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A member registered Sep 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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When does Thanksgiving Mode activate?

Looks about right for a UE5 game
though it could be a little longer
though I guess that makes it worse


Good, but it's a little too good

(1 edit)

I've never enjoyed snake so much!


When I first saw this game, I literally thought you meant "deep" as in emotional. I was intrigued by the prospect of an emotional snake game! Turns out, the game had nothing to do with sad snakes, but despite this, I am not disappointed in the least by this game.


- really good images! The snake's big eyes are a nice addition, and the different colored voids are cool. I particularly like the idea of being able to descend further into the deep as you get more apples. There isn't any music, nor does there need to be (though I suppose some spacey music could work, I think it is good as is). The audio *pops* and whatnot fit well with the visual style.


- GREAT idea! I have seen a lot of "Snake in 3D" games, but they have all been super boring and difficult. This retains classic snake movement, adding a unique 3D element to it that makes snake fun all over again! It is quite difficult--I would probably add health/hearts to make it a little more forgiving.


- The controls stuck to the classic snake game, while not being super difficult for the game. I can't think of a better way to control it!


- I had a lot of fun playing this game! If I had more time, I would've gotten further into the deep. You could make an entire game out of this, allowing the snake to go to different worlds/dimensions, and the gameplay would remain fun, long as you continued adding elements.


- Great game! Definitely the most original one I've seen so far. Hope you score high!

—GarterSnake508 🐍

Great idea! I really liked hiding behind stuff, even if it never really became useful. The jump whenever the darkness gets you is AWESOME!

Pretty cool! Unfortunately, I had to do this on my laptop and touchpad :(


Thanks for the feedback

No problem! Here's a screen recording:

It's the weirdest error I've had this jam!

I like the Power-scaling system, particularly the different stats. The level/graphics looked pretty decent as well. A few things I would recommend:

- the enemies are very hard to dodge. It would be nice if I had a dodge/roll that I could use with ctrl or RMB to get out of their way. Simply reducing the amount of enemies would also be good.

- I don't know if this was an Unreal Engine thing or what, but the game made my fans go VRRRRRRRRRR. If it is because of the game, I would recommend finding some way to CPU optimize.

I applaud your courage for using UE! I tried it once, and got overwhelmed within 10 minutes. I couldn't even figure out how to detect when a collider entered an area/detect zone. Anyone who uses UE for a game jam deserves a round of applause 👏

(1 edit)

This was the kind of game I immediately thought of when I saw the theme, "Built to Scale". It feels good to know that I wasn't alone.

The gameplay was simple, but fun. I liked the piggy-bank model. It fits well with the theme of scale, too. There is a glitch where Piet doesn't always eat the crystals, going over them without collecting them. I would definitely recommend fixing that if you get a chance. Also, the zoom could have been changed--one click on my wheel sent it to almost twice its size. Finally, it would be cool to see even larger crystals that I could eat/have a clear objective for the game. Fix these, and Piet could be even more fun!

Nice thumbnail, btw :)

Really nice atmosphere! Very relaxing :)

The water droplets do invert their "F" label when they turn around, but other than that, I couldn't find any bugs.

I could definitely see it being a good Arcade/minigame thing!

I saw the title "Hamster Pizza Delivery" with a subtitle warning of psychological horror content, and was immediately hooked. And I actually liked it!

The fun hamster atmosphere provides a really neat contrast to the spooky bridge/maze around the homes, giving good breaks between the suspense. The models were quite good, and the hamster sprites were funny. I really liked how your light detector got slowly glitchier and glitchier--I was terrified that it would run out on the boss battle at the end! (I really liked the boss battle, too!)

The one improvement I would recommend would be to improve the theme relation. The game had little to do with the theme, other than the fact that you--and everyone else--was a hamster. I suppose the bridges could also have used a little more variety (walking in a straight line got tiring after a bit), but it was good for a game jam.

Overall, this was a pretty good submission!

Thanks! :)

Do you mean the Windows build or Linux build?

[After some testing]

I just downloaded the Windows one, and it ran fine. I checked my Export Settings, and I did forget to click "Embedded PCK" for Linux...meaning the Linux build won't work. Maybe you could run it with wine?

(1 edit)

A fun game with a decent amount of potential!

The concept is quite funny, and the voice acting at the beginning sets the stage for the rest of the game. I really like the deer animations, particularly the boxing animation whenever you get a game over. The 3D models are also pretty nice, and give a cool visual art style.

I like how the deer fall from the sky/trees before attacking you. The audio was also pretty good--I really liked the deer death sfx and the walking animation.

There are, however, a lot of areas where the game could use a lot of improvement. The road has a lot of rocks in it, making it hard to walk across. I took the grass because it was much easier to walk through. The jumping also feels a little unnatural/floaty, particularly how much you can hold to make the jump higher. Simply putting a less fuzzy (or just smaller) crosshair would also make the game a lot more visually appealing.

I would also recommend making the tree leaves less shiny to improve immersion.

The jumping sound effect continues to play even after you jump. This breaks immersion, and is particularly sad since the walk sound effect is a pretty good one. Replacing the walk sound effect with silence or wind blowing sound effect would make it much more effective.

It would be cool to see more types of deer--maybe fast/big deer, or deer that can throw rocks at you.

The game has a fun premise. The 3D models and assets are well chosen/designed, and the multiplayer feature, though I didn't try it, looks quite promising. I see a lot of promise in this game, though it requires a few changes to reach its full potential.

Thanks for posting! :)

No prob! :)

I tried it, and the viewport works much better now! The input is also much smoother. Good job!

Good demo for visual novel/interactive fiction game! I particularly liked the sound effects and visual style. The text/writing is also fairly entertaining. A few recommendations:

- It would be nice if I could click to continue on dialogue. Mixing keyboard and mouse input in the same input gets kindof clunky

- the buttons are in the wrong locations (probably impacted by the offcenter viewport)

Otherall, nice demo! Let's go Godot!!

Sounds great! Good luck with the project :)

Fun game! I like the snake sprite. The game contains a lot of puzzles, and gets progressively harder, adding more worms as it goes on. I found it very satisfying to complete the puzzles! The only bug I found was that sometimes, if I dragged too fast, it wouldn't register my drag. It would be cool if I could click on a tail or a head and it would automatically move one space (provided there is only one option available), making the controls easier for the computer.

Overall, nice little game! Thanks for posting :)

The graphics were a nice variation on the typical flappy bird graphics! The flowers in particular were a good substitution for tubes. I liked the twist on FB movement where you could hold to continuously go higher in addition to clicking to jump. I also really liked how you made the flowers get closer together, sometimes being put together in groups of two. This gave variety to the environment and made it more entertaining.

I would recommend 2 things:

1. The movement is rather slow, and can become frustrating, especially when it causes me to avoid clearing a flower. I would recommend increasing the movement speed.

2. The game is in portrait. This works well for mobile, but it would be nice if there was an option to switch it to landscape for PC.

Happy programming! :)

Fun! I could definitely see myself using this on a story or roleplaying campaign when out of ideas, or if I just want a fun animal companion. I saw very little repeats, though I did notice that a lot of my generations took shameless advantage of me. The aesthetics are nice, and the plethora of options makes it even more useful!

It would be cool if you could add an image for the animal, either adding a picture for the animal or hooking the game up with an AI image generator (though that would violate the "no AI" claim). It's not necessary, but it'd give the pet/mount a more "real" feel.

I did not notice a difference between mounts and pets, other than that the mounts seemed to be larger animals (except for the snake--dunno how I'll ride that). That's about it as far as the cons go :)

Good job!!!

(2 edits)

This is a pretty good first-person horror controller! The sound effects feel very realistic, particularly the footsteps and slide, and give that tension feeling that is common in horror. The sliding was particularly fun, and could definitely be used for running from enemies and skidding down corridors! I also liked being able to click R to look behind me. Definitely a great prototype for tension/chase horror games!

Few things I would recommend:

1. It would be nice if the slide button could be changed. Pressing control+shift while playing is really hard, and requires me to stop and get my fingers in the right position. I would recommend making it a letter key, such as Q.

2. If you plan to enable interaction via E or LMB, I would suggest adding a crosshair so you can know what you are aiming at. However, since the demo does not have any interaction, it doesn't cause any issues.

Other than that, it's pretty good! Add some materials and make something awesome!


I forgot to mention, the shader is also pretty good. It is, however, hard to see, so you might want to lower it or allow the player to toggle it off and on. On the other hand, this could be what you want. It really depends on the game.

(1 edit)

Pretty cool game mechanics! You have trampolines, ladders, and moving platforms which you combine to make some pretty clever courses! The sprites are also pretty good. One thing I would recommend is adding animations. Just something as simple as animated sprites would turn this game from a basic platformer to something that looks and feels quite professional.

I did encounter a glitch on level 3 or 4 (I don't remember which it was, you can see the screen recording) where it would restart to level one instead of restarting the level. Small glitch, should be easily remedied :)

I really like the IKEA background mixed with the armadillo. The lack of relation was, somehow, quite funny. I also like how the armadillo appeared in different rotations and positions on the screen.

It would be cool to implement powerups to give me more clicks per armadillo. Even just a x2 multiplayer would be nice. However, since it is for a game jam, time is limited.

Go armadillos!!!

I have perceived the shock...

I like it!

HappyOS is a short semi-horror puzzle game I made where you navigate an overly happy computer. It all remains normal until, oneday, a not-so-happy user emails you and tells you to do things clearly not under your Operating System's Terms of Service. Playtime is 5-7 minutes. Play it at:

Happier than the sun!

Let's go!!!

Thanks! :)

Wow. That was amazing! The amount of well-written dialogues was amazing! Definitely attention to detail. I actually felt like I was talking to the characters!

For some reason, whenever I disabled the shader, I couldn't press buttons, though wasn't a big problem, since I preferred the shader anyway.

The text speed also was a little slow on short comments, such as when a character says, "Oh.".

The music and sound were also really great!

Overall, awesome game!

Aha! Converting the file to .ogg fixed the issue!

I just went through the Valley scene, and apparently the birds.mp3 file crashes it. The editor also crashes any time I import my audio file. Maybe the sound effect is corrupted or something? I dunno. Thanks for catching that! And for trying out my game too!

Here are the loops I used for the majority of the game:

Imminent Threat |

It's a pretty good asset!

Thanks for the feedback!


Huh. Yeah, the boss thing is most definitely a bug. As was the random death while fighting the first enemy.

Thanks for playing it and for giving such an extensive review :)