- Core idea is solid, I saw the HAWKEN inspiration after you mentioned it.
- Reloading of guns could be faster, especially for the rail gun and shotgun.
- The sniper mechs are really hard to see.
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(a)woken's itch.io pageComments
Pressing ESC when opening the options fucks up the menu.
Pre-warm your assets, everything freezes the first time you do each action.
Enemy models should look at me when they fire, or maybe rotate the upper part of their model to indicate they are shooting at me instead of just the missile spawning in my direction
Framerate seems to be uncapped? Even if Vsync is off cap the framerate
The texture for the mech windshield being cracked is way too low resolution, especially considering how everything else that's 3d looks quite higher fidelity. (I'm talking about the second(?) state of cracked, the first one looks okay)
The railgun didn't produce any visual effects when shooting after swaping weapons a couple of times.
Overall looks and feels much better than last time I played. You seem to have a bunch of levels in the making but I think you should focus on improving every component of the player mech and enemies, and just make one very good level.
There are a lot of details that add up to the game feeling not great like the enemies being too simplistic in their movement, lack of clarity of what hit you and from where it hit you when taking damage, lack of sound effects such as when your mech hovering in the air.
Again, I don't think the game is "BAD" and please don't take the above as angry criticism, I'm just trying to list the things that stood out the most as needing to be addressed. Like making game is a long process and you still have a long way to go, but keep at it.
Time played:30 min
Mech feels good to control, surely more arcadey than sim, I was dashing around but found myself randomly pressing the 180º rotation combo when moving back, I'm thinking since the rotation is so fast I'm not sure how useful would be in game, there are a lot of things that make me realize everything is at embryonic stage so I'm not going to spend too many words on random fps drops or me getting stuck in walls.
So what will be the level design inspired to? I can see you're aiming toward big spaces so probably is going to play something like you're going to fight multiple enemies on each turn, I would suggest to distinguish the enemies more by giving yourself some priority towards each encounter, for now there are 3 type of enemies really: 1)enemy that chases you 2) enemy that shoots you a missle 3) enemy that snipes you.
talking about the third type, your dash can't really do anything towards dodging the hitscan, I suggest giving some travel time to the bullet so people can get those sweet feelings of perfect dodge cause right now they can hit you regardless of the distance.
Granade launcher doesn't really "launch" and the granade rolls more than flying, I personally like to anticipate the trajectory of the ark of each launch of granade, I'm not sure rolling granade was the design you were going for.
The crosshair is so cluttered with things, also slightly lower than the actual aim, you might reconsider a redesign that gives priority to useful information and not have so many lines where you actually aiming.
Random thoughts:
-Stomp effect once falling looks like you're being damaged
-The Gatling glitchs after some damage
-You can't turn off the super booster once engaged, feels clunky
-More sound feedbacks on the HUD, like changing item with mouse wheel and equipment with the inventory
random thoughts:
- resolution is weird, font is all blurry
- I turn off fullscreen, it doesnt create a window, its just a black bar with the game in a corner.
- effect from fulljump feels like falldamage but there is none?
- grenades dont have a trajectory even tho i aim up
- selecting items doesnt really work, or very unclear whats selected and used. I much later saw the icons in the hud
- there isnt really a challenge, i blast them with rocket launcher and minigun and win. Make enemies more alert and responsive. like the last arena enemy
- wish i could shoot enemy rockets
- i was railgunning the sniper and nothing happened, zero dmg. switched to minigun to mow him down as usual
- speaking of sniper, you need to fix his laser. he aims somewhere else but you still get damaged. make it follow you and then stop the last 0.5 sec
- ending levels should probably be conditional (e.g. killing all enemies
- arena was fun but did you raise the speed suddenly or is it because the level was smaller?
- good heavy movement, feels nice chonking around.
- very fun to speedrun
- low res textures are cool but needs a bit more smoothing out
Good job!
the lack of fall damage is deliberate, that was a "stomping attack" you do when falling at full speed.
yes i do need to fix that goddamn grenade, it has been broken since dd55
what resolutions do you have? i mainly tested 1080p and 720p
you CAN indeed shoot enemy rockets.
the turret laser was "supposed" to warn people about its presence, but it looks like it's more confusing than anything.
difficulty has been left deliberately easy for testing, i will eventually ramp it up
thanks for the feedback!
Music is great. Really cool to see all UI physically in the cockpit.
I love those boosters and how landing makes an impact.
Mirror match up vs Nayla felt really good at first, but you can easily overpower her when she tries to retreat to heal up.
- On tutorial map "The construct" jump booster doesn't work. (edit: it works, I am dumb-dumb, you need to jump on the jump-pad)
- You can't select primary weapon while sprinting.
Each DD game is getting better and better. Can't wait to fight some kind of metal gear.
Played around in all the levels. Video:
This is the first version I played that has plot. I like how you use all the coding and godot terms and use them seriously in the story.I recommend you watch the video, since a lot of things happened. The game is shaping up, keep up the good work!
Apologies for the multiple issues, including less than perfect audio. It's a new recording setup, plus there were audio glitches I wasn't aware of until I played back the video (it's my sound drivers/hardware not your game). Hope it helps though!
A mech game, the hand-drawn portraits definitely give it a unique look.
My main criticism would be that, for a game that's early in development, there are a lot of extraneous elements around. I believe you'll get the most bang for your buck early on by focusing on stuff that the player is going to interact with constantly.
Perhaps fleshing out the cockpit would be a good first step since it's present at all times. The blobbo dashboard ornament is cute and I like how it shakes around when you do a sidestep but you could do a lot more with the space you have. As an example, the enemy radar and compass could probably fit in there, and the elements in the center of the HUD are just for show from the looks of it. In Hawken the fuel gauge is essentially a stamina bar if I remember correctly.
Anyway, that's just my idea. UI design sucks but you gotta do it. Keep up the good work.
Hey bro, interesting game you have here. It's obvious there's still a lot of work ahead so my feedback I guess would be to focus on the main aspects of the game before jumping on designing new content (I'm referring to new levels, cutscenes, trophies, etc), or else you'll be going back and forth between many areas of development and will have to redo a lot of stuff because of that.
My suggestion would be to polish the crap out of the player mech, I would like to feel the weight of the mech's movement, have it wooble around with each step, keep polishing the cockpit HUD which looks really cool, juice the crap out of it in terms of visuals and controls, because once the player mech feels absolutely incredible to play as, the rest of the content will be 10 times easier to include as you progress. Now this is just my idea, feel free to ignore my advice as I also understand that you just might want to learn as you go and doing a lot of stuff at the same time is also a great way to gather experience. Keep at it.
Quite good writing!
Surprised to find so many levels, the Arcade even looks decently textured and all. Keep it up!
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2245052137 At the end of the video I flew into that circle and got stuck.
I've been following this project for some time now but this is my first time actually playing it. Early on the framerate dropped a few times but it didn't happen much after that. The level layouts aren't very interesting and could be improved. It would also be better if you could play the next level directly after finishing the previous one and watching the cutscene instead of having to back out into the level select again. The visuals are definitely in an early state. Other than that everything else is solid. The character artwork is nice and I like how the UI is part of the mech. Combat and movement works well as expected.
Nice game! I enjoyed 2-tapping the mechs with the railgun + rocket launcher combo. The anime drawings are really well done. Did you do them yourself?
If I were you I'd work on the game's presentation, all the assets clash with each other. I'm rooting for you and I hope you keep making progress.
the portraits were hand drawn by my mother.
Wow really? Does she work in the anime industry?
I'm not an artist myself, so different assets clashing with each other is kind of unavoidable. while i'm getting better with blender, i'm nowhere close to having a consistent art style all the way through.A good way to start would be to pick one font and stick with it.
Very cool stuff! The controls feel nice and solid, and the dialogue between missions is nice (love me some anime girls)
At first I didn't realize the levels had a 'best time' so I took it slow, thinking there was some extra objective I was missing.
Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like the fuel meter wasn't working?
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