Hi Monte!
Nice to meet you, I am Gino
It would be great to create a group with you. Please join us!
My e-mail is gino.carlo02@gmail.com and my discord is ginocarlo01
The pixel art was phenomenal, I really liked the background. The animations for the character were very smooth
The game design was very very well done, the way the enemies give their own skills reminded a little bit of Kirby
The SFX were nice, but there were no soundtrack :((((
If you want to play my game too, feel free!! Thanks :D
Good game!! :)
I think it would be nice if the game played only when I open it, like other Unreal games. I started it and it was already playing, so I lost the initial text and had to reopen
Also, I tried to change the floor, searched for about 5 minutes, but could get the exit :(
It was nice to play!!
Check out my game too :D