There's a couple bits like exactly where to scan & some more visual notes I ran out of time to really nail! Something to carry forward for sure! Cheers for playing!
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Great quick game!
Simple to pick up and play. Some more visual markers or changes would help a tonne. Possibly something to give the player a slightly earlier warning of where the projectile is coming from might be cool. A different colour between the projectiles & the bottles would also be great. They're very similar shapes and colours so can be hard to differentiate so quickly.
Nice one :)
Solid little game! Mechanics are hard to pick up initially, but plays nicely once you get the hang of it!
A little more visual clarity between the background and playspace would have gone a long way :) I found myself a bit confused on direction/ where was and wasn't a path a few times.
Hits the brief nicely as well! Nice one :D
Nailed the brief here nice one :D
Timing was absolutely integral to success! The little delay on the spikes etc was great! Realising I could out run them if I was quick was a nice little 'F** yeah* moment :D
The big boy skull caught me out the most tbh, would love to playthrough without the ever present threat, but tbh it totally helps nail the 'You don't stand a chance' vibe.
Art's simple, and pleasing to the eye as well!
Pretty clean overall! It was definitely a hard one so I think you hit your target on that! :D
I didn't get too far because of that though, so would have been cool to have a checkpoint setup or a way to experience more of the level at least just for the jam!
Maybe consider a screen that moves with the player and a smaller visual radius? It was nice seeing the entire level but made it awkward to play.
Art's nice and tidy too :)
Decent little game that definitely takes some skill and hits the brief nicely!