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What is your art style?

A topic by sarahdwells created Jan 19, 2024 Views: 1,506 Replies: 56
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As I scroll through itchio I see so many cool art styles. It makes me curious about where people get inspiration from and what kind of art styles over lap. like a labradoodle type thing haha One of my biggest inspirations right now is Samurai Jack. I liked it as a kid but seriously that show is great! I like clean but crooked lines haha I like bold colors with dark hues... It all culminates into our art style somehow. 

I like that  animation takes what could have been a simple drawing in my notebook into a dynamic being. Sprites a good way to put it tbh 

Just looking to talk about art :)

edit: check out my profile for an example of my art, hyper detailed pixel rugz lolll


Hi sarahdwells, i haven't been heavily influenced recently but my early influences that sort of stuck with me over the decades are Ranma 1/2, Breath of Fire Series and Guilty Gear from early 2000s. Not sure how much people who are connoisseurs of anime will see those specific works it in my style but it definitely looks heavily influenced by anime. I'm a fan of thick, weighted lines.

I just looked them up, looks super cool! #linecrew!


I love love love love bright colours and heavy contrast, no particular reason just kind of happened.

Recently I've been leaning into brutalism/acid design :)

ooh yesss the city scapes of like post modern cities-cyber punk/dystopian etc  slight futurism haha love it.

and I loooove a good band poster or album art


I go with handmade styles a lot. Like real world, handcrafted miniature art. It isn't outright unique but it is nonetheless rare, and that means it stands out. I have "miniature multiverse" in development and the initial concept was thinking about games of the Myst/Riven sort and wondering what it might be like if someone physically built entire fantasy worlds with a handcrafted attention to detail.

And so I kind of figured out how to capture 360 degree views inside some sprawling O scale miniature environments and created my own Unity workflow for building a 360 node based puzzle adventure game. Used a 4k action cam and took photos at 15 degree rotation increments for each node, stitched them into 360 Panos, layered animation in and swapped out the sky. Used basic spheres with a double-sided unlit shader. Made heavy use of playmaker.

Then there is a second miniature art project "miniature miniature golf" or "miniatureminigolf" it is a simple isometric mini-golf game but all the graphics, again, assembled in scale miniatures with that particular tactile charming and colorful look.

You can check my profile for more info, I also have game dev asset packs (pbr textures, 3d models) and an etsy shop offering printing services + papercraft kits and such.

wow really interesting take, I checked out your page and your art is truly incredible. I can see your attention to detail 

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My favorite is the art direction in pre-rendered games.

Even if a modern 3D game have better real time graphics, I will find the old static angle more charming to be looking at.

There is always an artistic component into the fact that the developer wanted you to see the screen at THAT specific angle, and I find this much more "beautiful" than any real time graphics where you see only what is in the overall direction you are looking.

It adds to the game another layer, now it is a game AND a book of illustrations from the director of the game.

This, of course, is more for the 3D pre-rendered games. As well as pixel art (8-bit, 16-bit, modern, the game boy advance style...) the pre-rendered style also have some sub categories of its own: 3D (like Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9, Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3, Dino Crisis, etc.), isometric (Digimon world 3 and Diablo) and sidescroller (Megaman X4, 5 and 6).


wow your game looks incredible! I cant wait to get pick it up honestly. great work


I try to style my games after old crude amateur indie games and flash games, cause thats kinda what my games really are, crude indie games made for mine, my friends' and sometimes other peoples amusement (cause sadly i havent gotten much success yet, but maybe someday!)

For me atleast the trick to achieving the effect is first having played alot of those games, simple movements and animations, primarily flat colors with simple shading, exaggerated features and that kinda jazz


I just looked through some of your games and i lovvve the style you are talking about. It really is nostalgic, but also clearly unique. i love the color palette too. best of luck in your enDEaVors!


hey thanks alot! its always awesome to see people be nice about my dinky little projects, best of luck to you too!


now im gonna be mean... DINKY!!!?!


lmao ive always found that word funny so sometimes i sneak it into sentences


and a little rinky for flavor 


For me, pixel art all the way! I spent countless hours as a kid playing old NES and SNES games, and the influence extended even to my music composition, as the stuff I write is all chiptune! My art style isn't an exact 1-1 for the NES, but it is intentionally retro in style and the simple color palettes help to give it that old school look. 

I'll admit that much of my early designs were due to a lack of skill, but as I've gotten better at pixel art it's evolved into my own style that I've grown fond of.


love your profile pic style, reminiscent of Daria style from MTV



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i mostly do lowpoly 3d now i used to make pixelart also for my games i try to keep it simple but stylish

my inspiration is from everywhere


I like your use of blue and green. It looks super cool 




As a bad artist I experimented with a lot of "low skill" art styles: minimalism, simple vectorial art, neon, moebius/sable inspired style (cellshading+outlines) and more recently 3D pixel art.

oh cool 3d pixel art, like minecraft?

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Look at my last game.

I was drawing inspiration from the 3D dungeon crawlers of the mide 90's. But as I have limited pixel art skill and as I didn't had a lot of time, I used a very low resolution (16*16).

So, yes, it kinda look like minecraft but with billboards.


ooooooomg! that is so cool. some of the coolest pixel art ive ever seen 

dude it's beautiful! 


I go all over the place as I like to experiment with styles, but a long time influence would be surealism( you know Salvador Dali times, old stuff). Not trying to copy a hundred year old art, but the share technical quality of some of those paintings plus all the weirdness involved gives me a lot of ideas. Like here is something I painted for my game a couple of months ago:


holy cow! just you know, casual etherial haha That is incredible! I can see what youre saying about classic influences and organic shapes with a twist. v cool 


Thanks, glad you like it


looks very cool!


well i try something new with every game i my artstyle is a sudden erruption of my feelings while i make my games, i also never plan anything i let it evovle, i oftern erase big parts of my maps or update them about 2 or 3 times in the development process here are a few differtn shots from unrealaed and released games by me....btw i also found something funny for this, im a game-artist :)

if anyone wants to try out my games:


wooooooooah! every single shot is a mood! I am going to have to check out your game. its so unique 


wow thank you so much too kind of you <3  sure feel free to check out my stuff, if you want to try kill will thou you would need to contact me through discord and i can give a download key its only paid at the moment becasue i submitted it to itch spring bundle which has the restriction to only paid games :)


when I get a little free income i will be checking it out! I want to support artists when I can 


I do a lot of pixel art, anime style, and surreal art in my games! 


wow the room looks amazing. I've been having trouble with the dementions on my rooms (floors/walls etc)

color palette is great too! 


Hey there!

I try to stick with a generally very cartoony, if not low poly art style with my 2D and 3D games.

An example of this is a game of which I drew out every asset and is now published on Castlecartopia!

Check it out and I think you find the unique art style interesting!

oh my gosh soooo cute! i love the art style, what program did you use to design it?


No matter what 2D designs I create, I always use the GIMP software.

classic :)


I go with pixel art mostly. The kind with slightly less saturation and contrast giving a "dry" feel to my pieces. Pixel art because it's a lot easier for me to work with it. The only downside is that I often have a hard time figuring out good color combinations and usually end up with mismatches. I always try to keep it simple and minimalistic with less shadows and textures and more plain surfaces. Also give sprites bold colored outlines, usually of a dark color close to black.

super cool. I love a good outline too

 I paint but still have trouble finding colors digitally. This website is pretty cool, you can download the palette into Aseprite and probably most programs. I also started to think of giving highlights a sun-like  "yellow" tint, and having the shadows be closer to the actual color, with maybe an exaggerated deepening of that color by increasing either blue, red or green to darker hues.  The yellow highlight feels like the warm sun rays hitting only some parts of the image- just some shade under a tree seems inviting because its closer to the "real" color


Hey, thank you so much for the advice. I've heard people talk about hue shifting but didn't understand what that was really. I guess I also didn't  think it was that important. Your comment made a lot of sense. 

Never thought of using pre-made color pallettes, but I'll try it. And thanks for suggesting lospec,  I'm sure it'll come helpful.


changing mine recently 

I think i'm gonna stick to more retro style stuff for now. I'm getting some rather nice results too.


love the subtle change of perspective of the houses and the grass looks so dreamy. I'm diggin it!

: )


I do pixel art.

I just played it :) addicting! loved the smoke coming off the tail too


Yeah there's also fire when you get to 1hp and if you saw the settings menu, you would see the difficulty settings, control settings, etc.

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Dark background with nice colors for foreground is probably my most common. I do a lot of stuff though.

woah your games look incredible! so many details in just a few pixels

You remade castlevania?

me? no just some pixel art things 

No I was talking about the art. One of the screenshots looks like a castlevania remake


For the game i`m working i`m trying (emphasis on trying) a style similar to the one on Signalis(I love the game and the style), Low- Poly with handmade textures

oh that game looks really pretty, love the fogginess between layers. good luck!

for me it depends, is it a character I've made for myself or is it for free us.