Hi there! Could you elaborate on what wasn't working?
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Hi Steven! I'm looking into this issue, and wanted to ask: Is the 16x10 resolution you used one of the options presented in the game's settings menu? Or was that resolution set outside of the game? On my PC, the only options in-game are 16:9. This game is meant to be played at a 16:9 resolution, so if there is a 16x10 option in the game's settings menu for you, that's gotta go. Thanks!
Thank you for playing! I aporeciate your feedback. Fair point about the pixel art there.
Not including music for much of the game was an intentional choice. I wanted to subvert expectations for a pixel point-and-click game by including atmospheric background noise instead. I'm sure that isn't for everyone though, and I'll make note of your thoughts!
Thank you very much for playing! I appreciate your feedback. You make a very fair point about the dialogue moving too quickly. I apologize for not thinking more about the experience of non-English speakers when making the game. That is on me, and I will take your advice to heart when making future games!
This was incredibly successful on an emotional and narrative level. Its clear just how much care was put into the crafting of this story and its characters. Plus, each story beat was hit with the right gravity to really drive home the theme and point of the game. Really great stuff.
There were a few interactions that seemed slightly buggy to me, but nothing out of the norm for a jam project and nothing game breaking as far as I could tell. My one point of critique for this project on a gameplay level is that I wish all the interactions would either be key presses or mouse clicks.
I find that when key presses and mouse clicks are mixed for the same action (i.e. mouse click to water the tree, E press for watering everything else) it can get clunky. It was hard to aim precisely when watering crops as well, which may have been solved by utilizing more of a point-and-click format.
Those are just minor notes though for what was a really lovely, memorable, and engaging jam entry. Great work and big congrats to this team!
Nice game! I thought the pixel art was cool and gave the game an old school feel. I think the combat mechanics can definitely be polished and tweaked, but it's a good start! (I did run into a bug I should mention - the door opening sounds were repeating constantly throughout the game until I reached the boss level.)
I also would have liked to see a bit more of the story hinted in the game's description. What is described there sounds really great, so I would have liked to learn a bit more (maybe through a scene or two of dialogue before throwing the player into the action). Nice work though, and congrats on submitting to the jam!
I thought this game was very cool overall. The art was gorgeous and the voice acting added a lot of charm. The snowy cottage setting was great to play around in. Very immersive. Without spoiling anything, I thought the scares were done very well too!
I personally don't typically enjoy games with the themes presented here. I find that it's difficult to incorporate these elements into a horror story respectfully and tastefully. But that's totally a matter of personal preference. I can say, even regardless of that preference, that this game was very well made. Really nice work and congrats to your team!
Hi there! Thanks so much for your kind words. Development is ongoing, and unfortunately I don't yet have an announcement about a release date. But please, look out for updates here on my itch page or by following me on Twitter! Whenever I do announce a date, it'll be in those places.