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Nick Turner

A member registered Feb 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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The final voice line at the end tho O__o

Thanks for the feedback!

The physics are custom coded actually (I didn't use Unity), and I just ran out of time. I know exactly why the slopes aren't working properly -- if you press towards a slope while the cat is standing next to it, it thinks it's next to a wall so it stops. It's an easy fix, but one I just didn't have time to implement because I was working right up until the deadline haha. You're definitely right about the ball having weird hitbox issues though. For the most part I added hitboxes over Coot's boxing gloves, but I also accidentally only made the hitbox come out for one frame (frame 2) of each animation, which makes it really unforgiving -- another oversight that I just didn't have time to fix, but will improve once edits are allowed.

A very simple game, but it's got a consistent, polished style. The use of the paws is an interesting, creative mechanic!

Yeah, the slope issue is definitely a bug, I just didn't have the time to fix it. Definitely fixing the issues with the hitboxes as well! Thanks for the feedback!


Amazing visuals, sound design, and concept. Super fun that you can play with other people too

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I need to fix a few of the hitboxes on attacks haha

Fun Warioware style game!

One of the most fun games from this jam. Took me 20 minutes to beat

This like the Japanese art of Bonseki and kitty litter merged into one

I thought Coots was scary in Super Coots Souls 64, but obviously I hadn't played this game yet...

Fun and polished multitasking game!

I got stuck in a wall when I first started, but after that I had no issues. Unique concept, and a solid game overall!

I liked the additions of having actual skill requirements for attacking and healing, but it would have been nice to have more variety. Spamming Z got kind of annoying after a while

Love the ascii art! There's actually a lot in this game -- different items, abilities, enemies, etc. I played for about 20 minutes before stopping and I'm not sure how close I was to the end

Coots got yoked

A fun sound based game. You definitely get faster as you play it subsequent times

Didn't expect to see a Super Monkey Ball style game in this jam!

Huge map! I didn't even notice it was in the shape of a cat until 5 minutes in haha

I liked the glitchy aesthetic this game had

Great concept, but the game also broke for me as soon as Coots jumped on the table. Definitely the best 3D game visually from everything I've seen so far this jam though!

The biggest issue with this game is the camera. Subtle mouse movements adjust the camera drastically which makes it hard to control the character. If you reach a checkpoint and fall off of a high platform, you also have to kill yourself to respawn at the top which is kind of annoying. Maybe add code so that if you fall below the checkpoint location it automatically respawns you at the checkpoint. 

Fun graphics and music though, and I think the concept could be really fun with a few improvements!

Yeah definitely. I ran out of time so the intro level (which was supposed to be a tutorial) didn't really help much. I didn't have time to fix the slope glitch either which makes the final level super annoying. Thanks for the feedback!

Cute game with great visuals and music. I got stuck after finding all of the animals outside though. After it displayed the message "I should go to bed", I was stuck outside and couldn't figure out what to do next.

One of my favorite games from the jam. I loved the different powerups and items you could buy at the store. My only issue was that it was far too easy. The enemies didn't really seem like a threat, and I beat the final boss in about 2 seconds (didn't even get to see what he did). Other than that, I liked the graphics, music, and concept a lot.

This game was really fun! I personally thought that the first stage of the boss fight was wayyyyy harder than the second two though. I was able to just stay on the left side of the screen and shoot and take out the final two forms, whereas the first form required me to dodge a lot, and killed me a few times. So I would just recommend adjusting the difficulty a little so that it gets progressively harder (and I would make the first part a little easier)

Reversing for quick turn-arounds is pretty fun in this game. Couldn't make it past wave 3 though haha

The controls were a little tricky to pick up, but I will never complain about wavedashing

Timing the jumps was pretty hard, but I figured it out after a few tries.  Also, I got to the flag and 'won' without collecting all of the Coots symbols, which seemed odd. I liked the concept though!

I couldn't figure out what to do after getting all of the items, but I loved the graphics and ways you could interact with things!

Whoa, super interesting concept. I'm sure a lot of non-programmers will have trouble with this though

Cats can see pretty well in the dark, but I sure can't haha. Couldn't figure out how to turn the lights on

That's a lot of poop

I was not ready for Ludwig to come out of nowhere and defeat what I thought was an otherwise invincible Coots. Super fun game though!

If I knew that throwing GC controllers at my cat would turn it into a sushi chef, I would have done it a long time ago.

Note - I'm actually not sure how the toys were different from the snacks. I just spammed both like crazy haha

Needs better level variety, but definitely a unique concept!

Incredible pixel art animations! If you continue working on this project, the biggest thing that seems like it's missing is hitstun/knockback and an accompanying visual cue.

Amazing smash inspired boss fight game. 10/10, would recommend