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Gabriel S. Felix

A member registered Feb 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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Que massa! kkk eu nem imaginei kk

Yes, that's right, I'm from Brazil! :)

I liked the idea! I have a dog, and until recently, I barely knew that certain common foods for us are poisonous to dogs. When I saw the chocolate on one side, I immediately thought, 'No, not chocolate!' haha, but when an avocado and a carrot appeared, I went for the avocado and got it wrong. So, through the playful practice of this game, I learned that avocado is not a good idea for dogs. Congratulations on the creativity and effort!

I have some feedback:

  1. Waiting for the timer to finish after already choosing a side was a bit boring. I believe checking the choice as soon as a side is selected would make the gameplay more dynamic.
  2. Technically, since it's pixel art, the ideal setting to make the pixel art sharper is usually to set the Sampling to nearest (pixelated) instead of bilinear or trilinear, for example.
  3. Still on pixel art, it's visually more pleasing and gives a more professional impression to keep the pixels proportional, rather than resizing the sprites arbitrarily. Keeping this consistent will elevate the perceived quality of your game's art.

Hey, thank you so much for playing and for the feedback

Very interesting how you managed to develop a platformer with just right and left controls, and still make it work. Congratulations on the idea and the effort!

The red and blue blocks were indeed the most difficult, but I believe it was due to the unpredictability of knowing whether they were solid or not. At several moments, the red block seemed solid, but when advancing towards it, the character would fall. One idea to make this part easier could be to make the blocks appear and become solid abruptly, but disappear gradually, and once they have fully disappeared, keep them solid for a short additional time to give the player extra time to correct small delays.

Oh, thank you so much!

Very cool idea and the way the controls were defined. Congratulations on the effort!

Thank you very much for playing, and thank you for the feedback as well!

Great idea! It reminded me of a remote-controlled car I had when I was a child that worked the same way—one button moved it forward in a straight line, and the other button moved it backward while turning. I really liked the idea; congratulations on the game and your effort!

As for the controls, I have some reservations. I think the car loses its direction when you release the reverse button, and it keeps sliding backward as if it were on an icy track, for example. Another issue with reversing is that when you start reversing, the car takes a moment to begin turning. I think having it start turning immediately when reversing would make the controls more responsive.

Thank you very much for playing and for the feedback! I'm glad you liked the idea and gave me suggestions for improvements.

What a nice surprise to see this idea! I had a toy like this when I was a child, and seeing this game reminded me of it and made me want to buy one again haha. Congratulations on the idea and the effort to implement it!

Thank you for playing and for the feedback!

Wow, what an interesting idea! Congratulations on the effort and the game. I found it very unique and creative!

Thank you so much! I think adding more challenge levels would be really interesting indeed. Thanks for the feedback!

Wow, what a difficult game lol. This reminds me of Geometry Dash. I found the idea interesting, and I believe that making the gravity slower would make the gameplay easier. It's a very challenging game, and for those who enjoy this type of challenge, it makes sense. But I think most players want something less punishing haha.

Thank you for playing and for the feedback!
Indeed, if I had programmed A and D as alternative controls, it would have covered a wider range of control preferences, making it more comfortable for more player profiles. Thanks, I'll pay more attention to that!

Challenging game, but the way the theme was implemented is very cool.

One observation I have is that I imagine playing with the keyboard instead of the mouse could make it easier to adapt to the gameplay, due to the stability of the hands on the keyboard compared to the mouse.

Thank you for playing and for the comment!

Haha, valeu mano! Obg por jogar e pelo feedback!

Opa, valeu por jogar e pelo feedback!

De fato, se a musica seguir tocando sem reiniciar deve ficar melhor. Eu não tinha pensado nisso, mas em breve vou testar essa forma que me sugeriu. Valeu mesmo pela ideia! ✌️

Gostei da ideia! O jogo está bonito, funcional e a musica me lembrou um pouco de Tom e Jerry do SNES, mas com um ar de "cientista maluco" rs, bem apropriado por sinal. O filtro ficou muito interessante também!

Em relação aos controles, para mim, as trocar de tamanho seria mais intuitivo, aprendido com mais facilidade, se seguisse a ordem dos tamanhos, 1 para pequeno, 2 para médio e 3 para grande, em vez de 3 para pequeno, e... agora eu já esqueci qual que deixa grande e médio :/

Além disso, como W e Seta para Cima normalmente são usados para pular em jogos de plataforma, mudar isso para uma função que não é comum me parece contraintuitivo, arriscado. Penso que compromete a fluidez da gameplay.

Acredito que o jogo tem potencial para ser continuado e lançado comercialmente. Parabéns pelo empenho da equipe!

Obrigado pelo feedback, e valeu por jogar! ✌️


Valeu por jogar, mano! ✌️

Valeu ✌️😁

Valeu mano! ✌️

Valeu mano!  ✌️😁

Valeeu! ✌️

Muito obrigado, Danilo! 

kkk Valeu Caique!

Opa, valeu mano!

Ei, o jogo começa com um dash diagonal, ilustrado no canto inferior direto da caixa de diálogo, que é seta pra cima + seta  direita + tecla X.
Essa é a mecânica principal do jogo, e ela é feita de acordo com a direção das setas que vovê estiver pressionando.
Me deixe saber se conseguiu. Valeu!

Valeu mano!

Opa, gostei de ler o feedback!

Legal, gostei das ideias para icentivar jogar novamente.
Valeu pelas sugestões!

Muito obrigado!

Opa, muito obrigado! 

Opa, valeu Fred!

Legal, coloquei um contador de cartas cortadas e outro de cartas perdidas. Adicionei ainda uma tela final mostrando os números obtidos antes de encerrar o jogo, para uma última visualização.

Obrigado pelo feedback!

Obg mano!

Thank you very much! Nice to read that.

Thanks, friend!

Wow, 19 was really good! Thank you for playing and for the feedback!