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Greenlord Studios

A member registered May 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks a bunch! I'm glad you liked the "wonkiness" :p


Thanks a bunch! :)
The game was originally designed to be purely 2 player but through sharing the keyboard, but through testing solo, we realised it was still totally doable solo. Kind of reminded me of Kuri Kuri mix in that way, and I think if we ever expanded on this game, we would keep it in such a way, maybe even make it so if we had controller support, if you really wanted to you could share half the controller each.


I imagine if we took more time on the level design (it was done last second) we might've found a more sure-fire way to tell you through gameplay maybe.
And thanks for the nice comments, means a lot :)


(1 edit)

Really solid game, perfect candidate for an addicting mobile game. The puzzles are captivating and really thought provoking for what are essentially a simple set of mechanics. The level design really makes this game shine. Fantastic job!


(1 edit)

Pretty fun game, sprite work is really good too. Good job!


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Oh I wondered why the well was there, that's cool. I like that

Edit: after finding out about the well, I got to 55, really addicting game. Love it.

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I meant more about the letters that spawn, I was sure I got all consonants at one point, love your little diagram with the goose and heart though :3


I loved the duck, he's my favourite! as soon as I saw him I knew I needed to snap him haha


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Thank you very much for the kind words!

The controls were initially designed to be played with 2 players, but as we tested it ourselves, we would often be testing it solo and were having fun with it like that so decided not to describe it as a 2 player game and more of a game you COULD play with a second player if you wanted.

The coil was originally meant to expand and contract depending on the distance between the characters but it was taking too long to implement correctly so we left the length to be at a size that wouldn't make it look too disjointed when they were seperated far apart from the screen when the camera was zoomed out and we wanted the camera to zoom out enough to see the enemies out of reach better too, so was kind of a double edged sword with the length haha.

We would've definitely loved to have put in music and sound effects but just didn't get the time to do so sadly.


Really like this game, however does it ever check to see if the letters you're given can make a connected crossword? understandably if not, since this was done in a jam, but that is definitely a flaw. A restart button would've made this issue easier to swallow as I just wanted to keep playing.

The art style is great, very similar to Baba Is You, but I mean that as a compliment, but I think the jittery can seem a little quick. But all in all, it looks fantastic and it plays well. Good game all around. Well done.


Fun game and an interesting concept using the theme, although it seems you can just make a line going through the middle and just leave it, there always seems to be more points than crosses, and it would be nice to either have a button to remove the current connection or at least make it visible to which one will stay when you click another circle.

The presentation is really nice however, and all in all, still a great idea with a good execution. Good job!

Pretty fun game with an interesting puzzle mechanic. Would've been nice to maybe have seen a move count or something so you could try and improve on future playthroughs and the camera seemed to position itself strangely at times where if you needed to shoot down and to the left, it would be hard to see where you're going.

All in all though, good game, well done!

(2 edits)

One of the best games I've seen submitted, really clever way to use the theme.

The presentation on this is outstanding, this does not look like something that should've been possible in only 48 hours, outstanding job!

The wallpaper download thing is a brilliant little add-on.

5 stars all around from me.


(1 edit)

Really fun game, just the right amount of length for a jam game I think.

I liked how challenging the puzzles were without being too difficult, the "a-ha!" moments were frequent, which is a testament to the level design that makes sense.

Love the sprites too, they're great looking characters.

The landing felt a little slippery, especially on the small platforms, but things like that can be hard to fine-tune when under pressure with a time limit. You should be proud of what you done in such little time. Well done!


Ah okay, that makes sense, like I said, fun game regardless. Think you done a lot in a short amount of time

Thank you very much for the feedback, we really wish we had more time to put into the level design and possibly adding puzzle elements, but turns out sleeping a responsible amount of time makes it hard to put in everything you want haha

We originally wanted the cable to shrink and expand depending on the distance between the characters with a max length, but we had an issue trying to cull segments of the rope when needed and it was clearly becoming a rabbit hole we'd unlikely get out of in time, so needed to move on to other things.


(1 edit)

Really fun game, I love it when games make you do finger gymnastics with the controls (although it probably isn't going to help me with my hand nerve damage - haha), had louds of fun. Really like the art-style too, Great job!


Interesting concept with great level design, I didn't know I could double jump at first though so it took a while for me to get past the first level haha


Love the art, the character art gives me big Celeste vibes, and the parallax scrolling is a great touch that makes the game just look that much more interesting. 

The mechanic is interesting but I feel both the cool down and the transformation time could've been shortened a bit so I wasn't just waiting around before I can continue playing the game. An animation or an indicator to show that you are currently transforming as there were definitely a few times where I felt like I was for sure doing it correctly but must have pressed it just ever so slightly before I stopped moving.

Great looking game and concept overall though, good job!


Yeah we did intend on having the bullets not go through the tiles, we just didn't get the time at the end to set that up and still make the submission deadline in time.

In regards to the pulse signal direction, the wire changes to the colour of the character that can pulse at that given time. Although I do know it is subtle and not very colour blind friendly. We did have a HUD element indicating it towards the end, but lost it in a scramble to squash a bug in the final moments.

Thanks for the feedback, greatly appreciated!


(1 edit)

Really fun game, enjoyed my time with it.

I liked how the character moved when you were on the title screen which worked as kind of like a little tutorial on how the character movement is done.

With a proper end/win state for the levels instead of just pressing next level to get to the next one regardless if you've done it or not, and this would've been a proper solid game. Good job!


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Very interesting and creative idea, definitely makes me want to play a more polished version, the idea has great potential. Always love to see a PICO-8 game too, well done.


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Thanks so much! We had toyed with the idea of puzzle elements but realised we wouldn't have had the time to implement them before the end. It's definitely something we'll think about if we ever expand upon it


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Thank you so much, that makes me so happy to hear that :D


(1 edit)

aw, thank you very much!


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Really difficult but captivating enough to keep you wanting to play more to get better at it. Very fun. The character design is hilariously creative, love the hiking boot, gotta make sure you have the right footwear for such a journey right?


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Thank you very much, we almost didn't even get the main idea of the pulse attack implemented on time either, so we're glad you liked it. And yeah there was so much more we wanted to add to do with the wire so there would've been push and pull mechanics as an examples of some of our ideas.


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Thanks! There was meant to be a HUD element that would signify who has the pulse at what time, but we lost it in the final moments. However one way to see who can pulse is that the colour of the wire changes depending on who can pulse. The HUD element was just to make it more clear (it was a pretty sick lightning bolt too). There was also meant to be a whole lot more to do with the physics of the rope but we never had time to expand upon it and at one point we had to just commit and polish what little we had.

I'll have a look at your game outside of work hours, I'm down for chill games :)


(1 edit)

Thank you very much! :)


(2 edits)

Thank you so much! Sound and music were planned but we had no one at hand to do it and the two of us were too busy getting the game to the point it's at now - we were also learning Godot at the same time as we were both unfamiliar with the engine.


(3 edits)

Thank you very much and thanks for taking your time to play our game and comment on it :D

The pulse signal attack is supposed to work where the lit up part of the wire is what damages the enemies if it touches them, and on top of that the two characters need to pass it back and forth, so first the blue guy (Sig) can pulse, signified by the blue coloured wire, and then once it's reached the other end, the purple guy (Null) can pulse, now signified by the wire being purple. There was going to be a HUD element that shows which side could pulse when but we lost that work in the final moments sadly.

Also it could be purely possible you've found a bug if you already knew and understood the above, as we did at one point encounter the possibility of neither Sig or Null able to pulse for some strange reason, we did think we had fixed that however.


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Yeah the initial plan was to have it stretch and shorten depending on the distance and have a max length that would then force the characters to come closer again, along with other physics based features that we didn't have time to implement. Thanks for the compliments and the suggestions though, greatly appreciated :)


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Much thanks! we're glad you like Sig and Null :3 Hopefully we'll see more of them in the future!


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Thank you very much!


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Thank you very much on the feedback, we really thought the pulse attack was going to be the "big mechanic" of this game but weren't quite sure if we were even going to get that part figured out and implemented in time so I'm really glad you liked that mechanic.

In regards to it being more of a rope like tether instead of a straight line stems from the fact we were going to allow more physics based stuff, but we would've had to have overhauled our complete controller script to accommodate and felt our time was best spent elsewhere. But yeah we had/have loads of ideas of how we could've expanded further upon how the rope would interact with the world and the characters.
