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A member registered Sep 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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Wow, that certainly is a rolling die, haha! That's the most creative use of the theme I've seen so far.

BTW is that made in Scratch? It's certainly an accomplishment to make anything in Scratch, much less a little game this fun.

I love the presentation! It's got a lot of charm. I do see what you're going for gameplay-wise, but I think if you gave the player more choice (perhaps with different battle dice) it could be a lot more fun.

But I liked it! It's like a deck-building game in miniature.

It's a really cool title screen ... but I can't figure out how to start!

Heh, what a cute little game.

I'll do that right now

Thank you! There shouldn't be any audio except during the intro card... I didn't have time to do sfx. :(

Haha, what a cute game! I was smiling through the whole thing.

Just... please don't actually try to make any of the recipes...

Hm, space shouldn't be making you scroll down... But you can left-click to go forward a page, too.

1) That's the fun of the game, to figure out how the ICs work. (The way that one works is that the slider loads the number in your card into address 1, and the the target number is in address 0. You can either set address 0 to 179, the number on your card, or set address 1 to whatever's in address 0.)

2) Sorry! I'll keep that in mind.

3) It.... kinda... doesn't very much. I guess you have to take care to figure out what everything does, though?

That's the point of the game, actually! Hopefully it should feel like you figured out what the chip's memory meant, not random chance... but that's my problem as a developer, not yours as a player.

Typescript transpiled to Javascript, using the built-in Canvas API. (So, I didn't use an engine...)

I just added the tutorial! (I've been uploading incomplete versions of the game so I can show my friends.)

Mhmm, I'm working on it. (In fact I just finished the tutorial!) The game here isn't done.

The game isn't finished yet at all! I just wanted to make sure I could get something on the site easily.

I really like this game! But, I don't see how it fulfills the theme very much...

I can't really say I understand what's going on... The towers don't do anything and I don't get to choose where I put them either. And the circles explode... sometimes... randomly...

Perhaps you just need to include instructions?

Man, I know what it's like to want to kill your parents...

Even though this is more of a movie because you have next to no agency, I liked how it was presented as a game. It makes the story more poignant.

Ugh, sorry about that bug... Javascript is weird about exceptions so if a bug happens the rest of the frame won't process but the next frame will go ahead just fine. And important stuff happens at the end of the frame like "stop shaking"...

But I'm glad you liked the game!

I just get this error:

Cannot read property 'length' of null

Sorry about that...

I really liked this game! It's sort of a rebus game, where there's a door with some symbols on it and you have to guess which key will let you through. It's an interesting take on these guessing games, especially as the puzzles become more about remembering the cutscenes. 

I really, really liked this game. The idea of "platformer without jump control" has been done a bunch of times, but tying all your abilities to the shoes makes it feel really cohesive. Also, the game really doesn't take itself seriously, which was fun.

"good ol' dying" mode :P

Thanks a lot! I didn't have time to playtest this, so I might have caught the power thing if i had more time.

By the way, there is a power source in the hangar somewhere. You can interface with it to get some more power. (Just don't overload your batteries...)

Very short, but I liked the idea. I can see this being a real game, if you had more better levels.

Very nice! You got the "game juice" thing down very well for 48 hours.

What does clicking do? I don't see what the purpose of slowing down is.

Interesting idea, and I liked the title. It also very nicely fits into the jam description: a shooter, without shooting.

However, I couldn't figure it out or beat the second level. The bullets had huge hitboxes and the player just moved too slowly.

Hey, wait, I made a game called Blindside!

Besides that, I liked this game, despite not getting anywhere. The cane mechanic was cool-looking and made sense. However, it was just too hard. I couldn't get to anything and spent about 5 minutes wandering not finding or hearing anything new. Maybe increase the radius on the cane tip. (If you had more than 48 hours, this could be a really cool game if you had really good sound design, with echoes, reverb, footsteps, etc.)

Cool game, but I don't see what part of a platformer this doesn't have.

Cool concept for a game! But, the controls were really slow and floaty.

Also, I don't see what part of a "platformer" this is missing.

Made me laugh out loud.

The focus of the game seems to be the rowing, though, not the pole-less fishing.