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A member registered Nov 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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thanks! ive kissed so many fish now

is there any chance of a downloadable version? for whatever reason, the game never loads for me. ive tried a few times in the last week.

so cute! i never noticed i got this game in a bundle a couple years ago, so i'm only now playing it. it's delightful.

nvm -- i just started the game over, instead of loading my save, and it worked this time. dont know what bug was causing it before but if anyone else is having trouble just try restarting

it would help if you included the name of the character youre asking about. im assuming you mean siri? you need to play both his and eleni's success endings to get the rest.

having trouble with barnabys route. i got his good ending just fine on the first try, but tried going back for his fail end but for some reason his second event wont trigger no matter what. i even tried just choosing all the good options like i did the first time, and it still wont trigger for some reason. if anyone knows whats wrong with it please let me know.

Thanks for playing! I just saw the VOD of your stream. You were pretty close to the end, getting through the castle door is the last thing in the demo. I'll probably go back and try to make some of the items in that area a bit clearer.

The mouse wheel rollback was default with Ren'Py, but I didn't realize it would affect the music as well; I'll just disable it. Thanks for commenting, and for the stream! Seeing a playthrough definitely helped me notice a few more things I can probably make better.

very cool! the puzzles are very fun and not too difficult to figure out, though im not sure if theres meant to be a clue for the electrical switches -- i just did it by trial and error.

the story is fun and intriguing, it makes me want to spend more time in the world and learn more. and i always love a library setting. clicked on every single book topic and shelf despite my innate understanding that most of them would do nothing.

Very nice game! The art and ambience are very nice, and it's always fun to play as a cat. I did notice some technical issues, though, particularly with variables saving.

I noticed when I replayed a second time, all the things id done in the first playthrough carried over. But at the same time there are checks that seem to ignore my choices even on the same playthrough. It let me cut up the little mushroom multiple times, for instance.

More importantly, it was impossible for me to progress because every time I entered the hallway the same conversation would start, so my options were limited. I couldn't get an item I needed for the other ending.

Thanks for the reply, I'll keep an eye on it and grab it when I can!

And yeah, it took me a while to realize itch does that myself. No worries.

been having a lot of trouble trying to download the game. first download got interrupted because it got replaced with a new release, second one got interrupted because the files are apparently just gone.

if you're uploading a new version for a bug fix, you don't need to delete the old one right away; hope i can play the game soon.

Wow, that was really good! The art style is really charming, and the puzzles were just the right amount of challenging. It took me forever to find the last item I needed, but once I found it it seemed obvious in hindsight, lol. Which is a sign of a good puzzle in my mind.

It's a fun little world you've put together, too. All the characters seemed distinct, and the simple designs are cute.

It doesn't seem fair to rate this as it is, since it's clear you didn't have time to get it to a playable state, but what you do have looks very interesting.

I saw you've mentioned you modelled the assets yourself; you did a great job! They look good, and it's a good-looking environment. I'm curious what you had planned for it. Playing around with the objects on the table is fun, if they're intended to stay wherever you place them like that I can imagine you can come up with some pretty fun puzzles with that.

The mouse sensitivity seems very high. When I move my mouse a little, the camera whips around very fast. I'd recommend toning it down or including an adjustable setting for it, if you work on this further.

This game has such a lovely atmosphere, it's a treat to play. I had a few technical issues, the cursor would disappear sometimes and I was unable to get the browser version to load at all so I downloaded it instead. When I beat the game, I couldn't figure out a way to close it; I had to manually shut down the program. If there's a button to close the game I'd suggest making it more apparent, or otherwise including one if it doesn't exist.

For the gameplay itself, the puzzles were fun to solve once I figured out how they worked. Not obvious, but not overwhelmingly difficult -- aside from the 4 elements one. That felt like a lot of trial and error; that's not a bad thing, but it did feel a bit like lucking into the right answer. For the general talk/interact segments, it was sometimes difficult to tell what could be clicked on since background elements mostly blend together. Aesthetically, it makes it all look cohesive -- but it makes the game a little more difficult to play.

It was very enjoyable overall, I have to say! The art and music are beautiful, and the characters and story are really interesting. If you plan to continue the game after the jam, I'd love to play more.

Mine is a browser game -- The Butterfly Queen

I'm a solo dev and this is my first time making a point-and-click game, so I'd love to get any feedback and will do the same for yours.

Cute game! The pixel art is very nice, and it's fun to watch. It does have a pretty slow start. Most notably, the time before the first rebirth is very long, since as far as I can tell there's no way to speed up crystal gathering. Still very enjoyable, though!

Great start! Though it seems very linear right now; most 'wrong' choices seem to almost immediately result in a game over. It's still a fun little game and I'd love to see it finished.

I'm not sure if it's a bug, but if I approach the woman looking for her dog when i have the dog with me, it doesn't acknowledge that it's with me and acts like I still left it behind.

i wasn't able to get this game to work either by downloading it or by the link on the game's page. the exe just gives me an error, and the browser game on flowlabs doesnt seem to do anything when i click play.

if you get it working id love to try it out, though from the trailer video included it doesnt particularly look like an adventure game?

very cool concept! my knowledge of french is a little shaky but i was able to understand enough to play and what youve got so far is fun. combining the cards to progress is something i dont see often, i like it.

im trying so hard to defeat the bundesclown but i never actually passed the bar exam

got the time travel eggnding. very good. 


ive waited my whole life for this dream to become real.

(fantastic game and incredibly cute art, loved it.)


(1 edit)

(using GMS 1, so if youre using 2 idk if this will help)

hey! i think i finally figured this one out, though its not a complete solution it looks like.  its in the    create_dialogue    script, down in the    switch(arg_count-1)     statement.

at the end of each case youll see an if statement that checks    if(a[i] != 0)    . i added     && !is_undefined(a[i])    to each one, and from a quick test it looks like that worked, at least in the base project.

since the text events use a different script than the normal dialogue, however, those are still broken.

thank you for the feedback! overall there was a lot more that i wanted to do but wasnt able to yet, which i think definitely shows. ill take everything you said into account and try to improve it a little more, since i want to do more now that the jam has ended.

the HUD elements all being in the top left is a glitch, yeah. unfortunately i didnt discover it until after the jam was already over, so i wasnt able to fix it for the jam version.

ive been trying to make a browser version work, but the script i used for the dialogue is apparently incompatible with html5. hoping to find a workaround soon though.

i see. ill have to try it again sometime, then! and ill check out that txt file too. even if i had trouble with the game, its definitely very interesting.

this is clearly a very well made game. it looks fantastic, the music is catchy, and the mechanics seem pretty well polished. as for what the dates are like, i dont think ill ever know. 

there are some things that i think could definitely be elaborated on. theres no intro, and im not sure if theres supposed to be character interaction between stages (there didnt seem to be after the first, anyway). as i havent played your previous games, it means i have no idea who im pursuing. given the amount of effort needed to get the dates, adding a little character intro before you start might help make the reward seem a little more exciting.

it was not entirely clear to me what the rules were for getting hit -- sometimes a bullet would hit me and the only reaction would be a sound to indicate it, and sometimes id die the second one came near me. there are definitely moments where theres no way to completely avoid them, so having that information likely would have helped.

overall this seems like a great game, despite those things. i might try to come back to it at some point, but the difficulty does seem to be very far above my level.

Thank you for the feedback! I'll keep working on improving it. I'm glad you let me know about the UI bug, too. I hadn't run into that one while testing, so I'll look into it and fix it.

hey, thanks for posting this -- i know you commented this a long time ago, but i was hoping to get some clarification, if you dont mind, since im having this problem. 

when you say "add !is_undefined(...)", where are you actually putting it? i tried to use this solution and i couldnt quite figure it out.

excellent game. came here after watching some of your pixel art tutorials on youtube and getting recommended the video of you making this one -- really fun to play and loved to see your process on it too.

(2 edits)

(GMS 1)

does anyone know how to change the default font color? i know it says to just change "default_col" in obj_textbox but that does nothing at all. i know ive fixed it in projects ive used this for before, but i cant remember how i did it and cant figure it out this time.

EDIT: leaving this up for both future me and anyone with a similar problem. in the actual create_dialogue script it sets the default text color as c_white directly, which seems to overwrite whatever youve set in the textbox. i know the default_col variable does get used in the code of the textbox object but i dont really have the attention span to figure out exactly why it doesnt take effect. i just changed the default in the script.

this was really fun! i love the characters and the art style

can the title screen/menu background contain a character without counting against the one sprite limit?