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A member registered Nov 27, 2017

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Hello, me again, I wanted to ask a question about the type of game you want to create

1 - Do you want to give the feeling that Hiro (and possibly all the femboys) are weak, in comparison with the rest of the characters in the game?
The first time I play this game, most of the enemies were too strong and fight, almost always was a bad idea, at least until get level and proper equipment, these incites you to avoid difficult encounters or evade these fights (althougth this meaning to end up with your ass full of cum), currently Hiro feels overpowering and it's hard to lose even when you want it.
This feeling of being weak was interesting, because forced Hiro to have sex and be corrupted, becoming more lewd to be able to continue. I think it's an interesting idea that could make an important part of the gaming experience and I wanted to ask if you intend to do it

2 - Do you want to give the feeling of being fighting against being corrupted? Fight against the enemy much stronger than you, forced you to have sex and become more lewd, but now you can win all the fights, and if you're fucking is because you want, end the game being virgin could be more challenging But now that the game does not force you to have sex, finishing the game being a virgin is simply boring. Maybe have sex is simply an option that you can take or not, and the game can`t force it. I think that carrying your character in a world where you know everyone tried to fuck him and you have to avoid that (or enjoy it) was part of the game's charm

3 - Would you say that the characters in ToA prefer to fuck a femboy before any other character (female or futa)?
as if the femboys were the greatest object of desire. Converting the femmy into the greatest object of desire probably condemning them to be enslaved and / or trained by someone can be a very interesting idea

4 - Can you have a friendly relationship with all the characters in the game?
Being able to convince all enemies (with more or less difficulty) to be friends (in a sexual way), instead of trying to become your in  his pet
I ask because many enmigos are very aggressive As the Naga, Kelzal or the spider girl and wanted to know if you could establish a relationship with these characters and turn them in friendly (at least with you)

5 - Finally I wanted to know if your game is a sandobx where you explore and build the story (without clear objectives allowing you to deviate and build the story in many ways) or If it is a linear story (with a unique goal and deviate from this ends in a bad ending)? I ask it because you has said that the food exists as a time meter that forces the player to finish the game, the game tries to make you explore, but you can not do this if you are limited by time, I also do not understand what Hiro's goal is, you are limited in time to finish the game, but I do not understand what is this goal that Hiro pursues, if the only objective is to explore and have an adventure, I would understand it better

thank you for your time and great game that you create

When I say a rework I do not mean to make a new character, I mean to improve Kylila, especially the clothes that I find too simple.
I also liked the personality (a partner to love), but do not think you'd like more if she had more feminine clothes, with more details, she may not show as much skin as Trudy and Hiro, but unless her clothes have more details and color, her clothes are a simple piece of brown fabric, her shoes have more detail.

Although the pose that I currently enjoy,  when Kylila Hiro and Trudy talk to each other in the camp, it would be better if Kylila had an illustration with a upright pose like Hiro and Trudy (I'm not sure I can adequately convey what I want to say with "feels bad or out of place", with my bad English, sorry)

About the turtle, it is not that I do not like it, but it has not had much more participation, I understand that there is a lot of work to do, but I understand that the turtle probably does not have much participation in Kylila's sexual encounters and that would limit the participation of He, I suggest the fairry as Kylila's partner on this occasion but he could also be a friend of Hiro's if he did not meet any other

I'm not saying that Kylila is bad as a character, but I would like a more detailed dress like the one Trudy has, more revealing, or maybe not

(2 edits)

Hello again

This time I want to suggest to visual rework for Kylila. I understand that it is impossible to please everyone, but Kylila is a partner, a femboy, a recurring character and I think that a character like that has to be very attractive, sexy, beautiful, etc.

But I think Kylila is pretty ugly if you compare her to Hiro or Trudy, and it's visually very different from them. The variety is good and trying different things is refreshing but Kylila does not feel part of the group (visually)

In my opinion, Kylila does not reflect the idea of her character. For example, Urka is an orc and a warrior, that is why she turns her back on you and looks at you with contempt, because you are weak and in this way she lets you know it. With her appearance and posture Urka makes you feel she is a strong warrior, her appearance and pose reflect the idea of her character. Kylila is supposed to be a elf, a elf is supposed to be beautiful, but Kylila is not very attractive. Your new character (a elf) said: "We are a proud and noble race", and I agree that this is what an elf should represent, but Kylila wears a very boring clothes, like torn rags. I think a proud elf would not wear such simple and unfeminine clothes, like a character that represents a elf Kylila is disappointing

It would be a shame for a main character to be wasted because he is not attractive, so I wanted to propose a rework for Kylila

I also wanted to give a couple of interesting ideas.
Kylila is a shy character, but she could also be cheerful with whom she has confidence (Hiro) as Suni from futadomworldb (Thank you for recommending this game xD), I love this character, her cheerful smile makes you want to continue talking with her and improve his relationship. I think it would be good that Kylila had a personality like Suni

It would be good if he had a upright posture like Hiro and Trudy, to put their illustrations together during combersations when camping and that the three of them feel part of a group. She could also have one hand holding her skirt with shyness (in the crotch) and the other covering her mouth, without forgetting a beautiful and feminine dress, preferably showing more skin like Hiro and Trudy

hand covering her mouth and hand holding her skirt with shyness

Kylila already has a partner (the turtle) but I think it would be more interesting if her partner was a female fairy, with a more cheerful and extroverted personality that Kylila pushes her to do things and often speaks for her, participates with Kylila in her sexual encounters, encouraging Kylila ("you can do it", "Show them what you have") and provoking on their enemies ("that's all you have", "I'm proud of his abilities", "be more rough, she can do it" , "this is not enough, she wants more"). Kylila is shy and submissive, so it would be great if she had a companion who spoke for her in a horny way and provoking her enemies to be rougher, while Kylila endure it as she can

Beautiful elf with beautiful clothes (the little girl)

I hope to hear something about the future of this character
Thanks for your hard effort

a pity, I supposed it, but I hoped that somehow you could see the titles without accessing the file.

ok thanks for your time and prompt reply

This time I wanted to ask a very specific question, a long time ago I liked to check your github account every day, I found it very fun to see each day, in which you had been working, just to know.
but it's been a long time since the daily updates were turned off and only the changes are shown after a long time.

I understand that you do not want to show the new illustrations that you added ahead of time, but I was wondering if you could just show the titles, probably only to entertain the only fool who sees the changes every day, but think you would make that fool very happy

let me know if it could be done

One problem that has the battle system is the accumulation of too many buttons, often you have more buttons than it is possible to show, the game allows you to go under and access them but this is not well done, there should never be more than 8 buttons at the same time

Full Nelson and Ground Wrestle Stances do this in a very smart way, shows and hides buttons according to the situation and you never have more than 6 buttons, but the Balanced and Offensive Stances accumulate many buttons with fasility, in another moment I would like to give ideas of how limit the skills that are learned and consequently the buttons that are shown but for now I just wanted to draw attention to the buttons of sexual Stances, when you throw an enemy to the floor you enable 4 buttons (cowgirl, reversecowgirl, Facefuck and Wrestle Stance) I think it would be better to put an intermediate stance containing these buttons to only have to enable a single button

I propose that only sexual stances can be accessed through one of these 5 intermediate Stances, each one with its particular slogan and mechanics.
The seduction Stance whose slogan is "we do not need to fight, we can finish this in a more pleasant way", and the difficulty is that you can be rejected if you do not have enough sexappeal or your proposal is not attractive (it is more difficult that the enemy let your fuck her ass or if she prefers to fuck your mouth before your ass).
The FullNelson stance, I love how it is as it is, the slogan is simple "dominate or be dominated", a stance that is always accessible but can be negative if you're not strong enough
The following 3 Stances share thematic, they are the stances that are accessed when you throw the enemy to the ground: face up, face down and knees (Supine, Prone, Kneeling Stances respectively), the enemy falls randomly in one of these stances and each one of them enables a different stance with its different actions.
If it falls in Supine Stance, enable Wrestle Stance from which you can rub your cock against the enemy's cock or kiss it to tame it, finally you can sit on his cock (Cowgirl and ReverseCowgirl Stances) or use Facesitting on the enemy
If you fall in Prone you enable ProneBone Stance from which you can rub your cock against the enemy's ass or masturbate while you are behind him and finally penetrate him (Doggy Stance)
And finally if it falls in Kneeling you enable PreOral Stance (provicional name because there is still no intermediate instance for the Oral Stances) you can put your cock on the face of the enemy and force him to lick or suck your cock or balls finally accessing Fellatio and Facefuck stance

The idea of putting the Sexual Stances behind these intermediate Stances is not only to limit and give order to the number of buttons that are shown (although there are 5 intermediate stances, because of their nature you will never see more than 2 at the same time ), also serves to give logic to how the Stances work and give a bit of identity to several of these stances, to be honest now FullNelson, Wrestle and ProneBone are very similar, appear in the same places under similar requirements and allow to go to exactly the same sexual Stances, in this way these stances have a clear difference giving them different stances to which you can access. Compelling to go through these pre-sexial stances before accessing a sexual stance serves to give them a purpose to these and not fall into oblivion, after all why go through Wrestle to end up in anal stance if I can simply to use "sit on it"?

The enemies are also forced to go through these Stances, for example when the enemy uses seduction on you, in this case a button is enabled to enter Seduction Stance whatever the stance in which the player is, and only at that moment the enemy can use "present" to enable you to enter Doggy Stance

When thinking this suggestion I found being able from Balanced Stance to kneel and suck the enemy's cock was quite illogical, first because it would be similar to being able to throw yourself to the floor and being fuck in the ass and second because accessing by own will to have sex is the purpose of Seduction Stance, that's why I thought of Kneeling Stance as a result of being thrown to the floor, I also found that you need a pre-sexual stance related to being on your knees (just like the Wrestle Stance icon is similar to the Supine Stance icon and the ProneBone Stance icon with the Prone Stance icon would be a nice touch if the icon of this new stance were similar to the Kneeling Stance icon)

It has become a very long post, too much, so I wanted to emphasize that my intention is not to deserve you how to do things, what I want is to show some weak points of the game and suggest how to solve them, rather than wanting you to do it. What I hope is to be able to inspire you, mix these ideas with what you already have planned, I do not expect you to tell me that you will do it, I would be more than happy to simply listen as you would like to solve the problems that my suggestion is trying to solve. I say this because I understand that many people put pressure on things like having a female MC and similar things that are not of your main interest but that you will end up doing to please them, even if I would love a female MC I understand, respect and like the game that you want to create , and in the same way, if my suggestion is not in accordance with what you want to create, I will understand it, I prefer that you tell me what does not convince you to just tell me that it is an interesting idea

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand ..... I get tired of writing, I will continue bothering in another occasion

Thank you for your prompt response, it is good to see how much attention they put on the community around the game that you are creating with such love

I have tried to play the Full Nelson and Ground Wrestle Stances and I found it entretaining and interesting, the way in which the struggle between the characters works, works similar to how I thought it, and I think that sexual instances need a similar mechanics to make them challenging and interesting based on satisfying the couple.

I want to know better how the system of battles works and make some suggestions, I like to keep a close eye on your game and see how it evolves, not only the new characters and encounter, but also the game mechanics

The first time I play this game (long ago), I did not understand the battle system but over time I started to like it, more and more, not only for what it is, but for what it can become with time.

I do not want to abuse your kindness, but I would like to know, how they work or what they should do, the statistics that appear in red while you fight, I mean:

winded / hurt / lusty / gasping / cumdrunk / breathless / wounded

I hope not to ask too much and not be annoying

(1 edit)

I wanted to ask how it works or what it is supposed to do, the grapple bar when you are in "sexual stances"

At first I thought it indicated to state of advantage or disadvantage (dominant or dominated)

I thought this would be for example when the enemy throws Hiro to the ground and starts to "Doggy Stance" (a disadvantageous situation), using "offensive" skills like "Stroke" or "Self Spank" to overcome the enemy (if your abilities and "experience" being sufficient) dominating him (a lot more advantageous situation) and for example being able to change to a "Cowgirl Stance" to finish dominaing it completely.
the opposite situation would also work, if Hiro throws an enemy to the ground and uses "Ride on It" or tries to seduce him and uses "Present" if the cock of the enemy is too much for Hiro and he runs out of stamina repeatedly she will be dominated and completely fucking

In a few words I thought that the "grapple" bar would look like a mechanic or indicator to turn an unfavorable or favorable situation, it would be interesting because although Hiro would end up with his ass fucked and cum filled, in the unfavorable case Hiro would end up on the floor unconscious and in the advantageous case the enemy would end up lying on the ground and Hiro with a questionable feeling of victory, in addition to an intermediate end where Hiro manages to satisfy his enemy without dominating or being dominated

Something like this would be interesting in the sexual battles giving a sense of fight, as when the enemy catches you and you use "Struggle" and "Rest" to try to escape while you try not to run out of stamina. Currently the sexual battles do not have this feeling, you have a button to try to escape and 3 or 4 to advance and end the battle, without a difference between them or a reason to alternate between them

But I do not really understand what it does or how this bar works, sometimes it goes up, sometimes it's low and I've never managed to see the advantage, it just jumps between the first 4

Although I ended up suggesting a mechanic based on the "grapple" bar, my real intention was to ask how it works now and if you have planned to do something else in the future (and what do you think of the suggestion?, I hope that at least it inspires you)

it's nice to hear that, it would be good to see other femboys besides Hiro being fucked too and have more variety but what catches my attention is that they could fight with you, this means that we could fight against groups of enemies? and this means that there will be group encounters (gangbang)? and the question that really interests is, if I have an encounter with 2 orcs, they will be different from each other like the goblins that have their own separate encounters, but adding some common encounters

I wanted to take this opportunity to suggest the idea of a character
A group of 3 young twins werewolf, a cute and innocent group of futanaris (but still with a better dick than Hiro) without bad intentions who just want to play innocently with Hiro. I think the idea of a friendly character, tenderly inexperienced but curious could be an interesting variation. Their encounters would be more like a group of children playing, exploring (spelunky on Hiro) or doing mischief.

taking advantage of the update of the world map sprite of Kylie on twitter I wanted to ask what is planned in the future for companions

normally the companions help in the battles and take part in the story, but given the battle system it does not seem that they never have utility in it and it does not feel like they accompany you, in the encounters it never matters if someone accompanies you

when I saw that Kylie and Trudy were two femboys like Hiro rather than expect to see them having sex with Hiro I expected to see them having sex with other characters just like Hiro does or if they accompany Hiro that some encounters have them as co-protagonists and not just some encounters while camping, also I hoped that choosing one or the other as a partner would have a deeper impact on history and encounters as well as being able to see someone other than Hiro being fuked

I wanted to know what are the objectives for the future of this characters, I also wanted to give ideas or suggestions to stimulate your imagination and i would like to receive some comments about it, but i will put it in a comment later for not to extend this, it is enough for me to answer this question and if your are interested read the suggestions please

could have hiro a more slutty personality in the future

in encounters you always see hiro forced to have sex reluctantly, but although you can seduce enemies in battle and have perks that show a taste for sex, you can never see hiro enjoying sex, asking for more, seducing or tempting, it would be interesting to see hiro acting as a whore by his own will and having more intense encounters than normal

using as a differentiator the level of catanite (max lv3) a perk that is chosen by the player and that is not acquired by the experiences of defeat (or seduction) thus being able to have the maximum lvl still preserving the virginity and being a natural whore of birth

or you do not like it that hiro wants and enjoys sex with a slutty personality

I wanted to ask if it would be possible to know the results of the surveys done to the patreons, I would like to know what ideas are being voted and what could be the future of the game

I do not know if someone else would also like to know those things

I do not understand what "Nefhalf" means. Be more careful with the translator ;)

Think that characters like the merchant or the goblin make fun of you as a femboy and in most events this is referred to.
Having a non-male protagonist (not femboy) would force to change almost all the events, after all this is the central idea of the game, majalis wants to make a game with this theme and this is what he sells to  you in his patreon. I would also like a purely feminine protagonist but I respect the decision of Majalis to make a game to his liking. although I would like him to remove the men from the game (only girls futas and femboy)

Think that a futa is by definition a female with a penis and there is no point in making fun of her for behaving as a girl. There are many things to see and I do not think it's worth it to waste time trying to make the author do something he does not want
If you see his website and read his work you will understand the topics that they like to work

Personally, I would find it more interesting to start with a base character and modify his body while the game progresses (clothing, accessories,
hairstyle, tattoos, but zize, chest size), as well as alter his personality and tastes (body modification and moral degeneration < 3)

Regarding to breast size and penis, he has already said he plans to implement it, but that depends on the vote of the patreons. If you can afford it and you want to contribute with ideas and see them perform, you can check your patreon.

I do not think that Majalis wants to put a female protagonist, although he said that he could change the pronouns and remove the events that
require having a penis also said that they is not interested in creating events related with the vagina or something in the fight system. I do not think this is what is being asked

I understand that they want to create a game based on a femboy / trap and they are not interested in changing the central idea of their game and I
think that if they do not want to put a woman MC it is better that they not do anything

but do not lose hope, you could still make the protagonist more feminine (but and breast size) and disappear the men of the game (currently some events have men as your partner: brothel events, INN event, lose against the ghost) , this last is just a suggestion but I think that majalis would be more interested in disappearing mens of the game than in putting a female protagonist

There is nothing more to do

the game is a beta and does not have a clear objective, only to reach the special zones and see what happens

the strong point of the game is the encounters, depending on the result of fights or some perk you get a different encounter, for example the angel and the merchant are the most varied, the spider girl makes a difference if you lose by knockout or by an sexual attack (satisfying her), the girl with the cat lets you fuck her if you win.
The game has much to explore in the sense of possibilities and lewd things

When I read the premise of ToA I thought it was a world where everyone was androgynous and only had futagirls and femboys but when I played I found that there were men like the blacksmith and those who were hiding in the orc encounter. Also, I'm not very clear about the motivation of the protagonist, so I've been thinking about a context story for the game and I wanted to share it for anyone interested in giving an opinion.

A long time ago, convinced that the wars and the evils of the world were the fault of the malice of men, the demon Lord decided to create a world without men, for this she created a curse that completely prevented men from being born and another that converted some girls in futagirls to be able to reproduce without men.

At the beginning no one noticed, everything seemed to be as it always was, but when the new generations grew, everyone realized that the boys were actually futagirls and no man was born. From that moment many people decided to stop the demon lord but all of
them failed, time passed and the men were slowly disappearing, as the demon lord hoped the world became more peaceful, everyone accepted the new reality and continued with their lives.
The centuries have passed and the curse has been weakening, some men have been born as femboys and again people try to stop the demon Lord to prevent her from reinforcing the curse again or worse, but until now all have failed and been cursed being combertidos in spidergirls or snakegirls with double dick (discrete suggestion)

Some species were not completely affected by the curse as the goblins due to their way of reproducing (women were futas from the beginning and had no vagina so the curse did not consider them women and did not act properly) in this case the curse ended by making them all in a more feminine way, endowing them with futadicks and a great lust to all equally
Also the curses did not affect creatures of low intelligence (animals, ogres, minotaurs, etc.)

In this world men (femboy) are very scarce and girls consider them much more beautiful and sexy than any woman, feeling sexually very attracted (but not in the way that boys want). The femboys are the sexual object by excellence for the fantasies of all women, even much more than a succubus or anything else, having a femboy submitting it completely to turn it into a cumdump is the wildest dream of every woman, for this any Brothel would give anything to have a femboy to do various hard sex training shows with him.
Even if a femboy wishes to reaffirm his role as a man, all women want to see him fall into lust and tempt him in various ways, trying to seduce them with pleasure and dressing him with sexy clothes.

In this context the story of our femboy is developed, this is why he is so deceived and this is what motivates him, I have tried to create the story to fit characters like ogres and goblins man, and I'm sure it could be changed to that fits any character that is planned to create

This game has a good system of battles, and interesting sexual encounters but also needs a background story and characters with personality and history (like the goblin who has an interesting personality but not a background story or motivation)

If you have read everything and want to leave your opinion as well as any idea to improve this concept, I would appreciate it and also thank the majalis team for creating this game with so much dedication.

(1 edit)

I wanted to ask if you could have group encounters.

For example against:

  • 2 female orcs
  • a group (2) or herd (5) of wereslut
  • 2 goblins (female and male) or more (?)
  • Orc and goblin together (it would be interesting to see that some races are friendly with each other)

Group encounters offer many possibilities for sexual postures, such as double penetration, double anal, bukkake, gangbang or many other things

also be interesting to see kylira in these encounters, if she accompanies you, you can ask for help and join the encounter from your side (or against you)
this would allow you to differentiate when you give her to join you or become a healer, if she joins you, she can help you in these events, and
if she become a healer you can get to see her alone having a encounters sometimes

I think kylira needs a new sexier image as a femboy or as a futagirl, I think her current image does not match the other characters in the game

thanks for working hard and bring us this game

(2 edits)

update java and execute the .jar file.
I had that problem and the .jar file was seen and opened like a .rar

Hello, interesting game that you are creating, I like it and before suggesting some ideas, I wanted to ask you some questions about the game

1 - will have encounters / battles of groups, for example against 2 female orcs, one group (2) or flock (5) of wereslut, 2 goblins (female
and male), orc and goblin together. It can be complicated to implement for the battles system especially for the sexual battles, but the meetings that you could develop with groups are very interesting to let it go (gangbang, double penetration, double anal, think it). In the worst case, the battles could only be against the leader of the group and not you would lose this great opportunity for sexual encounters and stories

2 - the enemies will have a unique personality and history, for example, if there are 5, but they will have 5 different images and events depending on which one you find alone, although in this case it would be difficult to achieve really different encounters, but in the case of 2
female orcs would be interesting to see 2 models,  physically different as well as in personality, a new orc female with a more aggressive personality and wanting to sodomize hiro completely. Having different examples of enemies of the same race with their different tastes and personalities could be quite interesting to watch, instead of just having an example of each race and repeating it as if it were the only example of that race that we will see, or have enemies completely empty without personality, the goblins are a good example, even if they have different color of clothes, different eyes and different tattoos to differentiate them, they look very similar and they do not feel different even though they were given different personality, I hope that they will be a different pose and weapons

3 - when you create your character you can choose the size of your ass and lips, what is the idea behind this? Something related to events or only aesthetic?

4 - you can play with the prostitute class, or it will not be a playable class, although I would not like it to lose the Offensive skills, I would like to play that class (and everyone would like)

5 - As the perk, "anal lover" and "horse lover" are supposed to work, it may be that the perk "mouth maniac" allows you to use the "deepthroat" ability, I would appreciate if you explain how you plan to implement these features or how are implemented

I played and exploited the game, I thought of many ideas to suggest but before developing them I wanted to better understand what their plans were for the game, I thank them for their time answering these questions and I would appreciate it if they made clear what ideas were planned, any ideas It may be change but I would like to know what are the ideas currently planned

thanks for your hard work