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A member registered Feb 16, 2018

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Potential Bug, Invisibility Cloak, Just misses (it jumped one treasure and then stopped 1 in front of the next treasure)

seems to be working (also i love the number of references to your other games, its really funny finding the aliens, monsters from savouring sword, and other things in the game)

(1 edit)

ok, now after restarting the game is says sound volume and has a skull Edit: it seems to randomly change to a level i last played or an option in the option menu (its now coastline of crawlies)

Both of them show up the Massages and Treachoures Ocean In That Order

(1 edit)

found another bug, Which i kinda feel bad for, but the massagist doesn't show up (isn't it Massuese?) instead treachous ocean shows up in the events screen


Yup every time i die i get stuck in the battle/island screen (i hit escape and press the home button and it fixes itself though)

yes traps do, its only been attack cards from empower, they do the number shown but have the wrong face, (they have also been boosts), upon dying i got stuck in a weird half base half battle screen, and finally i thought i should note this im playing the steam version

found another bug, Empower Cards sometimes show the wrong face (like showing attack but actually healing)

so uh Dungeon Traps Are Healing me in The Overgrown Dungeon

i'm not even colourblind and i can't see shit

Negative Entertainment Value, in Auto Feeder, Buying Food Doesn't Increase By Equivalent Amount. Stays at -10 value. Buy Dragon Platter goes to 340

also the requirement costs for marines upgrades don't work for some reason

so i think the PC version is bugged, First of all the Kitsune Can't Actually eat anything, second the second hero just spams his spell over and over again, killing everyone and making so no one has food.


Potential Bug when using Opera, Discard button disappears, its still clickable its just not there to see.

I'm laughing at the Cretins who can't even leak a test version correctly line so much, i mean thats horrible and sucks doubly so when people blame you because they didn't even bother to check if it was an official source. The cretins remains funny

YIPPIE, thaanks for the response btw

er public demo or devlog im slightly confused is all.

Please Fix the Fact that just revived characters can be targeted, on the SAME TURN you revived them. I hate so much that every time i revive someone the enemy targets them and them alone and just insta kills them because they were just revived

all of those are in bugs and feedback thankfully well excluding the chicken minigame.

i meant just make the instructions more clear

maybe its becuase i had the weight before i interacted with the button, which means i skipped the first interaction and thus bugged it?

Dont forget minorly clearing up the chickens that you have to press it multiple times, that you have to drop the chickens individually

That is Completely fair, game dev is hard, i once took 2 weeks just to recreate snake and it was still bug filled, so minor things like slip by i get it. Btw is the button in storage supposed to do anything cause i pressed it and nothing happened.

The maze thing makes sense, excluding the massive and annoying amount of dialogue you have to go through each time, not to mention that the maze is huge and you can't save, id rather they just get stuck and allow me to cheese my way through because otherwise i have to fully remember every path in all the maze maps which is just tedious, its not hard nor difficult its tedious. which to be fair most mazes kinda are. its just worse when you are forced to full reset through a ton of dialogue each time.

so far, i haven't heard of any but the other route works supposedly, i played through it but the secrets bugged so theres that.

you can still play the main game fine.

im aware, the problem stated was that it doesn't mention that fact, i assumed by pressing it once i dropped all the chickens in my inventory instead of only 1 of them, since you can't pause to check your inventory i had no way to confirm otherwise until i lost.

only happens in the divide route according to someone else

The chicken minigame doesn't tell you you have to drop each chicken individually, in the maze ive had them literally teleport directly into me which makes it pretty freaking hard to do anything. I can't solve any of the secrets.

press 8 on your numpad, it works

(Excitedly) Go off dude, that was an awesome read. Ive actually done a bit of game design in high school , holy shit it takes forever to do it correctly. making snake (the old phone game) took me 2 weeks for basic systems and its not that hard to make a snake clone, but 2 weeks is 2 weeks. i enjoy the fuck (get it) out of all your games. keep up the good work, and don't let the idiots who haven't even tried writing a GDD get to you.

get all 5 cotton candies from all 5 stages

so i can't run the inn event at the succubus village, i have the key but i can't get the event or most of the events in the succubus village for some reason like the mini-game for dancing isn't working correctly, i think?

Nah i blew up the ones near the end goal with dynamite, the randomized rocks on the way back just always blocked my path by never leaving anything wider than a 2 block gap, so literally 1 size up and i would immediately get stuck, and in some more RNG weirdness and i couldn't get more than 7 pills, and 2 dynamite (so only 1 for the path back). also this is just motherlode without fall damage and i love it.

how the hell did you program the rocks to have the most annoying spawn pattern, i can't win because every time i try rocks form just the right shape everytime to screw me over (im honestly impressed, if not also very salty

I wish you luck in this endeavor

edge them 3 times

so i just had ember run off screen and never come back is that a bug?

(2 edits)

The damage model in the most recent free update feels insanely unfair and unfun, the fact that enemies can use growth spurt once and have over 1000 increases in stats maybe a bug but it makes it so even the basic sewer rats kill me half the time. Also the Unusually large rat's summon followers skills seems to stat buff it by 100 in each category which I feel is definitely a bug. which all in all feels like a moot point to complain about since there probably fixes in the next version.