could you say when did you randomly take damage? Because I didn't notice such a problem. Maybe you were attacking hands of the boss, because it deals damage

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I love art and music! But I think gameplay is too simple. Maybe you should make more paths to make player search apples and water and not just going straight forward. Overall I liked the game, because it is relaxing and beautiful!


Thanks! So, you were able to beat the boss?

It plays like combination of 3rd person shooter and rail shooter, but it also makes this game hard to control, because your character turns very slow and it becomes difficult to shoot monsters from all sides. But it is still fun to play and I liked it.

It's very original and fun to play. But it's want clear for me that holes transfer you to the next stage, I thought I should have been avoiding it and spent some time trying to find exit on the first stage)

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Thanks for playing! You should hit orange spinner in the center to destroy it. And red spinner will destroy itself in a while.

(2 edits)

I like how game looks and sounds! Really funny! Gameplay is simple, but I think it would be a lot of fun to play with a friend (the hard part is to find one) 


Thanks! I think it is not you. Everyone is saying that it is too hard. I wanted to make game challenging, but I think I overdid it)

Artstyle is  very cute and lovely! And ending is funny. I also liked thoughts of the main character when he is near dinosaurs

(3 edits)

Is that really you?! I can't believe this is actually happening!

(4 edits)

Thanks for such a detailed feedback! You can attack only head of the boss when it is not using laser and his other parts will cause damage to you (a lot of damage). You can move mouse fast to the opposite direction of the sword and it will flip, so it would be easier to avoid projectiles. And I actually thought to make sword deflect projectiles but than I changed my mind because I thought it would make game too easy. Maybe I had to remove laser of the boss and make player to deflect projectiles to damage him. So I think that I made game too hard and it is not intuitive enough.

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I liked the idea and it was fun to play! And I really like stylization of the game

This is so original and fun! I spent the most time in this game!

This game is so beautiful! I really liked it but I think it really needs some checkpoints.

Thanks! Music in boss battle made by Matthew Pablo from

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Good Luck!

That is interesting idea! 

One of my favourite games from this jam! I had a lot of fun!

It was fun to light up torches to protect shelter. But I didn't understand how to eat fish and it would be nice to have more feedback for other actions. So the main idea is great, but gathering resources is repetitive and can be boring. I think it would be better to make a big map with randomly spawned resources.

I really liked artstyle! And water is gorgeous!

Thats fun! But I think it is too fast paced and it would be better to jump through platforms. And score text is too small. But in general it is good!