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A member registered Apr 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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what he said

tenuoos not a word ;)

when im the culture minister for the uk and i get interviewed alongside "lil' Greta" and "Microplasticiel the rapper" by Nardwuars robot clone on live VRTV, Nard is gonna pull up the alignment chart and ask me if i still feel its "wierd" and "radical" to fuck aliens while i sweat in front of a crowd of 50% humans and 50% grimbos from grorgle.

hit c

mastahpiece, mwah!

very short, like gnome is
grandpa speaking gave guitar
you run out of time?

score at the end would be nice.

I like the art, and the music is alright, the platforming was good too. still kinda boring, but good job!

some finnnnicky moments when the ball cant jump cause it gets stuck in a hole, this made some puzzles unfun. I think level X was my fav puzzle, as it was much less finnicky! good puzzles ideas, just kinda frustrating when you know what to do and cant get the execution just right.
