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A member registered Jul 20, 2023

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Hi, email has come through. Great stuff thanks! Anyone who is reading this I can strongly recommend this creator!

Hi Krishna

Great asset packs! I purchased the complete bundle and have really enjoyed working with them. I saw you also list some tilesets on the Unity asset store and you include configured Unity prefabs for tile placement. Is it possible for me to get the configured prefabs separately? 

Many thanks!

Great idea for a thread and thanks for sharing your insights.

I'm the programmer from Marco Yolo which you can find here if you are interested:

We had spent some time familiarising ourselves with the asset packs before we got started so that we could quickly imagine what to make once the theme was announced. We really loved the tiny dungeon and roguelike character packs and were quite eager to use those if we could. We had already dreamed of making a weapon / armour system with the roguleike character pack. Needless to say we were not disappointed when the theme was announced!

We didn't plan to spend inhumane hours working so we did have sleep and screen breaks, though probably not enough! Being up against the clock was really motivating and we ended up quite addicted to our concept once we got some good progress on it.

It was really satisfying to be able to prototype mechanics in such  a short time - we managed to include procedurally generated worlds, varied encounters, different enemies and armour as well as some (hopefully) funny dialogue. Code quality definitely suffered as a result of the rush though. Our artist loved working with the Kenney packs - hopefully you'll agree he made some really awesome encounter backgrounds with them.

We also lost some time to source control funny stuff but I think that's just the price of doing business! We were trying to be quite conservative with our ambitions on the project and so we discarded a lot of ideas that would have really fit but I think that was necessary to finish in the time with something we were happy with.  We had a playable build earlyish on Saturday afternoon which gave us plenty of time for testing.

Overall we managed to make a pretty entertaining, pretty playable rogulike in 48 hours - not bad for our first game jam! We'll be back next year!

Great use of 3d, thought the environments were cool. And the shower concept was very funny. Like the other people I also got stuck on the 3rd level because I couldn't see the player and the camera didn't move. Good job otherwise though!

Cool idea, fun to zoom around! Neatly presented too

I like the concept and the exploration. Good use of tiny dungeon pack too! We used some of the characters from that as NPCs in our game but I really like how you gave them a good variety of different attacks to avoid

Hi all! 

First jam for us - no sleep and loads of fun! Please try out Marco Yolo if you have  time:

Marco Yolo is a browser based RPG roguelike with very silly comedy elements. The stupid tone of voice in the game was perfect for hiding inevitable bugs which occur in a game jam!

We will be playing other games throughout today and the rest of the week. So far have found so many creative and awesome ideas. Great stuff guys!

Cool project and novel concept. Music was great. Found the planet UI a bit confusing - maybe some in-game help would improve this?