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A member registered Jul 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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A unique game for this jam, first time i’ve seen this type of game. These type of games is not my cup of tee but i can see why other people enjoy this. Great sound design, cute characters and cool art.

It took me a while to understand what i was supposed to do and how i was supposed to do it. Would be great with a tutorial button in the menu f.ex. so people like me will understand and get into the game faster.

Overall a enojyable game!

It’s a well made game for being your first! Much better than my first game :). I liked that the player rotated around, it is a cherry on the top making it more fun to play! and i like the effect when you shot the gun, that was cool.

The feedback I can give is that when the same sound is repeating, like the walk animation, it can make the players ears tired becuse it is that same sound over and over again. Try to switch between two sounds or change the pitch alittile bit randombly for each walk. That will make it so that is sounds like multiple sounds and less harsh on the ears.

Overall a good game for being you first!

A fun game with unique art and fun sound design. I like how to arms and head move on the villain, it makes it less static and is a good polish on the game! I like the mechanic that the game learns my previous paths and tries to stop me, thats cool!

Although, I feel like the theme did not quite fit. I would be cool if you could like rewind mid game to rerun that path or something. Making it so that it rewinds after you finish a run is like a normal game with the name rewind slapped on it.

All around a good looking and good game.

Cool game, I really like the parallax effect of the cassetts(or what they are called) in the background. A creative take on the theme, the physics is a bit wonky where you sometimes get stuck on the wall, but that is common Unity shenanigans. The menu sliding was a bit slow which made it feel a bit slugish. And also a very cute mouse :). Good job!

I was working on the trailer for my game and i was thinking “I wonder if anyone else has made a trailer?” so thats why this post exist. I would love to see the trailers you guys and gals made for your game! If you have a trailer post it below and I’ll watch it!

If anyone is interested this is the trailer I made for my game.

Because I liked the concept of rewinding up the toy car, I feel like the design of it can be used for a full game in the future, perhaps a puzzle game where you have to rewind it correctly so you don’t run into bombs or something similar? Anyways, I rated your game based on what I feel like the potential with the design is and not the actual game itself :D

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I must say, this was one of the better games of this jam, it was simply just fun to play and not really complicated to get into, I just wish there was more of it, maybe more sound effects, more juice but overall it was an enjoyable game

Game Design: 4/5

Fun: 5/5 - Nailed it

Innovation: 4/5 - Love the VHS stuff

Theme: 5/5

Graphics: 3/5 - More juice!

Audio: 3/5 - More sound effects!

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​Cute game, cute props, I especially liked the ufo, although I didn’t really find it very fun and the controls were really janky, I’m not sure how to win in the game either (first I thought the objective was to get to the ufo). I suppose it’s a sandbox type game? Anyways, good job! The concept is neat but I don’t feel like the execution is that great

Game Design: 4/5

Fun: 1/5

Innovation: 3/5

Theme: 4/5

Graphics: 4/5

Audio: 0/5 - There was no audio

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I’m sorry but I didn’t really like this game all that much, the controls were a bit confusing and I didn’t really understand how to play it, every time I tried I just felt like I was delaying my inevitable ​death, the thing it has going for it is the graphics, music and innovation. I feel like it’s pretty unique and one that stands out against most other games because of the gameplay, I just wish the execution was better

Game Design: 1/5

Fun: 1/5

Innovation: 4/5

Theme: 5/5

Graphics: 4/5

Audio: 4/5

I genuinly did not understand how to play this game, could you reply with some sort of tutorial with the controls because I pressed every button on my keyboard and nothing happened. I’ll leave a rating once you reply!

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​I really like the concept and idea of this game, it’s pretty interesting as a platformer, but sadly I don’t feel like the execution is right there, the jumping is a bit floaty and stiff, it’s hard to do precise jumps and the collision boxes are unforgiving! The effects are really nice though and for the most part the game was enjoyable

Game Design: 2/5 - Unforgiving collision boxes and floaty jumps :(

Fun: 4/5

Innovation: 4/5

Theme: 5/5

Graphics: 3/5 - Didn’t really like the sprites but the effects were nice!

Audio: 3/5

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Crossy roads but with a goofy physics dude! I liked it, was fun, could maybe be a bit more innovative and do something a bit more differently, and I don’t really understand how the rewind theme was a part of it but overall it was pretty fun

Game Design: 2/5

Fun: 5/5

Innovation: 2/5

Theme: ? - I’ll just give this 3/5

Graphics: 5/5

​Audio: 4/5

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I like the concept but the execution isn’t really there. It would be fun to see this as some sort of party game similar to MicroMachines ​with 4 players trying to take eachother out, was a bit lonley and the controls were stiff. The idea was good and it’s a unique take on the “rewind” theme. You should keep working on it after the jam is over!

Game Design: 3/5

Fun: 2/5

Innovation: 4/5 - Haven’t really seen this type of game before

Theme: 5/5

Graphics: 3/5 - The car model is really pretty and I like the gears, but the environment could be better!

Audio: 0/5 - There was no audio :(

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One of the most polished games in this jam, well designed character sprites, good level design and lovely car model, animations and physics. There’s not that much bad to say about this game, overall enjoyable experience

Game Design: 4/5

Fun: 5/5

Innovation: 3/5 - I feel like it was a bit too close to other taxi-like games

Theme: 4/5

Graphics: 5/5

Audio: 5/5

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One of the better games from this jam, feels like an actual “game”. Good graphics, ​good sound, funny dialogue

Game Design: 5/5 on point

Fun: 4/5

Innovation: 5/5

Theme: 4/5

Graphics: 5/5

Audio: 5/5

Cool! First racing game I’ve seen in this jam, interesting way of incorporating rewinding into it​

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​I’m gonna be honest, this game was HARD, not sure if it’s me being stupid or not, but I couldn’t figure out how the rewind mechanic worked so I got stuck on the second level

Game Design: 4/5 cool concept, poor execution?

Fun: 2/5 because I didn’t understand the game :l

Innovation: 4/5

Theme: 5/5

Graphics: 5/5

Audio: 3/5 would be nice with some more sound effects and music


Absolutely! You can also rate and leave a comment so we know your thoughts on our game!

Fun game and creative idea! The sound was a bit yarring in my ears but otherise a cool game!

good looking sprites and good animations! It was lacking a little bit in game feel as you say. f.ex. the characters felt a bit floaty. You could add different amount of screen shake for each character. f.ex. the cyborg is heavy so it could shake a little bit more than the caveman to sell the effect that the cyborg can jump shorter. It also lacks a bit of sound f.ex. jumping/landing sound, with those sound that game would feel a bit better. In total it’s a well made game within a week!

The ticking sound. But i noticed now it is the sound the platforms make when moving :). my bad.

A fun speedrun game where it keeps you hooked trying to beat your previous score, Fun game! Good sound effects and good VFXs. It makes the game even more fun to play. The game could use a bit more polish. The arms shadow is visible, a few UI text is not aligned with other elements which makes them feel a bit off, clipping issuses and so forth. But in overall a fun game!

good looking animations and the music was good. As many has said it took some time to understand the machanic and would have been great with a short tutorial in the beginning explaining what all the items did and mechanics. The movement felt a bit sitff, Would have been good with a little lerping i nthe camera to make it flow better. Otherwise a solid game.

Great soundeffects and cool parallax effect in the background. Was a bit repetetiv with the sound starting over after each round. Otherwise a cool looking game!

The Wisemans clock Is a game created for brackeys jam 2020.2 by a team of two. We’ve created a puzzle story game where you’re set in an apocalyptic world. You have to rewind time to figure out how to stop the apocalypse from happening!

check it out here: https://gerrydos.itch.io/the-wisemans-clock

Thanks in advance!

We’ve created a puzzle story game where you’re set in an apocalyptic world. You have to rewind time to figure out how to stop the apocalypse from happening.

check it out here: https://gerrydos.itch.io/the-wisemans-clock

Thanks in advance!