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A member registered Aug 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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An outstanding game! As others have said, visuals and sound are on point but I also love the gameplay, especially how you can walk around the blue and green hand, but not the red one. That allows for some planning ahead, which is great.

However, I do agree that moving the hands can be frustrating when you accidentally knock one halfway across the clock and immediately lose the game. Increasing friction or making them snap would fix that though.

Of the submissions I've played so far, this is easily the best one. Well polished, great idea, very unique. I love it!

An all around great game, I especially liked the screen shake. Aside from some obvious things (font, some tweaking) I actually think there isn't much to criticize here. Great job!

Art is great, audio is great and it's a ton of fun. I like how hard the later stages are. My only problems with this game are how

1) the jumping can be very hard to time. If you could hold jump to immediately juump upon landing, it would certainly improve things.

2) the disappearing parts seemed a bit unpredictable. I'm not sure how they are supposed to work, but they're probably not working as intended.

Nonetheless a lot of fun to play!

With the nice graphics and audio + no bugs, this game feels really polished and it's a lot of fun to play as well. I agree with the others that the tutorial was a bit long and the gear was irrelevant, but it's still a great game.

With some tweaking and a few more functions for the wagons on the left this would totally be a nice little game.

Really nice game! One thing I would change is how the enemies can only push you around when you're in the air, because this way they are kinda harmless.

The intro cutscene is fabulous, the game looks great in general. Unfortunately I just couldn't beat the game, maybe because I didn't really understand the time mechanics.

Awesome art, great levels. There are a few bugs like how jumping next to a moving platform kills you but the game's a lot of fun, especially because it's quite hard.

If you're gonna make a clicker game you should at least put a few things in that you can buy, not just "Press this button 500 times to win the game"...

Wow, this game is great! Especially the art, it's simplistic but it all fits together really well. The jumping feels a bit clunky but that's what you'd expect from a game jam game.

A few bugs but nontheless i liked the game! The collision bug is actually kinda funny, reminded me of the giants in Skyrim.

Sometimes it can be hard to hear what the narrator is saying because the music is a bit loud. Other than that I do like the game but the special object doesn't really hold any relevance.

Great level design, it looks good and it's quite polished for a game jam game - impressive!

I think the mechanics are pretty clear. Cool game!

All the ones i could find, yeah. I guess I could try again and pay attention to any paths i might have missed.

Really nice game, though I can't seem to find the last baby...