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A member registered Jun 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ohh Thank you Queenfaith! I noticed several bugs I'll be fixing asap. Stay tuned for updates, this is just the beginning :D

Pretty good! Had trouble understanding the logic of some of the puzzles, but it didnt stop me *puts sunglasses on" xD

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Smooooth and Tidy, p r e t t y  n i c e ! Good use of Godot's UI system ;) I leave the screenshots with my favorite lines!

Two things that came to me:
One is that Im too focus on clicking and checking for when the buy buttons become available, so I missed a ton of jokes. Maybe adding an SFX or other juice for when the text changes or switching the position of buttons and stats? Im not sure T_T

The second one, irrelevant if you don't plan on doing more clicker games, is how the upgrade rate gets pretty slow at around the first screenshot:
from 0 to 11771 total eggs I upgraded up to 10 per sec and 35 per click,
from 11771 to 30220 could only upgrade an additional 3 per sec and 5 per click, and it took at least twice the time
No idea on how this could get fixed, I guess its when you would add another way of collecting eggs, like buying a whole barn with chickens O.O

Regardless, Its good work OuO

Thank you Reykr I appreciate it! And yes he is definitely vibing xD

Ahh It happens! The important thing is the core gameplay, and its there
Once the voting ends you can update it with the fix ;)

Holy damn, level 7 got me sweating and 9 was almost there too. Managed to win 2 times, and throw the egg on the last pan too. Definitely a challenge! 2 issues I found: Cant replay without reloading the page, and once you win and come back to the menu there's a bug were you keep loosing lives. I think the egg keeps respawning O.O
I read in the description that the code is secret so Im censoring it here

Pretty cool, what stood up the most for me where those pinkish tiles, they sell the depth of the terrain well, nice touch. The only thing I would change is the first set of bars in the last sequence (when you reach the top right), I would move them a bit to the right so the player can see them, making it feels less luck based. Could be a skill-issue though xDD

Thank you TGG! Yes I been obsessed with 2d characters in 3d worlds for a while :D

If you are using Godot, probably the best way would be using a state machine and creating a state for "cinematic" or "dialogue" where the character doesnt respond to movement input. A quick one that I have used is making a bool variable, lets say "is_in_dialogue" or "is_alive", and then nest all movement code inside an -if- statement that checks for that variable. Then, in the function that triggers the dialogue, you change the bool. When the dialogue is completed, you change it again. This  works easily if all your movement is inside the _physics_process

Dont worry about it, I saw nothing xD

Mission accomplished ;) Thank you lawnmower!

I think its what I spent the most time with xDD Thank you BoxBoy!

Pretty good, took me a bit to realize that killing the monsters was necessary, also the dialogues keep showing up after you leave without clicking the skip. One solution could be to force the player to not move until the dialogues are complete

Nice! You probably saw it already but the "broken egg counter" resets itself every time you break an egg. Also the best time isn't updating T_T Liked the music and got a pretty good score :)

Very nice work!
Reading the controls was a bit overwhelming but got the hang of it quickly.
Managed to score the first stage with 2 strokes *puts sun-glasses on* and then the second stage was too much for my body lol

Mmm another way could be having right click to pick and left click to "dig deeper"(changing scrap scene). Wouldn't save on clicks but at least wont have to move the mouse outside and inside of the scrap scene constantly. Could be a middle ground until a better solution comes about!

Thank you Bigfootmech!

Understood the premise quickly, find gears from the scraps and click on turret to repair.

Upgrades didn't work for me and it feels pretty tight in difficulty. If it takes 10 gears I gotta do at least 22 clicks to repair it, immediately go search for more and the turret will break in the 16 to 22 click mark. So you do 1 or 2 fixes maybe and then lose T_T One way that could have made it more amenable is to remove the arrow clicking, right when you pick the gear, it automatically changes to the next scrap area. Reducing the 22 clicks to 12 (if 10 gears is the repair cost).

I liked the graphics, reminded me of Kongregate games, and the detail on how they die and collapse to the ground. That's my favorite part, although I don't forget the sliding upgrades menu :)

Needs more time and tweaking but its a nice proof of concept!

Juicy and tasty, played it on desktop browser(firefox). No sound issues, got the burger theme playing on the background :) From the SFX and Tweening to the Settings options, the attention to detail and presentation is on point. The difficulty, although slightly anxiety-inducing, it's accordingly calibrated to be a challenge.

Impressive work LittleBeardMan! Hope to see more of your developments in the future :D
PD: Got to level 19 on endless mode :)

Muehehheh I passed the 13 waves :) Played it on desktop browser, there were a couple short lag spikes or just sounds clipping very fast. There's not enough communication on how the corruption worked but I SAW IT, my pretty towers turning into other things T_T But I fixed them :)

Im curious, while I did understood the building system quite fast, it doesn't seems the fastest/easiest way to make it. Why place towers this way instad of spawning a 3 item menu scene when clicking specific spawn places? I think I never done it before but, in my head at least, sounds more intuitive to make and to play.

Regardless, very nice! :D

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It was unsettling for sure! There's something so primal about lowpoly enviroments with dark and messy textures + good ambient sound. It's just classic! I like that, gave me some Vampire Bloodlines vibes. Im not sure about the theme though T_T

I reached the end of the level, pressed the button E and then it closed, thats how it ends right?

Also, just so you know, there seems to be a problem with a setting for the viewport/window scaling. In the menu it looks like in the image, and during the game it does take the full screen properly, but the gun looks very small and attached to the bottom. I think this scaling problem also affected the aiming of the gun, at least with the second type of women.

Glad you like it and thank you for the feedback LittleBeardMan! Hope you are doing great :)

That's a good one, I'll be definitely playing with those explosion colors on the next installment of this series! Don't forget to follow for updates on the next releases :D

Hey there Swoopie, I appreciate the feedback!
There' a lack of challenge I agree, got excited with the shooting speed xD
Most things have been fixed, will update after the voting ends. Even better, its part of a series and each new one will be more succulent than the previous one :D Be sure to follow so you get the new releases in your notifications!

Thank you for playing Sevadusk! And appreciate taking the time to comment too!

The background might be a bit much too lol, although for me it depends on whether I play it on fullscreen or not. Can't change it now but I did change the looks of the page itself, looking better ;)

My last GWJ was number 50, really wanted to get in for 60 :D

I'll be resting tomorrow and check & rate your submissions from Tuesday on!
If you find some technical problem/bug in my entry please let me know, Godot 4's browser exports can be a bit tricky

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Thanks Mad! :)

I am a fanatic of pixelated food and cans, you don't understand what you done. Please send hhhelp xD A stimulating experience which shall remind in my mind for a long time

Love the music and smoothness, died in level 5, score 568. Abilities didn't work or do they unlock at another stage? Pretty nice :)

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Hehehehehe I like this, because of the graphics perspective looking like an jrpg I didn't understood what's what at first. Kicked in after a couple seconds and got 48. The shield could be a bit bigger to delete more bombs. Feels like straight out of a famicon, nice :)

Nice work! Nice concept, Nice aesthetics, Nice music... N I C E :)

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First run: Didn't knew I had picked up a camera lol Even though I read it on the controls section, thought it was to move the camera to where you clicked and somehow it didn't work T_T Also spent about 10 minutes crawling in circles. Reached second level, forgot about running xD Disaster

Second run: Know about the camera, strut all over the place with the lights on. Evaporate every ghost in my way. Reached second level, Forest Gump mode activated, didn't even saw the monster show up till I woke up in a mental hospital O.O

Nice! A solid set of mechanics. I would add some communication to the player, say, when you pick up the camera the character says "A camera!" or a message on a corner "Camera picked up". Love the wiggling fingers in the ghosts xD

You are most kind Demo! Glad I managed to fulfill the intended vibe, Thank you :)

Amaaaaazing graphics and 90's feel! Sadly my controller didnt work with this one T_T It was pretty tough to control with K&M but I did manage to reach the vehicle/escape sequence.
Exquisite vibes, Woah, Very Good, Nom Nom Nom Nom

Hey there Sandra!
You mean in the first level? You can walk up the ramp and jump to the upper level o.o
I like that you liked it and thank you for taking the time! Hope you'll enjoy the post-jam updates even more ;)

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Glad you enjoyed it Cheddar and thank you! Development will continue post-jam ;)

Thank you Mad!

Thanks a lot SnakeWinter I appreciate it! Those games are certainly influences I carry :) You could also add Hit & Run, Saints Row 2, CrazyTaxy, Battle for Bikini Bottom and a little bit of Destroy all Humans to the list of games that influence me... at least with this project ;)
Be sure to stay around for future developments!

Pretty nice! Didnt got to take the pendrive to that machine like in the last screenshot T_T
The dialogues and text boxes would have benefited from having bigger font size and also be affected by the shaders.
The option for mouse sensitivity was 10/10 :D

Welcome to 3D game development! :)
There was something smooth about the writing that I cant describe. I liked the music and the general visual setup of the level.
That house does look like it has way too many polys and the amount of trees would have called for some sprite work. Though again, you did leave everything with flat colors and unshaded :)

And more trippiness awaits after the jam :) Glad you enjoyed the experience agon, and thank you for taking the time!

Thank you dbeta! I did all I could to make it true to the 90's and specifically PS1, glad it managed to fullfill that :)
Was the jitter too much? O.O In my screen it seemed pretty tame, I thought it needed even more! And yes some of those problems like the timer have been fixed now, for the post-jam release ;)