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A member registered May 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback.   The mini map in the uploaded version is off and is fixed in the new version that I am updating offline.  I think the comments further down mention using lerp for the camera.....which is what I missed but will fix in the final version.  Thanks for playing and rating :)

Like the concept of the game as a platformer but unsure of the link to the theme.  Music was annoying me as it restarted each time I died...and I died a lot :)  Love the graphic style.  Game has potential but seems to need a little polish (collision detection was off and got stuck at least twice)

If you wouldn't mind taking a look and rating my entry also I'd really appreciate it :)

Shows potential and a shame it wasn't finished.  Good approach though, well done.

If you wouldn't mind playing and rating my entry also, I'd really appreciate it :)

Fun little game.  Enjoyed the take on the theme.  Good job.

If you wouldn't mind playing and rating my entry also, I'd really appreciate it :)

It is fun but a bit slow.  Could do with a fast forward/play normal speed button :)  There is also a bug in the tutorial where it points at the centre of the screen as an inbox where in fact its on the right.  If you don't have enough for something, clicking the green tick still works although does nothing...a message or something would help here :).  All in all though, I see a lot of potential, it matches the theme and I enjoyed it as a concept.  Well done.

I'd appreciate it if you would take the time to play and rate my game also (my 1st game jam entry - so be gentle ) :)

Thanks for the feedback.

I noticed the left over beam also...after the Jam deadline...again...arggh!  I even knew what the issue was when I saw it but didn't have chance to fix.  Will be fixed in the post Jam release :)

It may be me but I wasn't getting the aim of the game and how it relates to min planets?  It seemed like the start of something cool.  I did like the portal idea and the way that worked along with the gravity but somehow didn't get the concept.  Probably needs a tutorial and phased approached to get you in to it :)

I'd really appreciate if you could take a look at my entry and also rate it :)

Brilliant concept but think it needs some tweaking.  Like said below, I believe it would become very tricky as you get more asteroids.  I liked the art style.  Good effort!

If you wouldn't mind taking a look at my entry (my 1st game jam entry ever) and rating it, I'd really appreciate it :)

Great mechanics.  Practice definitely makes perfect.  Really enjoy the gravity aspect.  Good idea too!  really enjoy it.  Well done.

I would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to look at my entry (my 1st game jam entry) and rate it :)

I enjoyed it!  360 degree space invaders with a twist.  Couldn't get pas the 1st planet though as found it challenging.  The targeting is a little slow, needs fine adjustment and is slow to makes it hard.  Really like the concept though and some tweaks would make this one brilliant game.

I'd really appreciate you taking some time to look at my 1st entry in to a Jam (this one) and also rate it for me along with any feedback :)

Thanks for the feedback.  I agree on the getting boring bit!  I planned a lot more but being my 1st Jam, over-scoped for what I could achieve...know better for next time!  I will be finishing it up properly post Jam though so please check back....Of course, I will head and rate yours too :)

Looks really good.  Loved the menu system and the quality of the finish.  Real shame though as I am playing on an iMac and the keys in use end up doing all sorts of funny things and close the game as well, so couldn't actually play properly.    Does look great though and will add to my collection to play on a PC when I can.... :)

I'd really appreciate it if you'd take a look at my 1st ever entry to a Game Jam (this one) and rate it also :)  Thanks

(1 edit)

Thanks.  I really enjoyed it.  Been something I've wanted to do for a couple of years and watched Ludum Dare after Ludum Dare come and go.  Family life has a habit of taking over and you miss these things but will definitely be trying to get on another soon as this was fun and I feel more prepared to take another on now :)  How did you find it for a 1st Jam?

Added to my collection of preferred games from this Jam.  Can see this being lots of fun.  Like the graphics.  Sounds a little basic but OK.  Fun gameplay!  Definitely one I will come back to and spend a but more time with :)

I'd really appreciate it if you would take the time to play my entry (first entry in a GameJam) and rate it :)

Very cool.  Played it through and enjoyed it.  Didn't get any of the higher scoring planets but perhaps I didn't play long enough.  My game s came to a deadlock and couldn't do any further moves but it wasn't detected.  Would have been nice to have had a Game over!  Minor thing really...really fun to play :)

I'd appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to play my entry and provide a rating too :)

Nice game...really liked the combo of lunar lander and platform type games.   Good 1st entry to a Game Jam.  Well done.

I'm a first time participant in a game jam too.  I'd really appreciate it if you would take a look at my entry too and rate it :)

(1 edit)

Space invaders like clone.  I like it but could do with a little variation.  Perhaps different types of asteroids and may be power ups to give different weapons!  Graphics are old school and nice but perhaps could do with some flare...such as a glow around the planet or particle explosions on the objects as they are destroyed.  Good effort though and see potential!  Not quite sure of the link to the theme as such though....

I'd really appreciate it if you would take a look at my entry and rate it too :)

Nice little game.  A little tricky to control at first but got used to it.  Good effort!

I'd appreciate it if you would take some time to have a go at my entry and rate it :)

Thanks for the feedback. Lerp.... that’s what I needed! Spent ages trying to get a formula with a dampen combination working.  Forgot about Lerp.  Thanks. When Jam is over I’ll put that in the updated version.

Thanks for the feedback :)  It is a little tricky...I kept dying in play testing too!  Needs some tweaking I think.

Thanks for the feedback :)

Thanks for the feedback.  Really appreciated.  Think the minimap is rotating on the wrong axis on that version....I also spotted the glitch on generating the second level just after the deadline :(  I've fixed the logic bomb now and it all works on the version I have here...just can't upload at the minute.  Thanks again.

Really really like it.  Frustratingly difficult but once you get the idea, becomes really fun to play.  Great game!

I think you may have already, but if you haven't, I would really appreciate you trying my game and rating it :)

Enjoy the game but controls are pretty fiddly.  Swapping between mouse and keyboard to jump planets and shoot the enemies is tricky to get in to a flow!  Good concept and with little additions and tweaking would be become a great little game!  Had fun though.

I'd really appreciate it if you could some time to play and rate my game also :)

I can see this getting pretty addictive.   Think the mechanics could do with a little tweaking, especially the controls as on occasion I cant get from the mouse to the keyboard quick enough when starting the game.  Good effort!

I'd really appreciate it if you would take time to play and rate my entry too :)

Thank you.  Appreciate the feedback.  I noticed the level transition issue just after the deadline passed :(. There was a logic bomb in my level generation code which is all fixed now but can’t upload yet.  Thanks again.

Added to my collection for this Jam to play more later!  Love the concepts.  Nice little game.  Perspective could do with a little adjustment as hard to understand at times.  Like the art style.  Good effort!

I'd appreciate it if you could take some time and look at my entry and rate it :)

(1 edit)

Like the concept.  Graphic style, whether on purpose, was nice :)  Controls need a lot of work as its hit or miss whether you munch on the food.  Excellent for a 1st game though!

I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look at my entry too and provide a rating :)  Its my first complete game and game jam entry just like yourself! 

Thanks.  Appreciate the feedback.  Aiming to add polish for after the Jam is all wrapped up :)

(1 edit)

This game seems to have been posted twice.  The other submission has broken links.

Once I found it, loved this game.  Really fun but it is something I have seen before.  Like the style.  Well done.

I'd appreciate it if you would take 2 minutes to rate my entry also :)

Love the the game concept.  Really enjoyed it.  Adding to my collection. Well done.

I'd really appreciate it if you would take 2 minutes and have a look at my entry too and rate it :)

A little getting used to as Im a lazy reader!  Would be nice to have had a simple tutorial to follow to start the game off.  Once I knew the concept, I enjoyed it but as Tiki720 said, UI could do with a little work...perhaps some improvement to GFX overall would help. 

I'd really appreciate it if you'd take 5 minutes to look at my entry too and rate it :)

Like the whole mix of lunar lander, platformer and shoot'em up!  Great the old school gfx too.  Well done.

I'd really appreciate it if you'd take a look at my entry and rate it too :)

Nice little simple game.  Needs some polish but enjoyable.  Well done!

I'd really appreciate it if you'd take a look at my entry too and rate it :)

Game has lots of potential.  Pretty difficult but I liked that!  Needs some polish but a good concept.

I'd really appreciate it if you would rate my entry in to the GameJame too :)

Like the graphics.  Gravity and controls a little weird but perhaps, as its unfinished they were just lacking tweaking.  Would be good if you had shared the aim of the game as I simply had a ship shooting around the system doing little else :)  But appreciates its unfinished...good start though.  

I'd also appreciate it if you'd rate my entry too :)

Really like this but the hardness ramps up a little fast.  Good concept and pretty addictive.  Well done :)

Love the graphics as always.  Very playable and matches the theme.  Well done.

I just lost an hour of my life.  :)  nice little puzzler.  Didn't get it at first but once I understood, I loved it!  Perhaps needs some getting started tutorial levels?  Nice concept.