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Thanks for playing, I watched the stream too and it’s very helpful to see it play out like that thanks so much for doing that! Running around and grabbing the fireflies has definitely always been an issue to balance out and while is the easier difficulties it’s definitely possible, in the harder ones (hard is my preferred) it’s definitely a worse strategy (although definitely MUCH harder to balance feeding the fire).
Thanks for playing! I wanted to add an easy mode in case anyone was struggling and wanted to add a harder mode too, as the dev I found the game way too easy. Then hard was too easy for me so I added deadly and that one is VERY challenging, I’ve only beaten it once and if anyone else manages to do so as well they deserve a prize.
I don’t remember whether I used GetAxis or GetAxisRaw but I do remember that the move direction is Normalized, meaning that it shouldn’t have a huge effect either way. I think the main issue may be that the players walk animation needs to finish before it can stop. Just because without that, the players rotation would snap back and that wouldn’t look very good. There’s probably a bit of maintained velocity but since the controls don’t need to be precise for anything I think it may be mostly fine. I might look into different ways to do the animation, thanks for playing and giving feedback.
Maybe my favorite game so far just in terms of gameplay experience. The progression felt almost perfect. Every upgrade, except for maybe the movement ones, felt impactful but not overpowered. Never did the grind become too tedious or time consuming and by the time I was razing the entire final level it felt well-earned instead of a byproduct of really op upgrades. The amount of juice was perfect and made it insanely satisfying. There was definitely some lacking variety but I'd love to see more stuff in later rounds, assuming you get through and want to continue work on this. Amazing job!
Such a unique and interesting game idea! The jump felt really bad though, probably because of the lack of coyote time and because you couldn't even go up 1 tile, making it near useless. Sometimes it felt really hard to line up the shape right, maybe if they're close enough the shapes you turn into automatically snap into a grid so that you don't have to get them perfect. I think this would be really awesome as a metroidvania (metroidbrainia?) type game where you have to find new shapes to access different areas. I also kind of wish there was the ability to move my face without moving the shape (or needing a wall), especially since the WASD keys weren't used at all. Well done!
Fun game! The controls felt very nice which made it an enjoyable experience overall. The controls were a bit slippery, which was actually very fun at some parts but the levels are designed at points to make you do precise movements, which don't feel good. I feel like the dash was underused, especially since it just gets taken away from you at multiple points. Although it adds more of a challenge, just removing the player's ability to do something doesn't feel great and I would also consider the fact that managing to skip parts of the level or do it in an unintended way is way more fun - even if it's way harder sometimes. Also carrying the boxes felt a little bit weird and they were VERY easy to smuggle in different places throughout the levels. The main menu felt a little unintuitive, but it wasn't that bad. A lot of these are little nitpicks but I think my main issue was with the camera. With the speed at which the player is going if you head in a direction the camera lags behind you, leaving only ~15% of the screen focused on where you're actually going. I see you're using unity and would guess you are using cinemachine, maybe increase the lookahead time in the body of the camera? I usually do that for my games.
I gave a lot of criticism but I did enjoy my time in Billy World and hope to see more, good luck (:
Super fun and addicting game! My only advice would be that some of the upgrades didn't feel as impactful as I would have liked, for example lvl 4 damage increase still took 2 hits to kill a basic ant, the same amount at lvl 0, and 3 hits for one of the stronger ones which I think was the same for like level 1 or 2. I would love to see how it's expanded upon, like more unique upgrades that have cool synergies for example or puzzles and new methods of combat with the two core mechanics here. Also as a pretty small nitpick punching the candy felt very punishing which led to me avoiding the punch radius mechanics, maybe it could be lessened or the upgrade that protects against ant or hold damage would also help for punches. Overall I had a great time, nice job!
I think I'm a little bit overspun🤮
A lot of people have mentioned that though so I'll touch on some other things. I really like how mechanics are slowly introduced throughout the level. I think having the player bounce off the walls would have been a bit more interesting and intuitive as having the player instantly turn around felt pretty bad sometimes. The inability to bounce is used as a mechanic sometimes though, but I think having to get the right angle to bounce around those no rotate zones still would have been more interesting. The art is very simple and cute and it was a nice albiet nauseating experience overall. Good luck!
Firstly, I love the duck. Also the controls feel really nice, and I especially love the effect when you land after a double jump, although it almost makes me wish the normal jump and dash also had a bit of juice. There were a few issues I had with the movement though. Firstly, fitting into one block gaps felt terrible there are a lot of them. Also, I think that the levels needed checkpoints. The music also looped over again with every death and together those made a rather grating experience. I also think the levels could have just been much shorter, as I would rather play 9 short levels than 3 long levels ten times out of ten. Since it's a game jam, not everybody will be willing to put the time and effort to be difficult or annoying games so I would highly recommend making them way easier than you may think they need to be. Also the jump pads don't allow you to double jump again and it feels like they should. I know I gave a lot of criticism but I did have a fun time, and if Rubber Ducky is coming back later I'd love to see some of this feedback taken into account. Great job & good luck!
Super fun game! I loved all the different movement tech available to launch yourself around and it made speedrunning very fun. I do think the game should be fully beatable without it, though, as it isn't greatly intuitive and a little temperamental. I'd love to see new levels and mechanics in the future, well done!
First off, I LOVE deckbuilders so I'm absolutely biased but I had a great time playing this. Honestly no criticisms from me, it's lacking some variety and a little bit repetitive but nonetheless I'm so hyped to see where this goes. This has reinvigorated my fixation on making a deckbuilder. I'm not fully sure what the primary and secondary mechanics are but they seem to be buying cards from the shop and combat. If you make it to round 2 please develop this further <3 It's already making my monkey brain happy seeing numbers go up and if/once there's more ✨juice✨ added I might get addicted. Good luck!
Fun game! The visuals were simple but could have been a little bit cleaner (for example some of the red was different shades). I'd also recommend reducing the amount of different colors. For example, black is clearly a platform and red is clearly death but one room in particular I walked in and now there's a lot more stuff introduced at once (even though the mechanics are mostly the same) which was kind of overwhelming. Speedrunning was fun and the controls felt nice. I'd recommend using a color palette (like from lospec) just to give it a bit more cohesiveness visually, and it's a very small change that can be very impactful. The UI was also just at random points in my screen which was a little bit odd. Hope you make it to the next round as I'm really excited to see where this goes!
*Of course I'm kind of picking at the art but that's just because it feels so close to being really clean and polished and I have a hunch the next round will be visual (;
Thanks so much! It's really encouraging to see the positive reception so far as this game was very difficult to properly design and balance, having to consistently force the player to spend time building the fire, exploring out, and actively in danger, and I'm glad that you were engaged and satisfied by the different mechanics.
Fun game! I think having the door at the start disappear but none of the others was a little confusing along with having to fulfill a condition for it to do so. Controlling the car felt really nice. I think having a more open space, where you can speed up and take less sharp turns would have been more fun with the driving mechanics though. Having the races as short as they were made it really easy to play again and again. Well done!
The minigames were super cute and fun, although a bit buggy at times. Being able to buy new minigames was a fun idea although I found myself spamming the same few over and over, maybe motivating the player to switch it up more would be nice. While I'm fussing over small issues, I think losing a minigame could have a bit more of an indicator as it just kind of returned which left me a little bit confused some of the time. Great job!
Side note, the voice for the tutorial and the music didn't play in Opera but did in Chrome, have fun figuring that one out (or ignoring it).
Cool game! The colors were nice and the art was cute! I think the grapple (?) didn't feel right at all, although it didn't feel that bad once you get the hang of it. I think if the mechanics were redesigned to closer to what actually came out, instead of it trying to be a grapple. It almost feels like there's a responsibility to include elements from other games, like the grapple, for example the coins which serve no purpose and the live system, which doesn't make sense since there aren't checkpoints, it just means you have to die and restart a specific amount of times before you get to start the timer again. I think the game was at it's best, and was pretty fun, when you were just swinging around from platform to platform, so the levels should have been designed around that a bit more.
I'm going to rapid fire a lot of feedback. These are mostly just nitpicks because I see some things that I think could just be made a little bit better. I couldn't help but notice that the UI isn't set to scale at all. It appears your using Unity and my 1920x1080 resolution seemed to be correct, so in your canvases in Unity go to the canvas scaler component and select 'scale with screen size' then type the desired resolution. The music got a little bit annoying after a bit, which I think was partially due to it resetting between scenes. (To keep an object between scenes in Unity use the DontDestroyOnLoad function). I would have appreciated more options for keys, for example W or Up arrow to jump, since those keys are underused and having more choice in terms of keybinds is generally better. Finally, a few bugs I noticed was that if you die on your last life you can continue moving, and if you pause in the main menu the game just freezes.
I did genuinely enjoy this game, I know I gave a lot of criticism but I thought it was a good game just a few steps away from being a great game (and wanted to help outline those steps). Nicely done!
The color palette and all the effects were very nice. The graph at the end was a touch I especially liked. I felt like the player's hitbox was a little bit too large for a game about getting close to objects, and the tail should not have been able to collide as that felt really bad. The UI was very clean and readable. Gorgeous game, great job.
Nicely done! The game feels very well balanced, I made it to the last room on my first playthrough. I think that said last room should have had some of the time powerups though as it was very disappointing to die in that room, especially without any actual obstacles. I think having a separate live and timer system was a bit much, having damage also remove some time would have been more interesting. The limited palette and pixel art made for a really cute aesthetic, I think arrow keys should have been supported though. The movement felt a little bit slippery and the hitboxes a little big for a game more about precision, but it was still enjoyable nonetheless. Very nicely done!
The level and mechanic progression definitely would have been better if I’d planned it out ahead of time lol, pretty much every time there’s a new mechanic it was me thinking it’d be cool and throwing it in real quick, I pretty much did the bare minimum before starting making the levels and had no idea how it was going to turn out. Thanks for playing!
Really awesome game! The visuals were cool and also really like the art on the main menu in particular. The game felt very well balanced, like if you were playing well you had just enough time to make it, which also increased the tension. The game loop did get repetitive after awhile, mixing it up with more mechanics could have made the gameplay more interesting. Very well done!
Great visual style and an really interesting interpretation and execution of the theme. That being said, it's really hard to grasp what's going on right away as you are thrown right into things. The other issue is that I don't really care about the fight going on. The guy will attack automatically and I have to keep my focus on the ball, and the enemies don't change the gameplay. I think having enemies to mix up the gameplay and maybe even something more turn based to help keep the game flowing (for example, survive until the player can attack and then pick an enemy, and repeat.) All in all, it's a very well made game with a unique idea behind it, I could totally see this as like a full rpg or roguelike.
The soundtrack had a nice funk and I liked entering my name at the beginning. I think the levels got a little repetitive, the ball pit level was tedious and the ones where the shapes float around (especially the last one) made me want to both scream and cry. I think maybe some more unique shapes and behaviors for the people could have made the game a lot more interesting, and utilizing the bouncy block more would have been nice (and also giving it a way to identify it as bouncy.) Overall, great job!