This was a big surprise. Quite an amazing game, made even better by its simplicity. Well done!
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Nice job! I had fun with this one, despite its simplicity. It has a similar gameplay loop to Root Beer Tapper, actually. One element you could take from that game is making it so enemies don't fall back down unless you really overload them with bullets. For example, in Root Beer Tapper you can serve a customer but they only get pushed back a bit, not always all the way off the bar. If the aliens shed some of the bullets off of them over time it would cause the player to either fill them with bullets or juggle which ones they're shooting at.
Just some rambling thoughts I had while playing :)
When I first loaded it up I was reminded of those weird bonus levels in the original Sonic the Hedgehog. But the addition of the gravity switch added a lot of fun! I can imagine that with practice you could fly through the levels without even touching a single wall. More mechanics and levels could add a lot of depth. Good job!
The art style is cool. Especially combined with the movement system, it reminded me of Frozen Synapse. I got a little frustrated with the way the guards kept missing their shots or would let the intruder run past them without taking a shot. I think with a bit more time and polish this could be really fun!