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A member registered Feb 24, 2024 · View creator page →

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Cool game! It also had a nice relaxing atmosphere and great music.

Very cool twist on chess! It would be cool to have a list of all the twists that have happened (maybe I missed it). Also the ai was pretty easy (but it's just a jam so that's understandable). Awesome idea and presentation!

Very well done lol

I have a point light node in the fire that activates when the storm starts (godot). Thanks for playing!

Love the concept and upgrades. Could use a little more challenge and a way to know your high score, but very polished and so much potential!

So much fun! I got addicted pretty quickly. Difficulty ramp could be better but the minigames and level of polish were great. Very cool idea.

Great game! I love the ramp in difficulty of having the return back be faster from running from the storm

Thanks so much!

Thanks! Really enjoyed your game as well

Such a cool concept! I loved how well the sound effects and background sounds meshed together. Great game

I probably should have play-tested more to gauge difficulty haha. It's definitely not easy. Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Incredible. Very fun and the title alone had me sold. Great work!

I'm curious if you were using mouse wheel or A/D for rotation? Thanks for playing!

That's a tricky one x) Thanks for playing!

Thanks! I also burned a lot of wood haha

Thanks for playing! My gf also tried shaking the mouse to put out the flame. Maybe I should add that as a feature!


Very cool visuals and a nice vibe. I'm not sure if I was finding red flags or everything was a red flag? Maybe the point is that you're never safe? Anyway very cool haha. Love a simulated operating system.

Will do!

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Very relaxing! I'm not sure what was going on with the eye at the end of the round? Maybe on-screen controls/directions could help. Also a freeze-frame before minigames with directions would help (though I figured it out pretty quickly). Great game!

Amazing how many mechanics and systems there are! I could definitely use more time to prepare for the first round. I barely had time to make a sword. It would also be nice to have more prompts for controls. It took me a while to figure out how to chop down a tree. Other than that very impressive!

Playing yours now! Would love for you to rate mine as well. Thanks!

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Beautiful game! I felt like the intensity and unpredictability of the wind made some levels too hard, but the concept overall is very cool!

Thank you so much!