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A jam submission

The HouseView game page

My first arcade style game
Submitted by greenfork — 10 minutes, 20 seconds before the deadline
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The House's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Fun Factor#253.0833.083

Ranked from 12 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Is your game a video game or a physical game?
Video game

Was your game made solo or in a team?

Did you use any third party assets, if yes what assets did you use?
Fonts by Alexandra Gophmann

Did you choose from one (or more) of the optional secondary themes?

Does your game contain 18+ content (Nudity, Gore, Language)?

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I really enjoyed the puzzles here, it reminded me of some of the puzzles in the original Doom where you can press the walls to discover secrets. Was a really neat story too, the ending made me jump out of my seat! I also really liked the font you chose, that and the writing helped immerse me into the environment. 


Thank you a lot, I appreciate that you found yourself that much immersed, that is very endearing to me that my game happened to be that relatable! Thank you!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice and enjoyable short story experience! Congrats on completing it since you said it was your first time completing something to the end. It can definitely be tough, so well done. I liked the story that unfolded and the bite-sized puzzles and tasks required to advance it. The need to go around and feel the walls was really unique! I only wish there was some music/ambience and a few sound effects to really help you get immersed in it.


Thank you a lot for playing! It came to by surprise that the mechanic with touching the walls is so unique, I honestly didn’t expect it! In the new version I have the background music, as you mentioned it is a sensible downside, I will upload it after the jam :) Thank you again for the feedback, I really appreciate it.


Happy accidents are always the best thing about jams for sure! By the way I wanted to share a link. Your game was one of the ones I played the other night while I was making recordings for the jam, so check it out if you want to see me playing it. Yours starts at 59:39


Thank you lot!! We have just watched the let’s play with my fiance and had a ton of fun. My fiance really liked your voice and she could use it to learn pronunciation :) I appreciate you playing and recording it, it is a lot of fun, thank you a lot again!


This was short and sweet and did a great job setting an unsettling atmosphere for how short it was. I think this really could have been enhanced with some background music or sound effects. Still, well made and very effective!


I appreciate it, thank you for playing!!


Very unique concept and strong writing too! Nice work.


Thank you a lot for playing, and thank you for this jam!


Man what a good game! The mechanics were so solid, I don't think i've ever seen this doen before, the fact that you feel like you are touching things is so fun, is like feeling out the world instead of seeing it, I loved it! 

I can see this concept being expanded upon and be made into much more with just adding a few more things! 

For a jam entry this was solid! great job! 


Thank you a lot for playing! It is interesting that you touched on the mechanic of “touching”. I honestly added it first as a debugging tool but then I saw that it is useful and at the same time I couldn’t even imagine how to merge this idea with real graphics, like, do I change the color of the sprite upon touching?

Would be interesting to hear your thoughts on the idea, I suppose that you might have some interesting ideas since you were so unexpectedly excited :^) The idea of “touching” the world instead of “seeing” is probably a little bit far away from what I have now, but I can definitely see what you mean. Thank you for this very interesting perspective!


Good game! Even tho it was all made of just squares, I really liked the visuals. The level design and puzzles were great as well. I liked the mechanic as well having to use touch to find clues. Only criticism I have is the lack of audio.

Well done overall.


Thank you a lot for playing! I’m flattered that you said so many good things about the game. In my current version I added a few tweaks as well as added the music, this really is a missing part. But I will wait until the jam is over to publish it anew.

Thank you a lot!


Surprisingly compelling! I had fun with this :)


Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it!


Well paced and vivid writing. At first I thought the game would be too linear given the simple style, but the collisions providing new colors and contexts for the squares added a good deal of depth. Color me surprised!

Loved the ending (it just... disappears! awesome)


Thank you for playing! This is the best that I can do right now, so it just disappeared :^)


You have achieved so much with simplistic visuals. Players own imagination is a very powerful tool in games. Would have been nice to have some music or ambiance playing in the background at least. There was enough dialogue to draw me in, but not too much to get boring. Great entry for the jam.


Thank you very much!