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Gaia Fiorenza

A member registered Mar 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

Hey, thank you so much for your words! Red did an amazing job with the music, we loved working with him and he remained in the team also for the "sequel" game. 

Really happy you liked William, he's a fun character to write. Overall we're super happy that you enjoyed your time with the game so much. We totally would have added more things, had we had more time available!

I can't read Japanese but I love the art in this!

This was REALLY fun to play, and I loved the use of speed dating as a hunting method. Good job!

Thank you so much! We're glad Tamas worked for you as a character, and that the risks inherent to love between kindred appear evident in the story. Thank you for leaving a comment. ♥

Hey, thank you so much for leaving a comment. We're really glad that this second "instalment" worked for you. We wanted to do something in the same universe so to speak, and explore things and characters we didn't manage to work into the story last round (like the Bahari lore that exists for Budapest. It's a great city, by the way).

We definitely think the save system was needed and we wanted to put it in last time as well, we just kind of fought with the engine and ran out of time. We learnt for this round though! Again, thank you so much, we hope to produce more visual novels for VtM!

This is a really cool concept, I've had a grand time playing it ♥

Red's work is phenomenal! I'm glad it helped you with your own project ♥

Tamas was a cool character to give the spotlight to, and it's a great compliment to hear that he made you think "like him" and that the voice drew you in. Thank you so much for playing and leaving a comment.

Thank you so much, we had fun with revisiting the setting from a new point of view. We love the work Red is doing with the music and were glad to have him on board again for this. Thank you so much for your kind words, I hope you'll enjoy playing this again (especially now that all script bugs should be squashed lol...)

Hahaha thank you so much ♥ we're glad you like him.

Hello, thank you very much for playing! We had fun with making this game and I'm glad other people are left with a wish to interact with the characters more. Hopefully, something will come in the future!

As for the endings, Tamas and William are the only two guardian options, but there is a chance that, even picking William, you will not succeed in gaining him as Mawla. Essentially, you can a) pick Tamas; b) pick William and get William; c) pick William but, due to choices in the flashbacks, get Tamas instead. The main way to reach this ending is by selling William to Tamas and by giving Tamas information on the Voice; the more Tamas knows, the more likely that he will be able to convince the Prince that he is the right guardian for Florian during the confrontation in Elysium. In this ending, flavour text changes and Tamas picks a different location for the Thinblood brand during the branding scene.

Hey, thank you so much for your comment. We're glad we could deliver an immersive experience and characters despite the limited length and time costraints. We're definitely planning more for this game, it's great to hear that you enjoyed it. 

Thanks for playing! Stay tuned for more, we have plans. 

Haha congratulations! It's the one "good" ending.

Thank you so much and congratulations to everyone who participated!

Thank you so much for your really kind comment and for playing.

Thank you so much! I'm delighted you enjoyed it enough to play the different routes, and I can't thank enough the rest of the team for all the work they put into it. I'm glad the atmosphere we tried to build worked for you. Thanks for leaving us a comment. ♥

Thank you, glad you enjoyed! ♥ Another version of William is on SbN too, though at the moment he isn't being played.

Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad it came across that there was no "right" path to pick. Thank you for leaving a comment too.  : )

Only 12, but... slowly...

This was fun, I enjoyed the effort you put in the art! I would suggest you to change the text colour and heighten the contrast between text and background of the dialogue box, it's really the only thing that makes reading a little hard at the moment. : )

This was really really interesting. I loved how you played with non-linear narrative through memoriam. I picked Tremere for the clan and I don't know if a lot changes with different clans other than the single specific chapter, but I really enjoyed how you worked it into the story. All very cool and dream-like, with great writing to accompany me throughout. Great work!

This was very fun! I enjoyed how you characterised the Primogens and the premise you built the story on. I even became seneschal with the protagonist. Thanks for making this game.

Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad that the research on Budapest paid off, we tried to make it feel like it was really set in that city. Happy that you enjoyed it so much and thanks a lot for leaving this really nice comment. ♥

The exploration in this was delightful! unfortunately I died in the sewers trying to get to all the chests, but the game definitely left me wanting for more. I really enjoyed the exploration.

Thank you lots for playing! We're working on the sidebar and highlights and on the implementing of a save system, we appreciate the detailed feedback a lot. I'll make sure to pop up for the next stream.

This was fun! I especially liked the UI, it was very well-organised. I really would have liked to see more from this little fledgling and their adventures. The humanity and hunger mechanics were cool too.

Very lovely little story.

Hey, thank you so much for playing! Our artist did so much to make this game into what it is and I'm glad it worked for you, and that you enjoyed the characters. Budapest was a very last minute choice from our programmer but researching it was very very fun. Happy you liked it. ♥

If you're on discord in the dark pack server I'm Archon Bun there. : )

I really enjoyed the aesthetic of this game! Also as a fellow Italian, seeing the setting transformed into a VN was a very fun experience. Congrats for the sprites as well, they were all very original.

Very cool concept! I'd have enjoyed directions for what to do but even like this it was very interesting to explore the map, and I liked my little talk with Hermione at the market stall.

This was an amazing ride, I feel you could add so much more content to it. I loved the characters, they were all really vivid with their own personalities, and the twists and turns of the plot, especially as it reached its end, were all gripping and interesting. Truly fun game, especially for how it incorporated the culture of the area and focused on some fun clans. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

I really loved Blood Frontier. A lot of work went into this textual game, a lot of content and choices to write in one month. It's a game that, with further editing and polishing, would have a great place next to the other VtM textual games. 

(1 edit)

Hey, thanks so much for playing! You making the voices was really a treat. Also thanks for bringing to our attention that small options bug, where if you change resolution it turns off the audio for some reason, we will be looking into ways to fix it. I'm very glad you enjoyed the team's efforts. ♥

Thank you lots for giving it a go. ♥

Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I wish I'd had the time to add more content and still finish in time, with another month I would certainly have loved to make the game lengthier, but even so I'm glad it worked for you with the narrative that was in and with the way we handled the sprites. Also cheers for recognising the Prince!

Thanks SO much for playing, and as quoth says, we really had a lot of fun with Budapest as a city. I'm glad you enjoyed. ♥

Thanks so much for playing ♥ I'm glad the glossary worked and that the narrative was intuitive enough that someone who doesn't know anything about VtM could still understand what was going on and have fun with it. 

This was a lot of fun, I really liked the different perspectives. Siegfried was eerie and confident and the graphics are simple but effective. I also very much enjoyed the Portuguese words about dancing, they were a great cultural context.