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A member registered Oct 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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Awesome project!!

Man, I just love your assets and vast art style. I don't use them at the moment, but at least its a way to support your awesome art! Keep creating.

Really well done! Using the pulses to update the conveyer belts is a really cool approach! Cool video and awesome game!

Yes, but only when giving attribution. A link to this page or my suffices. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Danke dir!
Wir hatten noch viel mehr Ideen, aber bis zur letzten Stunde hab ich noch Sachen eingefügt und die Zeit hatte nicht mehr gereicht. :D

Wollte noch einen "Geist" einbauen, mit dem benachbarte Projektile durchdringen können.
Oder eher seltenere "Speed-Boosts" und Vollheilungen auf der Karte verteilt ...

Danke fürs Spielen. :)

Ah! Ja, hatte ich. Aber ich wusste gar nicht, dass sich damit die Sprunghöhe ändert haha.

Aber ich komme nun hier nicht weiter ... Wann ist die Raupe denn satt? Sieht man das irgendwo?

So! Bin durch :D
Also an sich würde ich immer Lichtquellen nutzen um den Spieler zu leiten.

Aber die Amtosphäre ist bleibt richtig geil. Schöne Kiste!!

Richtig sauberes Spiel!
Aber wie komme ich da oben rechts hin?

Also Schnee-Fußspuren war definitiv nicht, was ich erwartet habe, haha. Sehr schick!
Leider konnte ich den zweiten Zettel nicht finden und daher nicht weiter spielen. Ich hab nur die beim Grabstein gefunden und ewig nach der anderen gesucht. Ich hätte gedacht, dass sie beim Zelt liegt, weil dort Licht brannte, aber da war keine Note.

Ansonsten habe ich noch ein paar kleine Fehlerchen gehabt:

- Ich hab beim Einsammeln einer Ente 2/3 Enten gehabt, obwohl ich nur eine Ente gesammelt habe.

- ich konnte irgendwann nicht mehr escape drücken

Trotzdem cooles Game und hammer Atmosphäre!

Sehr süßes Spiel!
Wenn man Leertaste spamt, dann kann man von einer Ranke aus sehr hoch springen. Damit konnte ich ein paar Passagen skippen - das war aber sehr witzig.

Vom Level Design her kamen mir ein paar Sektionen komisch vor. Teilweise waren Stellen, bei denen ich 1 Ranke hatte und irgendwo hätte runterspringen müssen, wo ich eine Ranke bekomme, aber um rauszukommen wieder eine Ranke brauche.

Die Textboxen scheinen auch einen kleinen Bug zu haben, bei denen der Sprite zwei mal gerendert wird - wovon nur einer animiert wird.

Jedenfalls cooles Spiel!

Coole Kiste! Leider konnte ich ab einem bestimmten Punkt nicht weiter spielen, weil meine Ranken im Nichts hängenblieben und eine Ranke schleudert einen armen Kerl dauerhaft im Kreis, haha.

Aber ich finde die Game Idee super geil. Und man kann die Leute auch richtig krass schleudern.

Wenn da mehr Gameplay Tiefe drin ist wäre das auch als noch größeres Projekt richtig super!

Great game!
You could also add water tiles. If a farm plot is adjacent too water, it grows wheat. If its not, it grows a farm house.

Anyways, cool proof of concept!


That is an insane score. Well frickin' done!

Cool game! Thanks for using the mage.
Nice to see some open-source game-projects, not enough peeps do that imo.Keep it up!

The name "greenpixels" is enough. Optionally a link to my page is also much appreciated. 

Good luck on your game launch!

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the feedback!

When you click "More information" you can see the license.

It is Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International

Looks great!!

If you click "More information" you can find the asset license which is CC Attribution v4.0I

Much appreciated - thanks for playing.

Hey VOiD1 Gaming,

thanks for playing the game! I appreciate the feedback and I agree with the points you made.
I'm not sure if I will have the time to update the game - this was a learning experience for using Godot the first time and it will probably not be maintained any further.

It's open source on GitHub, if anyone wants to implement something.

Have a nice day!

Hey Richy,

thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the game. :)

Have a nice day!

Hey We Solo AZ,

thanks for playing the game! I really enjoyed watching you two play. Appreciate all the feedback.
I added your time to the highscore-list. Sorry it took so long - I was out of the city. :)

Have a nice day!

Thank you, dreamsprite. Much appreciate the feedback!

I really liked the concept, but I think a lot of people might have missed it since there is no hint inside the game - only on your page. Getting stronger on death is nice, right up my skill alley.

Cool idea, cool entry. :)

I'm a huge fan of rotating sprites for a walk cycle. It's goofy but works well. Big fan of the visuals and the audio. The gameplay is a little bland and sometimes when it said "STINKY" cheese didn't work, but other times it did. Nonetheless, cooly game jam entry. :)

Really enjoyed the music. :)

Really great idea! The gameplay is a little confusing, but after a while I got the hang of it. But there is definitely something to explore here. Great entry.

Cool idea, there are some setups where the game gets softlocked or where you can't do anything but watch the enemies go through your defenses without getting hit - especially early on. Really liked the visuals.

Nice entry!

Cool concept. It's fun to throw around houses and see them fly away. Nice entry. :)

The idea was really cool, but obviously there were some important elements missing due to time contraints. I also liked the pixel art. Nice entry. :)

Really solid concept! For me personally the most visually stunning entry of them all. Great entry.

Hey there!

Great entry, defo one of my favorites in this jam. The pixel art is solid and works well in this case. The slime trail is also a really nice addition. In both runs we hit 15 absorbed slimes and both ended on 1:01 minutes. Well done. :)

Hey there!

Having a randomized effect every run was a cool idea. The game felt a little too easy and the effect didn't really change the difficulty up at all nor impact it in any meaningful way. The screenshake was just a little too much for my taste.

But for me it hit the theme just perfectly and the gameplay was intersting too. Nice entry.

Hey there!

Great entry.  It's breathtaking to think you did all of this in such a short amount of time.
Personally I felt like the controls weren't as tight as I would've loved them to be.  It easily happens that you slip ahead when you didn't intend to. The amount of levels is insane. How did you manage to do that? Damn!

One of my personal favorites in this jam, well done.

Hey there!

Great entry. The controls were tight and precise and the game is cute and short.
The colours especially work really well for me.

I just didn't quite see how the game fit the theme, but other than that it's one of the top entries for me, nice work!

Thank you R.C. - glad you liked the game!
Wonderful description of the game. :D

Hey JeffCube, thank you - glad you liked it!
Yea, the game crashes when throwing a stone when inside a chasm. Throwing a stone inside of a cliff object spawns another stone which collides with the cliff which spawns another stone and so on ... A little bug I didn't get to fix.

We all started together at 2pm on saturday and ended at 5:30 - so 3 hours 30 minutes. At least that is how I understood it.

Even if the hours were counted individually, I took 3h 30 min for programming since Game Maker 2 had issues when compiling to Web that it didn't have when I compiled to windows. Nontheless we're really happy with the result.