A little slow but fun all the same.
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Really fun game. Great take on a classic concept.
Only suggestion would be to re-word the tutorial popups as they dont need that much description as the game is designed well enough to pick up without any more than a prompt or two. My other critique would be to "tone down" the idle animation's as they are a little intense.
Overall, an incredible effort. Well played!
should I give scrap collectors a limited capacity?
If I did, when they were full they could fly off the level or become locked. Doing this I could add more complexity to the level design. It does make sense contextually which is another plus but I do worry that it might drastically change the feel of the game.
Any suggestions?
Should I add a level timer?
On the plus side it would give players wanting more difficulty an option. My main worry is that there isn’t any in game contextual reason for it.
Is there a way of adding a timer contextually in a game like Super ScrapBot? Alternatively, is there another mechanic I could use to add an extra bit of optional difficulty into the game?
Any advice would be very much appreciated!
Right now, my focus is on getting the player use to the base mechanics before I start adding bigger threats such as obstacles and higher value but weaker scrap.
Hopefully by the end of the first 5 levels the player will have a good idea of how to control ScrapBots magnetic hull and how the shape of attached scrap can both be used as a tool and a hindrance. I’ve hinted at some of this during level 3. Did anybody notice this?
Think I can do better, anything you like or dislike. Let me know! I need your help to make this game better.
I currently need lots of help with the games difficulty curve. As with all development I'v reached the point where difficult aspects of the game are now easy to me so any new player feedback is invaluable.
It might look like chaos but I do have a plan! this thread will be full of planned features and where possible a timeline. Though everything will change as I make progress and get feedback I find it really helps to have some sort of plan.
Any features you think I've missed or anything you think I should prioritise, let me know!
Planned features:
- Valuable but weaker scrap pickups. I already have everything g in place for these.
- Circular saw blades, moving and static. There is a reason scrap farmers are missing limbs.
- Super magnets: magnetic power up that increases ScrapBots magnetic pull until it is depleted or the magnet is toggled.
- Magnetic health pickups. Drop them off at a scrap collector to repair. They’re going to become an essential mechanic as the levels get more dangerous.
- Magnetic bombs. Release your magnet to drop them onto enemies.
- Magnetic turrets. These would use adjacent scrap as ammo! I also have an idea to have NPC’a with metal parts and weapons. I just need to decide if I should go none combat or not.
- Static turrets that use specific ammo with a drop-off mechanic similar to the scrap collectors. Might give some levels a tower defence feel.
- Magnetic lanterns. I have the systems in place for these. I have an idea to use them with an enemy that is scared away by the light from them.
- Enemies that are scared of light.
- Enemies that have their own magnet and can try drag you to danger.
- Enemies with guns.
- Simple bash enemies.
- EMP enemies that can disable your magnet.
- EMP Fields where your magnet is unusable.
- Moving platforms, not dangerous to the player but will make it harder to move breakable scrap.
- Magnetic steel blocks for blocking enemy advances. I already have the systems in place for this.
“A gauntlet and his shepherd”
Finding the right style doesn’t always have to start with level concepts.
Need to find the right look for your game? www.hayes2d.com

Episode 3 is recorded! They’re messy but very important.
In this stage I take on all the feedback and see how it works with the original concepts. They are a little rough around the edges but they’re perfect tools for creating the next stage of mock-ups.
Voice over and editing still remain so I'll keep you folks posted when I can.
I'm a freelance 2D artist. I work with game assets, illustration and graphic design. I can adapt and create a large number of styles. From pixel art to something a little more illustrative I can find the right style to fit your project.
Art Direction // Game Assets // Illustration // Graphic Design // Animation // Concept Art // Promotional Graphics // Pixel Art // Photoshop // Illustrator // Spine 2D
If you would like a quote or have any questions about me or my work please get in touch.
Portfolio: www.hayes2d.com
Email: rob@hayes2d.com