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A member registered Aug 28, 2014 · View creator page →

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I just tried the steam demo and congrats! The game is great. I like the cozy aspects. I really enjoyed all the happy planets and doing direct quests to help them out. I also felt like the shorter time frame than a 30 minute survivors game made this feel accessible. I liked that HP increase and Regen upgrades were generous so it didn’t feel too stressful (until like, the last minute or two where things get quite hectic!)

I noted a couple of small issues / things I’d wish for

  • Sound got a little choppy for me? especially as the enemy count got higher, it seemed a little crackly. This is a thing I’ve noticed in some other Godot games so not sure if its something with the audio engine in Godot or perhaps something on my end with drivers not playing nice!
  • When playing Brizzel, the sheer size of the ship made it kind of difficult to see what was going on when thing got busier. Especially when moving diagonally for awhile, the ship would feel sort of pinned in the corner of the camera and I’d have no idea of anything behind me. I wonder if having the camera be a bit more zoomed out depending on the ship size would help with the feel. Maybe not!
  • I really kept wishing for a fire rate upgrade
  • Maybe it’s there and I just missed it, but some visual feedback after a round to show you/emphasize the chocolate you gained. I could see that I made some meta-progress when I went to start my next run but it didn’t feel as rewarding as if I had been able to see it at the end of the run, if that makes sense?

I knew it! I AM. A GOD

Surprisingly compelling! I had fun with this :)

Hey, fantastic game! Incredibly solid writing, puzzles, sound, visuals. Some of the puzzling felt a bit tricky/obtuse at first but it ended up being extremely doable, and after each step I felt impressed all over again that there was still more. Great work to the whole team!

Haha yes extremely Slay the Spire influenced! I definitely did have plans for some buffs / more cards but didn’t manage to fit them in. Thanks so much for playing! Good to hear it worked on mobile, I hadn’t thought to test that

shame the extended results only go to 5,000. what happens on the 5,001st roll? seems like that could be an important one!

Hi! I think there may be an issue with the build? I tried to play this but once I use the typewriter (press E near it) it plays the animation of moving up to the typewriter but then nothing else happens and nothing I do has any effect other than ESC exiting the typewriter

Visually this is nice, although a little too dark for me. It feels like just the very beginning of a mystery and I wish there was more to see/do. Music and sound were nicely done, fit the mood, and it was fun to find the little phonograph at the bottom of the stairs and discover I could turn the music off/on :)

I played through and this was wonderful! Great use of the bonus themes. The scoring system was easy to use and balanced well enough that it maintained tension (one day, Solving would have a great lead and the next would be just full of Frustration) without ever feeling like it was hopeless.

The story was enjoyable and now I’m just so curious about what ultimately happened to Amber & Carne (but I’m worried that it’s baaaad…)

Thank you for playing! And congrats on winning 😁

For sure it’s lacking in the sound department. I got one song I threw together but it wasn’t the right energy for anything other than maybe menu or credits and ended up a slightly annoying loop so it got dropped

Thanks so much for playing and commenting!

It definitely was a big lift and I’m so tired now.

RE:balance, honestly that’s the biggest thing I knew I ran out of time on. I had plans for more cards and more event types other than just battle so you would have chances to heal and power up. There’s currently a single card that let’s you heal (only unblocked) damage, but it’s possible to not even get the option for that card if the loot rolls go badly.

Maybe after recovering for a bit I’ll pick this back up and make it better. Thanks again!

Ahah the double attacking is hilarious. This is why you shouldn’t be your own playtester!

Definitely had planned for more cards and enemies but such is jam life 😅

Thanks so much for playing!