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A member registered Apr 18, 2016 · View creator page →

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I can't seem to find a way to play this game?!? Did it ever get uplaoded?

SO EASY AND SO HARD ALL IN ONE GAME!!! I love it. Great work.

This was a really good game all around. I enjoyed the levels that I played.  A very creative use of the theme. I liked everything but the camera/view movement. Nice work!

Good game, challenging level design. IT was fun to play. Only one small criticism and that's the wait time between each move. Once I found the rhythm, it was okay, but I think it should move a bit faster.

Nice work!

Fun premise and a good start. It might be nice if the returned plants somehow boosted the oxygen levels in the world or something and you had more time in the outside for each one that you retrieved. Would play again after more content is added! Nice work, guys (and gals?).

Thanks for playing. I ran out of time to implement all the features I wanted. It's my first jam and I was woefully under prepared. Instead of your monstrosity going back up, it should have been more difficult to lower it. :) I'll make sure to let you know when I have updates.

Thanks, Doc! My kids are on spring break next week, so I expect I'll get some more time to jam on it. They have all been contributing to my concept art, so I'm looking forward to continuing the work! Thanks for playing!

Aw, dang. This was super fun. I hope you decide to expand it and add extra levels or features or whatever! I'd love  to play more Thanks for making such a cool, little game!!!

I, like you, ran out of time. The buildings were supposed to have a purpose other than just their names and you had to find the right buildings to fix the things that made you monstrous. Thanks for playing!

Oh, man. This was fun. I really wanted to get to the end and eventually I did. Good level design, a bit plain on the visuals and music, and now I hate the sound of glass breaking because of hitting so many spikes!! Good work, and thanks for making a fun game!

I had a similar experience to the others with this game. It looks like it will be really fun when you get it finished! Please keep me posted if you continue work on it.

This was nice. I enjoyed the oscar-worthy voice acting. On the date, the text for the dialogue didn't show up and it just kept saying "I see." I'm not sure if that was intentional or not?!? Either way, nice work, and, uh, thanks for being one of the at least four of us who called our games Scare City! I hope you had as much fun making it as I did playing it

Yeah, scope creep and inexperience got the best of my submission too. I was only able to implement about 60-70% of the planned features into the game, making it super short and ridiculously easy to win!

Thanks for your kind words and your time to play through. This is my first game jam and I think I'll do another one. I want to finish this to be the game I planned. I'll update you when it's done. The building names will be even better once that feature is added! It had to be sacrificed to be able to be done enough to submit.

Holy crap, this is a good game. I enjoy the concept, the challenge, and just the general idea of this game. I really hope you continue putting work into this and expand it! I died so hard, but had so much fun losing. Thanks for making this!

This was pretty fun. Mildly difficult. Not sure if I glossed over the win condition or not, but I didn't win. :) When I died, I think I discovered a bug. When I clicked okay that I had lost, it seemed to be on some sort of an infinite loop. and I had to closet he game to end it. Nice work! 

Rated, buddy! Good work, man. I'm really impressed by this game.  Challenging, fun, good pixel art, appropriate music. I wish mine had ended up this polished!

In a way, you're right. It's a bug because it's a partially developed feature!

I ran out of time. :) I didn't get to implement the feature that would make it longer. What bug did you find? I have s flyswatter.

Thanks for playing!!!

Hard. Fun. Neat demon guys. Hard. I've been awake too long to be any good at this game.

I think this is an overall good concept, but I'm not sure I was playing it right. I liked the graphics of the map a lot.

Yeah. Because since I pressed the "Submit" button and then completed the process that it told me to do, I figured I was submitted. I didn't realize until it was too late that I wasn't. :(

Great game. I was looking forward to playing this after seeing all of the posts in the discord channel. Friggen great. Hard game on a simple premise. I love you how you incorporated the scarcity theme into the main game mechanic. Just genius. Good work!

I'm going to hold off on rating this one. I feel like I should be able to attack the enemies, but I couldn't find out how. WASD worked, and space made me jump, R did some crazy thing, but I could not find a way to attack. I'd like to come back to this!

Oh, man. This was just fun and sad and then happy again. Nice work. It took me a while to figure out that I needed to move and do stuff, but not too long. . .and I guess I wouldn't change it. It was fun to discover how the game worked.

I played this for about ten minutes and I like the concept. Some of the sound effects are a bit grating, but turning down my volume solved that. I didn't win, but I'd like to. No HUD for the pieces made me stop. I found the portal, but had no idea which pieces I had or was missing. I am excited to see how this grows after the Heart Jam. I hope you continue it!

Aw, crap. You're kidding me?!? Uploading the game wasn't the submission process?!?!? Like fun, are you goin' to the mall.

Thanks for the suggestions. I am new to game dev, but work professionally as a developer also and though I don't use the Pomodoro tool, I can confirm that both pieces of your advice are very true! 

(1 edit)

That tree is gorgeous. edit: spelling/typo

I'm a developer by trade, but I've never made a full game. I just got notification today that my PTO is approved to work the Heart Jam, and I'm thinking about teaming up. I can do some pretty general coding stuff, I can do some design and art stuff, and if I can manage to find a way to record it, I can do music stuff. If anyone is interested in teaming up, reply to this thread.

Here's a link to some of my analog and digital art https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10202847723893740.1073741832.122088041...

And here's a link to some sketches I did on my deposit bags years ago https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10201783551290090.1073741828.122088041...